Muro Mini Pack review

from Amazon
RRP  £129.00
Muro Mini Pack

by motherandbaby |
Updated on

Welcome to Muro, a really unique play centre. The Muro Mini Pack contains a Muro board, and five toys to attach to the board.

The Muro board is made of strudy plywood and can be fixed to a wall - the pack includes fixings - or used as a stand-alone toy anywhere you want. Attach the accompanying toys in whatever place or design you wish, thanks to the holes, allowing complete freedom and creativity. You simply press the rubberwood toys into the holes with an easy click.

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Included in the Mini Pack are the following toys:

  • Colour Spinner

  • Rattle

  • Light Switch

  • String Pull

  • Pull-up Rail

Suitable from 12 months old, the Muro board is customisable with more toys and so grows with your little one and their development needs. There are more than 30 toys available to buy separately so the possibilities are endless.

Tested by Sophie Knight and her son, Eli, aged 18 months.

"Both me and Eli loved this board. There's so much flexibility in how to play with it, and what goes where. We wanted a fiddle board for ages but didn't have the time to make one ourselves, so this was a boon. Eli loves playing with the toys and he's now figuring out how to move them around too. He also likes it when I move them around overnight so he wakes up and they're in different spots on the board.

"The board feels really well made, sturdy and secure. We have used it on the floor but now Eli is getting older we're going to attach it to the wall to keep it even safer.

"It is a lot of money, but, the quality is high and I think this will last for a long time as Eli's skills develop, and you can buy new toys to add to it."

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