The Maxi-Cosi MiloFix is a practical car seat. It’s strong, sturdy and very safe. It’s easy to get baby in and out of the car seat when in a hurry, especially with the ISOFIX, and it has a good recline feature. The seat sits higher in the car, which means that it’s in easy view from the front, and also offers little ones a nice window view. The product wipes clean, the fabric is durable and the bubble design is attractive.
However, the shoulder seatbelts are hampered by excessively large pads and the headrest fits awkwardly around them, so the belts rest on the upper arms as opposed to the shoulders – if the headrest was lifted to a higher position, the seatbelts would sit closer together, stopping them from slipping off. The seat is also quite bulky, which makes it better suited to bigger cars.
Overall, it’s a comfortable, ergonomic product that’s easily adjusted; the seatbelt design needs improvement but it’s an effective product – pricey but good value for money.