Chicco Talking Kitchen

from Chicco
RRP  £39.99

by motherandbaby |
Updated on

Chicco’s Talking Kitchen is sturdy and colourful, with lots of options for role-playing and learning. The bilingual settings are excellent and the sounds and buttons will keep little ones amused for ages. The kitchen is also a good size for small hands and it doesn’t take up too much room either.

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The included accessories are great (although the eggs could look more egg-like) but there could be more, to make the toy better value for money. The kitchen also needs exra storage capacity, and a door on the back of the ‘recycling compartment’ (shape sorter) as well.

Overall, a fantastic toy that little ones will keep coming back to year after year.

Product Information

  • Height: 39.0 cm

  • Width: 41.0 cm

  • Depth; 19.0 cm

  • Weight: 2.07 kg

  • Batteries Required: 3 x AA (included)

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