Hana Baby Wrap Bamboo review

from Amazon
Hana Baby 
Wrap Bamboo

by motherandbaby |
Updated on

What we say:

Ideal if you’re looking for a really lightweight sling for younger babies. Small enough to pop in your change bag, it’s made from soft, stretchy bamboo so you won’t overheat in it. It’s designed for younger babies so won’t last as long as others we tested, but it’s a lovely first sling and would make a brilliant new baby gift.

Tested by Amy Connolly, from Cornwall, mum to Bodhi, five months. She said:

I think this is the ideal sling for carrying a newborn baby as the material is incredibly soft to the touch. Unfortunately, I didn’t feel I could tie it tight enough to carry my Bodhi comfortably, so I didn’t really get the hands-free benefit of babywearing with this sling. I found I had to keep stopping to adjust it and re-tie it. It’s better suited to younger babies.

Tested by Kirsty Graydon, from Angus, mum to Charlie, six months, and Finlay, three. She said:

First off, this sling is lovely and light! Once I figured out how to put it on and wrap it correctly, I found it was great for wearing on short walks. On longer rambles, Charlie tended to sink down a little in the wrap so I had to tighten and re-tie it, which is not ideal when you have a toddler to chase after too! I think it's best for younger babies or short strolls.

Tested by Hazel Newhouse, from Bedfordshire, mum to Ivy, 18 months. She said:

This is a beautiful and lightweight wrap in cashmere-soft fabric that’s thin enough to wear underneath a coat. It doubles up as a blanket and, handily, folds up very small. It’s a lovely shape with nicely cut ends, which means there’s not loads of excess fabric dangling down. If you could continue using this one to carry toddlers it would have been my overall winner.

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