Gaia Organics Baby Carrier Wrap Review

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RRP  £39.99
Gaia Organics Baby Carrier Wrap

by Stephanie Spencer |
Published on

I’m a first time mum-to-be and I’ve been testing out a lot of different things to figure out what works for me. One thing I have tried recently was the Gaia Stretchy Baby Wrap Carrier – and it was something I was nervous about before I actually gave it a go. However, my nerves were pretty quickly settled.

Expert rating:
Gaia organics


  • Soft and breathable with easy-to-use
  • Gender-neutral and size-inclusive design
  • Naturally anti-bacterial, biodegradable and free from chemical dyes


  • Some parents would have liked some more designs to choose from
  • Comfort:
  • Ease of use:
  • Ease of cleaning:
  • Design:
  • Durability:
  • Support:
Suitable age:Newborn-toddler
Weight range:3.6kg to 15kg (8-33lbs)
Weight of carrier:400g
Adjustability:One size fits all
Special features:Naturally anti-bacterial, biodegradable and free from chemical dyes

Testing Gaia Organics Baby Carrier Wrap

Safety was a big concern for me, I couldn’t comprehend how a baby could be stable and supported in a simple wrap, but I was baffled at how secure I felt. The wrap came with guidelines for three different ways to fit my little one and keep them in place and I only had two attempts before I felt comfortable with how the carrier was sitting. Thankfully, the guidelines described a middle point – which came with a sticker – that meant I was always able to be confident that I was putting things in the right way, it was perfect!

The baby carrier is only £40, and after getting aa non-wrap carrier, I wasn’t sure if it would be something I’d actually use. However, it’s so much easier than some of the pricier carriers I’ve tried which will therefore make it my indoor and events go-to. I’ll still probably use my non-wrap carrier for long walks, but I definitely could use this one too, which makes the price worth it in my opinion, especially compared to some other options.

Because it’s nothing but a wrap, it’s incredibly light, which means the only extra weight really is my little one. Meanwhile, other carriers have a little weight on its own. This is another reason it’ll be my go-to around the house, because it’s so light! There’s not too much material or any straps at all, making the size of it quite small as it’s stripped right back to basics.

I’ll be able to use this right through to my little one being a toddler and up to 33lbs, I’ll just need to change the position to suit their needs, but the instruction manual will help me with that. Once I’ve put it on, there is a lot of extra material, so it would be perfect for all body types and their little one would still feel comfortable and secure.

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Final verdict

Overall, I love the product! I think it’s an absolute bargain and I’ll be wearing it most days. This is so perfect for when I’m doing cooking or cleaning, or going over to people’s houses and want to keep my baby secure – all while hands free!

Gaia Organics Baby Carrier Wrap FAQs

How do I keep it clean?

It is machine washable.

What else do I need to know about the Gaia Organics Baby Carrier Wrap?

It is made from quality cotton (150gsm), has a 1 way stretch for ease of use, and offer 3 ergonomic carry positions for optimum lower back and hip development.

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