Flexi Holder review

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RRP  £17.49
Flexi Holder

by Catriona Watson |
Updated on

At a glance:

The Flexi Universal Baby Camera Holder is a safe and flexible solution. It's a 'must have' for any newborns nursery, as it will let you place your baby video camera in many different locations within your nursery. The Flexi Holder has a shelf to hold your baby video monitor, a flexible hose so that you can position it in the correct place, and the strong clamp so that you can attach it to furniture in your nursery. It requires no drilling and is easy to assemble. The portable design allows it to be taken away on overnight stays or holidays.

Expert rating:

Why do you think this product is so different from anything else on the market?

Phillipa: This product seems to be that elusive find – something that is truly universal! It happily held our monitor securely on the shelf. The design means it would hold a whole range of different models very effectively. No more wondering which product will work for you. The product feels sturdy. The clip can grip on to things approximately an inch thick and so you don’t need to worry too much about having a suitable place to balance your video monitor.

Ruby: I've never come across a product like this. If I had known it existed two years ago when I had my first child, I would have snapped it up straight away. The idea itself is innovative and something I am sure a lot of parents need. It can be so difficult trying to find a suitable place to put the camera without having to rearrange it all!

Rosanna: This product is not entirely different from others on the market. However, the ease of use and movability are fantastic. This product can be used with any type of baby monitor which is great as they all have slightly different bases. The shelf style of this product makes it easy to use with any type. It feels very sturdy. I don’t have to worry about it falling off as the clip is very secure. The lip on the shelf keeps the monitor on at any angle.

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Why does it change your life with your baby?

Philippa: The holder helps take away any faffing involved in trying to position your camera so that you can see your baby. Nobody wants to have to adjust their camera every time they slightly nudge the cot or worry about it being precariously balanced and falling. The holder definitely helps you feel more secure about your baby’s safety. You can ensure a great view of them. Ultimately, this means that as a parent you will be more relaxed and your baby will pick up on this.

Ruby: It is reassuring to know that I can monitor my baby at a better angle than before I had the Flexi Holder. I have a close birds-eye-view of the cot. Before I could just see his feet as I couldn’t find a suitable position which gave me a better angle. It keeps my mind at ease when I am away from him whilst he is resting. I can see him fully which is important especially now he is on the move and tends to shuffle his way up and down the cot.

Rosanna: This makes it so easy to place the monitor in a position to enable the best view whether at home or away. It clips onto so many different surfaces so you are always able to find a good view of your baby through the monitor. It’s easy to pack for travelling and great when we stay with family. This will be great when we go on holiday too as it won’t take up too much space in our luggage.

What excites you about this product?

Philippa: One of the wonderful features of this product is that you will not have to drill holes in your freshly plastered and painted walls of your nursery. It is so simple to clip on to any number of places and feels safe and secure. The ease with which you can use the product also means that going away with your baby becomes that much easier. The next time we go on holiday I can clip this straight on to the travel cot and will have the perfect view of my baby without having to worry about where I can balance it.

Ruby: The fact it keeps my mind at ease. It is so easy to get anxious as a parent when you have such a precious being to look after. To have the addition of this product in my baby's room really has made a difference. I have the ability to see him fully in his cot. I didn’t have to rearrange any of the furniture or try and balance it as I did with my firstborn. That alone makes the product worthwhile if you can afford it. A lot of parents are strapped for cash and may not consider this to be a necessity.

Rosanna: This product is exciting for the simple reason that you can really get the best angle to see your baby on the video monitor. This is great now our little boy has reached the stage of wiggling into all sorts of positions at night time. For the most part, the initial positioning works great but it is also easily changed if he moves into an awkward position. There is nothing complicated about it.

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What one thing would you change about this product?

Philippa: I think it is a little on the expensive side. However, considering it on a ‘price-per-use’ basis as well as considering the peace of mind it can bring to parents then this is probably a fairly minor point. The product feels very well made so I’m sure it will last! Although the holder can be attached with ease to a range of furniture there is a possibility that the clip wouldn’t necessarily grip on to everything. I wonder if the makers could find a solution for this, perhaps by including several differently sized clips.

Ruby: The retail price initially is off-putting. Unless you know someone who has this product or it is recommended I think this would put parents off purchasing it. It seems a little pricey for what it offers. That said, once you get past that, you do see the value in the product and why it is useful. It's such a stress moving your baby into their own room. You have the monitor but the Flexi Holder gives that extra bit of reassurance as it gives a better view that we all want.

Rosanna: I would change the price point. Compared to other holders you can buy, the price is on the top end. Unless you have a particularly large nursery then this isn’t really an essential item. It’s definitely a great product but not essential for everyone. As our nursery is only small we have a variety of surfaces from which to position our monitor so could get away with not having a product like this.

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