Maxi-Cosi Coral with FamilyFix³ Base review

from Maxi-Cosi
RRP  £259.99
Maxi-Cosi Coral with FamilyFix³ Base

by Lorna White |
Updated on

Featured our pick of the best car seats, the Maxi-Cosi Coral is much more than a baby car seat. Designed with split functionality, it gives you confidence in a car seat that has the highest safety standards from birth up to 12 months, along with the freedom of having a detachable lightweight soft carrier that weighs only 1.7kg to reduce carrying weight up to 50%. The soft carrier locks easily into the intuitive safety shell, which can be clicked on the FamilyFix³ base for easy installation and the highest i-Size safety. The Coral was also the world's first modular car seat to be made.

We spoke to these real mum testers to get their review...


  • Ultra-lightweight inner is only 1.7kg, making it easy to carry baby from car to destination
  • ISOFIX compatible
  • Easy to install with a 3-light check to show it's safely secured
  • Complies with the latest i-Size safety standard (R129/03)


  • Some parents found the overall design a little bulky
  • Limited colour availability
Suitable:From 40 to 75cm (0 - 12kg)
Safety:Complies with the latest i-Size safety standard (R129/03)
ISOFIX compatible:Yes
Sun canopy:Yes
ADAC Tested?Rated Good with a score of 1.9
  • 360° swivelling seat 
  • FlexiSpin, one-hand rotation
  • Ultra-lightweight
  • Soft fabrics
  • Easy-in harness
  • i-Size safety
  • TravelSafe rotation control
  • Click&Go installation
  • ISOFIX installation with support leg (sold separately)

How did this product make your life easier?

Jess Banks says: "The ability to remove the insert from the car seat and carry baby in in that was really useful. The car seat itself is quite bulky but being able to remove just that part was really clever. The Isofix base was really easy to install and the 3 light check gave me peace of mind that it had been installed correctly. It was simply to unload the whole car seat from the base when necessary."

Emily Farmery says: "This is the best car seat I've tried! The detachable soft carrier is brilliant, it's so much lighter to bring in and out of the house plus you don't have a car seat littering your home. This was my favourite feature however the safety features are the best I've come across too. The 3 lights to confirm the chair is fitted correctly into the base and the base fitted correctly to the car is great and so reassuring. The base is larger than others but actually dent feel that heavy. The seat its self is also very light and the shade is great too. I love that it's easy to pull out and stays in place. It's discreet and not at all bulky to fold back. I love this car seat!"

Chloe Hopkin says: "This car seat makes my life easier as a mum as it is really light weight, which is good for me as I live in a fourth floor flat and the walk to my car is quite a way. As it's light I am able to carry it along with other bags and it saves me having to do two separate trips to the car. The isofix base was also easy to install in my car."

Would you recommend this product to other parents?

Rebecca Jones says: "I would recommend this product to a fellow mum as it would make their life easier as they would be able to get out and about with baby easier. It also does not take up anywhere near as much room in the house as it can easily be stored in a cupboard or space without taking up too much room. It also looks really nice."

Jackie Littlewood says: "I trust the brand anyway as I have used car seats from Maxi-Cosi in the past with my first born child. It feels sturdy and for me one of the most important factors is the duration the baby can remain facing rearward in the car. People have commented that it looks like a great car seat to use so would probably want one."

Louise Manners says: "It's very easy to clean, I love how protected she looks and feels especially from the sides as she looks completely protected and surrounded. I'd recommend it based off the ability to pick the baby up and carry them into the house whilst in the seat without the heavy shell you normally have with a car seat. On top of this, it's smaller, so I often leave it in the house, strap the baby in and then take her out once she's settled which makes it easy for mum's that have other children to put into the car too."

Would you choose this product above all others on the market?

Dawn Moran says: "Overall it feels the safest, it's the easiest to use, it's very good value for money and it's a brand I trust. I've never seen another seat with the three layers of transportation. It definitely stands out. It makes life easier for mums, especially with me because my partner works away and its one I can use quickly to get out of the house with minimal fuss."

Hannah Sellenthin says: "It's hard to say, it wasn't my favourite seat to use just on the basis that most of the time when I'm on my own I struggle to get the baby in and out, it seems like I need three hands instead of two. When my boyfriend is around I usually make him do it but then once the baby is in, he's happy in there."

Kelly Walton says: "Yes out of all the car seats I have tried I would recommend the Coral with FamilyFix³ base above the others. Although the product was quite a bit more expensive than the average price for a car seat and base, the two part modular system really made this one stand out and showed me that it needn’t be as hard to take my daughter on car journeys as I had been finding it! This system was easier and quicker to use (installation, putting the seat in and out each time, and buckling her in) than all the others and my daughter found it extremely comfortable – making journeys that much more relaxing!"

What changes would you make to this product?

Jess Banks says: "I understand it is a new product to the market but perhaps offering it in a few different colours would be good as the black and grey is a bit boring. Other than that, I wouldn’t change anything as it is a great product. The Isofix base was really good and I liked the 3 light check system and the fact it could be used for multiple different car seats."

Emily Farmery says: "I think this chair is great so I am clutching at straws trying to find a fault. The only thing that I felt could be better was the quality of the plastic. Some chairs seem a bit more sturdy and this shell perhaps feels a little less substantial and not as luxurious as some. I imagine this is what helps it be such a light chair but in comparison with others the quality doesn’t seem as good."

Chloe Hopkin says: "If I could change one thing about this car seat and base it would be the design of the seat. I think that the seat would look better with some kind of cover over it so that you couldn't see the round part at the bottom. Other than that I cannot think of anything that I would change about this car seat and base."

About the author

Lorna White is the Products Editor for Mother&Baby. After running the Yours magazine website, specialising in content about caring for kids and grandchildren, Lorna brought her expertise to Mother&Baby in 2020. She has a keen interest in a range of topics from potty training and nutrition to baby names and early development and has a wide range of experienced medical experts and professionals at her fingertips. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her two young sisters, dog walking and enjoying the outdoors with her family.

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