Ramer Ultra Soft Baby Sponge review

from Ramer Sponges
RRP  £5.40
Ramer Ultra Soft Baby Sponge

by Ellie Kirwin-Jones |
Updated on

Ramer Ultra Soft Baby Sponge at a glance:

Ramer's Ultra Soft Baby Sponge, now in brand-new packaging, features a super-fine texture, designed to be kind to baby's delicate skin. Made from a magic material, parents love how these sponges harden as they dry, helping to prevent the growth of bacteria. Each sponge is machine washable at 40oC, keeping these long-lasting, lint-free sponges fresh and squeaky clean. Easy to hold and available in handy twin packs, this bath time favourite comes in pale yellow and white, pink and rose and blue and hyacinth. The contrasting colour, hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested sponges are ideal for top to tail baby hygiene.

We spoke to these real parent testers to get their review...

How did this product make your life easier?

Elisabeth Adams says: The convenience of shopping for a baby sponge. There are limited options for sponges for babies therefore a market leading product would make my purchases pre baby easier. I feel confident using this product that it will be ok on my baby’s sensitive skin and will not irritate his skin. I like that it was soft and delicate from first use. It also didn’t discolour after repeated use.

Anjalee Adatia says: This product makes my life easier as it is easy to access, simple to grab make soft and use around creases which are tough to get around to clean. IT is also helpful that they dry so quickly so I am not so worried about having to actively dry it to ensure it is not getting mouldy. I love that they come in a moist bag to start with.

Tanya Addy says: As far as sponges go, the Ramer Ultra Baby Sponge is a good one. It dries hard, so doesn't leave a mess on surfaces, it's hygienic and the perfect size - both for me and for little hands.

Would you recommend this product to other parents?

Catriona Anderson says: I would recommend this product as it is easy to hold while washing your baby. It is also a small size making it suitable for travel. It comes in a selection of colours which makes it useful if you have several children. You can assign a different colour to each child. It dries hard but softens quickly in warm water.

Courtney Anderson says: Yes I would recommend these sponges to other parents. They are very soft on my childrens skin, and quick drying and easy to wash. I particularly like how they come in different colours, so children dont get confused over which sponge is theirs , making them more hygenic. Unlike other sponges, they dont flake off. Nice size for small hands to use themselves at bathtimr and easy to pop into swimming or soap bag.

Jazmine Anderson-Russell says: They are really soft, they come in lovely colours and as they are so delicate they are lovely for newborns skin as well as for older children. They are well priced also and don’t cost a fortune and come in a pack of two sponges, perfect for keeping one out and having one in the cupboard at all times.

Would you choose this product above all others on the market?

Linzi Arkus-Binder says: Potentially yes. As far as sponges go it is hard for them to be groundbreaking but both myself and husband liked using this product. It felt nice on our babies skin and made bathing her easy. She also has a habit of sucking and biting her sponges at bath time and it was good to see no pieces came off. It is good that is is machine washable too.

Kimberley Armitage says: I personally have not seen the other sponges available to compare these as use reusable wipes. I probably wouldn't switch to the sponges over the wipes I use at the moment as I like that my wipes should last the whole time while my baby still needs them plus for any future children I may have which is somethingimportantto me.

Elisabeth Adams says: Potentially if the product ingredients are clearer. I would prefer if it was clearer how environmentally friendly the product is. I like how the product has considered the importance of baby sponge products and clearly done their research to ensure the product is suitable for all. The design and packaging are attractive but it would’ve better if the packaging was reusable ie a pouch

What changes would you make to this product?

Anjalee Adatia says: In terms of useability I wouldnt change anything but I would probably just change in terms of visuals, just more sizes and shapes to make it look fun to buy. In terms of how it is used I wouldnt change a thing. Maybe a transportation device or a small container for travel. That would be helpful if I am going elsewhere

Tanya Addy says: Ideally the packaging would be recyclable and the sponge itself would be recyclable too.

Catriona Anderson says: There is very little I would want to change about this product as I feel it is a very good product as it is. Perhaps it could come in a range of sizes as it is quite a small sponge. Perhaps a slightly larger oval size would be good. Having said that, it is an ideal size for small babies as it fits well in your hand.

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