We Made Me Pao Carrier

from We Made Me Ltd
We Made Me Pao Carrier

by motherandbaby |
Updated on

What they say:

“The Pao Carrier is a brilliantly versatile, 3-in-1 soft-structured baby carrier created to offer the ultimate in design, comfort and support to both parent and child. This multi-directional carrier can be used for front-carry in both word-facing and parent-facing, and back-carry. Not only versatile, this carrier has been carefully designed to support the most advanced and ergonomically correct world-facing sitting position. Eminently stylish as well as functional, the Pao Carrier has a flattering hourglass shape design that not only creates the perfect silhouette, but also is exceptionally comfortable to wear.”

Tested by mum Rebecca Carroll for the M&B Awards 2017:

Would you recommend this to other mums?

Baby feels very close and secure in the Pao Carrier. I do not feel like I need a hand to support her. I like the fact that in the parent-facing position baby is high up on you and therefore feels very close and snuggled in. The Pao Carrier was fairly easy to put on once adjusted to your settings. The Pao Carrier is very compact so easy to carry around.

How did this product make your life easier?

You can easily get on with other chores whilst baby is in the Pao Carrier around the house, when you have a very clingy baby this makes life so much easier. The fact that this carrier will be able to be used until baby is quite old makes it much more value for money, although having to wait till baby is four months old to be able to use the carrier is not ideal, there are carriers that can be used earlier at the time when I felt slings make the most difference in your life.

Would you choose this product to win?

I feel like the Pao Carrier has the features of some of the more expensive carriers, without the price tag. If you are looking for a quality product at a good price I feel like this is the product, it's not that much more expensive than some of the less structured products on the market, but I feel much more user friendly and secure for baby.

What changes would you make to this product?

I don't feel 100 percent secure with there being so many fastenings on the product, I do worry that the back straps could come undone. The weight distribution is good, however not the best I have felt in a carrier, I do not feel like I could carry baby in the carrier for more than an hour, though this is probably still one of the best on the market.

Tested by mum Alexis Hogarth for the M&B Awards 2017:

Would you recommend this to other mums?

I would definitely recommend the Pao Carrier to another parent. The carrier is versatile with the ability to carry my baby comfortably in front carry (parent and world facing) as well as on my back. Both me and my husband are able to use it just as easily. I also love the fact that it packs down into such a compact and secure package when I'm not using it.

How did this product make your life easier?

The Pao Carrier helps my get on and do chores in town quickly and efficiently without having to worry about manoeuvering an unwieldy pram through shop displays, up and down lifts to avoid stairs or in particularly busy places, just other customers. It is compatible with my baby-wearing coat which is also a great bonus.

Would you choose this product to win?

The Pao Carrier is of a reasonable price whilst still maintaining a high build and design quality. The instructions are thorough and easy to follow making sure that it is clear at what stage babies can transfer between the different hold positions. The use of different 'animal parents' for the different carry styles even adds to the clarity of the instructions.

What changes would you make to this product?

There is plenty of adjustability to mean that this carrier will be comfortable on anyone and can be used anywhere, however the level of adjustability does also mean that it can take a while to get your head around getting all of the straps into the right balance. I therefore feel that for the first few 'wears' that I needed my partner to help set things up as they have a better view of all of the buckles. Simplifying the buckles is the only way to improve the product.

Tested by mum Carly Cox for the M&B Awards 2017:

Would you recommend this to other mums?

I'd recommend the Pao Carrier for many reasons. If you're after a lightweight, compact, ergonomic carrier then this is the one for you. It's super easy to use (once you get used to what goes where) and unlike other carriers it's doesn't need 'breaking in'. The fabric is super soft from the moment you pull it out of the tube packing. I tested this carrier with my 20lb, 9 month old and the weight distribution was fantastic. I struggle with a bad back but I loved carrying my little girl in this.

How did this product make your life easier?

When we tested this carrier our little girl was grouchy because she'd missed her morning nap. I popped her in and she loved the closeness straight away. I should have taken the opportunity to wash up, go to the shops or something equally as useful but instead I walked around my house enjoying cuddles that I never get from my fiercely independent 9 month old!

Would you choose this product to win?

This was our favourite carrier. Simple to use, lightweight, compact and super soft material. I love the way it folds down into one little package making it easy to transport around. If like me, you like to do a combination of carrying and pushing this is a great carrier to keep in the bottom of your pushchair.

What changes would you make to this product?

The one negative I have about this product was that I found it hard to adjust when it was on. The material seemed to bunch up in the buckles, therefore making it impossible to pull tighter. I had to get baby out tighten it and put her back in. I also couldn't reach the buckles to loosen when baby was in the carrier.

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