Eco by Naty Nappies review

from Amazon
RRP  £18.00
Eco by Naty

by Catriona Watson |
Updated on

At a glance:

Eco by Naty nappies was started by mumpreneur, Marlene Sandberg, 20 years ago. The goal was to create the best, most natural and eco-friendly baby products possible. The ECO by Naty nappy is the market leader within eco-nappies and praised worldwide for superior performance. With Naty, you are assured that only natural materials will ever be against your baby’s skin or your skin.

Expert rating:
Eco by Naty Eco-Friendly Baby NappiesAmazon
Price: $43.64
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Would you recommend this to other mums?

Rebecca: This brand has a simple design which reflects the vision of the brand perfectly. The nappies come in both traditional tab style nappies and pull-on pants from size 3 upwards which is great. Due to the material used the nappies were a little bulkier than normal but this can be forgiven since they are much better for the environment. The nappy is super soft and seemed to fit my son well and certainly managed to contain its contents.

Josie: I like the fact that the entire range from nappies to nappy bags was eco-friendly. It shows what the brand stands for and believes in. Other brands should take some more responsibility and follow their lead. The white and grey design was tasteful and gender neutral which would appeal to most people.

Sarah: What I love about these nappies is that they are eco-friendly. With the number of nappies we go through every week, it is comforting to know that these nappies are environmentally friendly. It has certainly given me food for thought and I will look out for these nappies in the future. It is important for parents to protect our environment for our children’s futures. They are also soft, comfortable and fit well.

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How did this product make your life easier?

Charlotte: The pull-up variation of this nappy leaked. The ordinary nappy was fine, however, there is no indication if it was wet. When taking them off I use the tabs to fold them together but the tabs would not stick to the nappy material so I was unable to do this.

Samantha: The product as an eco-friendly nappy is great, especially for those who are concerned about the environment but don’t want to use reusable nappies. I liked the simple pattern and liked that they weren’t brightly coloured so didn’t show through my son's clothes. The nappy did do the required job well and we had no leakages. They lasted brilliantly in comparison to other eco nappies.

Hayley: I am very happy with these nappies. I am always a bit dubious when trying a different brand due to the thought of leaking and the dread of the smell of wee from a full nights wear. These nappies did neither. I was very impressed.

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Would you choose this product to win?

Laura: I was really impressed when these nappies arrived. When I opened the box I was just expecting a plain box of nappies but these were packaged very nicely. I really liked that these nappies, wipes and nappy sacks were more environmentally friendly. The quality of the materials used to make the wipes and nappies felt very good.

Rebecca: I would definitely choose these over other leading market brands. If I was looking for an environmentally friendly option, these nappies are really excellent. The main issue is that the nappies are not on offer like other brands. This makes these nappies an expensive option in comparison to others but this does not take away from the fact that these nappies are an excellent product. These are a good compromise between towelling nappies and traditional nappies.

Rebecca:  In terms of performance, they did well through day-to-day usage. We did have a couple of leakages throughout the night which wasn't ideal. I think there are better brands of nappy out there that can both deal with the day and nighttime. I used these nappies throughout the day and then swapped to a different brand of nappies at night. I appreciate what this company is doing in terms of their footprint and would love to use these nappies more regularly but this does come at a cost.

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What changes would you make to this product?

Josie: The quality of the nappy. It felt really thin and paper-like and didn’t seem very soft on the skin. I understand that there will be a difference compared to other non-eco-friendly nappies but it was too much as I was worried that it wouldn’t be as comfortable for my son to wear.

Sarah: The one thing I would change would be to make the nappy more absorbent to last better overnight. This is essential and would sway me towards using them.

Charlotte: A way to fold them together when disposing of them would be helpful.

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