Mrs Hinch shares the perfect way to keep kids entertained

Mrs Hinch Wash Up Tray

by Hannah Carroll |
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Cleaning influencer, Mrs Hinch not only gives us the best hacks to have our home shining, but now the best ways to keep our kids entertained too. Is there anything she can't do? The cleaning sensation, 32, whose real name is Sophie Hinchliffe, is mum to three-year-old Ronnie and one-year-old Lennie. Recently she has taken to social media to show how she creates role-playing activities for her children to enjoy in the garden.

Related: How to recreate Mrs Hinch’s play tray

Mrs Hinch revealed her first-born Ronnie loves to help her wash up. She has now re-created the experience so he can enjoy scrubbing his own toys with his brother Lennie.

Mrs Hinch's Wash Up Play Tray
©Mrs Hinch

Inspire My Play - Tuff Tray
Price: $69.99

Mrs Hinch has been showcasing her new tuff tray on Instagram. She often fills it with different textures, materials and liquids so her boys can engage in sensory play. We love this multi-purpose tray as it is easy to clean and comes with six compartments. This tuff tray is just like the one Mrs Hinch uses in her home.

Best plastic cutlery set for kids

This huge kitchen playset is just like the one Ronnie and Lennie can be seen playing with in Mrs Hinch's post. It can be used for role-playing as well as cleaning.

Cleaning organiser like Mrs Hinch's for Ronnie

This wash-up tidy is how Mrs Hinch organises Ronnie's washing products. It can be moved from room to garden with its handle. This metal organiser is robust for playtime.

Mrs Hinch gives this to Ronnie to clean his toys
Price: $11.48

Mrs Hinch loves her Dishmatic for cleaning her home. She has now got one for Ronnie to use when he is washing up. This washing product can be filled and refilled. Mrs Hinch fills it with a child-friendly cleaning solution.

Foam sponges are perfect for sensory play as they have a different texture, and water can be rung out easily.

This soft texture is different to other cleaning sponges. Having a variety of consistencies is excellent for sensory play.

Although this isn't the refillable bottle in Mrs Hinch's story, this squeezable container is perfect for children. Why not fill the bottles with some safe solution so your children can play?

Cleaning solution gentle enough for children's play

Mrs Hinch uses Aveeno Baby Daily Care Gentle Bath & Wash for Ronnie when he is playing washing up. It is very gentle on children's skin, doesn't contain harsh chemicals and is suitable for daily use. Plus, this solution is approved by paediatricians and dermatologists.

Personalised Stick On Waterproof (Equipment) Name LabelsDotty About Paper

Mrs Hinch uses these exact labels for her son's items. The Name labels are so handy for parents because you can easily tell which toy is whose - especially as they are waterproof, so perfect for activities like this.

Mrs Hinches Play set up for Ronnie
Mrs Hinch's washing up items for Ronnie ©Mrs Hinch
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