Multimac car seat: Now R129 accredited for maximum safety and convenience

Images of the Mulimac car seat

by Laura Healy |
Updated on

If you are looking for a convenient and stylish car seat for your family, then the Multimac car seat might just be what you are looking for. Multimac is the creator of the world's only multi-child car seat for children between the ages of 0-12. They have a range of 3 or 4 seater car seats which are great for families when they have a third or fourth child but don't want to buy a huge car to accommodate their growing family.

Now, not only does Multimac offer convenience but excellent safety too because in April 2024 they were accredited with the R129 safety rating. When it comes to car seats, as parents, our first concern is safety and the R129 rating, which is the newest and safest car seat rating, means that the Multimac complies with all required safety standards and has undergone rigorous testing to meet the stringent safety requirements.

Multimac 930 car seatMultimac
Age range: 1 - 12 years
Weight range: 0-36kg
Height range: 0-135cm
Width (Multimac 930)965 mm (2 x Standard Seats 300mm, 1 x Club Seats 330mm)
Weight: 31kg
Safety rating: R129
  • Suitable from age 0-12
  • Available in 3 and 4 seaters
  • Customisable
  • Accessories available
  • Varying widths

The Multimac car seat aims to provide a solution for getting more than two car seats in a five-seater car. It is legal to use in the UK and now with R129 accreditation has undergone extensive testing to ensure it provides excellent safety. The car seat is available in options for 3 or 4 children and can be easily installed and also removed, plus it is simple to wipe clean, which we know is important because we understand how messy car seats can get with little ones.

The car seat comes with an option for varying widths too, which means it can fit in nearly all cars including compact, family, saloons and SUVs. You won't need to change your car to fit your family and even better the Multimac is customisable and you can choose the finish in standard faux leather or real leather to suit your style and car.

Whether you want a car seat for a 3 year old, a newborn, or your 10 year old, the Multimac works for all the family, plus there are lots of accessories to purchase too. But, most importantly, it provides a safe option for your little ones when on the road.

Are Multimac car seats legal in the UK?

Yes they are. Multimac say, "the United Kingdom recognises the European standard that we are crash tested under and the Multimac has been approved for use in the UK by the VCA, ABI, and British government."

Are Multimac car seats safe?

Multimac have recently been awarded the R129 safety accreditation and have undergone extensive testing. The car seats for R129 accreditation are now tested using Q dummies which have 32 sensors to really evaluate seat safety. The difficulty with Multimac crash testing was the Q dummies are extremely expensive and most test house only have one. Multimac required four in order to test, but they overcame this challenge and the Multimac car seat was tested with four Q dummies ensuring it was accredited with R129.

What does R129 approved mean?

There are two safety standards which all car seats must adhere to in the UK. The first is ECE R44 which is based on your child's weight, can be fitted using either ISOFIX or the car's seatbelt and is tested for rear and frontal impact. However, ECE R44 car seats are not tested for side-impact collisions. The newer standard ECE R129 is based on your child's height. It is the safest standard with improved head and neck protection as well as being tested for side-impact crashes.

The Multimac car seat is available from with prices starting from £1599.

Laura Healy is a Commercial Content Writer for Mother&Baby. She is a mum-of-two girls and loves writing about all things parenting, she is particularly interested in the toddler years and eco-friendly baby products, as well as children’s literature. She has a PhD in Creative Writing and has published short stories in the UK and Ireland, as well as previously writing freelance for her local paper.

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