OK Baby Bella Bath tub and stand

OK Baby Bella Bath tub and stand

by Emily Gilbert |
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Ergonomically designed to guarantee the correct posture for your baby as they bathe, the OK Baby Bella Bath tub and stand are lightweight and easy to transport. It comes with a built-in thermometer and recommended water level indicator plus a quick-drain plug with a safety key. It won bronze for Best Bathtime Product in our 2023 Mother&Baby Awards.

OK Baby Bella Bath tub and stand overview


• Comes in 3 colours

• Retains heat well

• Can be stored on the back of the door

• Has built-in thermometer


• The temperature gauge can be difficult to read when the bath is full

Testing the OK Baby Bella Bath tub and stand

My baby absolutely loves this bath tub and stand and is able to relax in it comfortably. At first, I was a bit sceptical, thinking she wouldn't like it as with the other baths I have bought for her, she screamed until I took her out. But not this one, she just lies comfortably in it and this bath has made my life so much easier to use as it has the stand too.

I have two other children aged one and a half 1/2 and two and a half 1/2 and they always wanted to be right on top of you. When the other baths were on the floor, the water went everywhere but not with this one. I can put it on the stand, lay my baby in it and bathe her as I need to without being disturbed. It has made life so much easier for me as I'm not having to have my eyes constantly elsewhere and I can focus on my baby and getting her bathed and letting her enjoy her time in the water. I love that this bath has two separate parts which will do her until she is one-years-old. She can lie in the part that goes up until six months and then I can switch her to the other side from 6 months. With other baths I had in the past, my other children outgrew them very quickly and I had to buy something else to help them when putting them into the shower.

I wish I had known about this bath sooner, especially because of the stand you can get as you are not having to bend down, constantly straining your back. Instead, you can stand up and move around the bathroom as you please.

I love that this bath comes with a built-in thermometer that tells you when the water is too cold, too hot and just at the perfect temperature. It also has a fill level on it too so that water will not be getting thrown all over the floor. I really like that it has a drain plug in it that also comes with a drain tube that you can attach by unlocking the drain in the bath, so you don't have to try lifting the bath to empty it.

Final thoughts

The only thing I would recommend changing about this bath is the lock and unlock button as there is a part you have to connect to the stand before first use and when I was connecting mine, it snapped in half before I even got to use the bath or stand so I had to glue this back together. So the only thing I would recommend is if it already came assembled with the locking part already done then you would just have to put the bath on and click to lock it.

Other than that, there is nothing else I would change. The brand has definitely got parents and babies in mind when they made this product and it is a winner for me compared to other products I have tried. Overall this bath has changed my life for the better, I'm so looking forward to continuing using it.

Product specification

Double position seat: 0/6 months and 6/12 months.

Built-in thermometer and recommended water level indicator.

Quick-drain plug with a safety key.

Small and compact. Measuring only 78.5 x 50 x 25.5 cm

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