How to create Mrs Hinch’s farm-themed bedroom

Mrs Hinch farm-themed bedroom

by Eleanor Weaver |
Published on

If you have a farm-obsessed tot and are looking for a little bedroom design inspiration, you needn't look further than Mrs Hinch. The clean-fluencer and mum of two recently updated Ronnie's bedroom to become his own adorable farmyard.

We've shared exactly how she achieved this unique bedroom theme and included some best buys to help you create a similar bedroom for a growing toddler.

1) Farm-themed mural

The standout feature of the bedroom has to be the farmyard mural handpainted by Chris Westall, an artist based in Essex. Featuring favourite farm animals such as pigs, sheep, and cows, rolling fields and hills, and even a little sign to 'Hinch Farm', it's a perfect backdrop to the farm-inspired bedroom. Little Ronnie even played with the art itself, feeding the alpacas a drink - how cute!

Read next: 15 best wooden farm sets to let your child’s imagination run wild

Wall mural
©Mrs Hinch/ Instagram

If you're after the man himself, you can find Chris via his website. Alternatively, you could decorate the walls of your toddler's bedroom yourself using farm-themed wallpaper.

2) Farm-themed details

To truly bring the theme to life, Mrs Hinch filled the room with farm-themed details. This included haystack bed covers and pillows, farm-inspired storybooks, toy tractors, cuddly farm animals, and toy potted vegetables.

Related: Farm animal toys for imaginative play

We also love the way she repurposed crates to act as storage for books and toys, to create the shape of a tractor, and to act as bedside tables too. Simple yet very effective for the theme.

Farm details
©Mrs Hinch/ Instagram

On the Farm
Price: $10.99

Manhattan Toy Lovelies Lindy Lamb
Price: $29.99
Alternative retailers
Walmart$36.05View offer

Orchard Toys Farmyard Heads and Tails Game
Price: $15.90
Alternative retailers
Walmart$28.05View offer

3) Farm market play corner

Last but not least, Mrs Hinch turned a corner of Ronnie's room into 'The Hinch Farmers Market' where her son could role play as a farm shop owner. Complete with toy food, all farm-sourced veggies, a service bell, till, and shopping bags, this was the perfect addition to the room. Not only are role play toys like this fantastic for development, but a great way to encourage your child's imagination to run wild.

Farm shop
©Mrs Hinch/ Instagram

Related: Mrs Hinch shares ‘Ron’s restaurant’ and it’s the best idea for imaginative play

Here are some great farm-themed role play toys for your child to play with:

Melissa & Doug Wooden Food GroupsMelissa & Doug

Rrp: $27.99

Price: $22.99
Alternative retailers
Target$15.99View offer
Macy's$22.99View offer
Wayfair$25.65View offer
Walmart$26.98View offer

Wooden Play Shop & Cafe
Price: $110.50 (was £130)

Airlab Wooden Play Food for Kids
Price: $19.99
Alternative retailers
Walmart$28.99View offer
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