Best books for 3 year olds – books about love, veggies, pets, dinosaurs, pants and more!

Best books for 3 year olds

by Samantha Ball |
Updated on

Reading to your three-year-old has so many benefits, from helping you bond to showing your little one that you're interested in spending time with them. But it's also the perfect time to teach them important literacy skills, not to mention a great opportunity to develop their social skills and knowledge.

We spoke to Samantha Cleaver, co-author of Read With Me: Engaging Your Young Child in Active Reading and a mum of three, and asked for her top tips for encouraging your three-year-old to read. And then we've rounded up our favourites of the best books for 3 year olds to help you choose for your toddler.

Best books for 3 year olds at a glance:

Top tips for encouraging your three-year-old to read

"There are so many benefits to sharing books with your youngster," says Samantha, "It builds empathy by introducing children to ways in which other people see the world – and being able to see things from somebody else’s point of view is a key part of making and keeping friends."

Stories also introduce children to situations that they may not yet have experienced in their daily lives, such as going to the doctor, losing a toy or gaining a sibling. "Reading about those events beforehand helps youngsters to understand them, which makes them feel more confident about dealing with those situations when they do occur," says Samantha.

Here are Samantha's top tips for getting your little one into reading books...

Go on a picture walk

If you're wondering what this is, it's when you do a ‘picture walk’ through a book, without even glancing at the text. You only look at the illustrations, and talk about what you see and about what the story might be about. "For older children aged two plus, doing this will get them talking about the details they notice in the pictures, which boosts their observational skills as well as their oral skills." says Samantha.

You can ask simple questions such as, "Who’s standing by the rock?" or "What colour is the fox?" It'll get them thinking, even if they can’t articulate those thoughts quite yet because they're too young, so pause after each question before you answer. You can ask open-ended questions, too – like, "What do you see on this page?" – as even a young tot can point at what grabs their interest.

Encourage them to think about emotions by asking – "What do you think the mouse is feeling now?" – and chat through your thoughts. Questions that start to get your child looking for clues in the pictures and using those to work out information about the story are great for older toddlers. For example, questioning – "What season is it?" or "Why is the fox running?" will really get them interested in what’s going on in the story. "You’re getting your child to think and engage with the clues in the pictures," says Samantha, "You’re asking for thier ideas and that will get them interested in what they see."

If your tot already knows the story off by heart, going on a picture walk through a familiar book will prompt their memory and deepen their understanding of the story. But encourage them to go off-piste, too. You’ll find all sorts of objects in the illustrations that you’ve never noticed before, and you can go on a new adventure and create a whole new story together.

young girl reading book

Encourage sound and action

It’s great to read the same book over and over again because your tot will start to memorise it. And once they know a story that well, they can begin to join in, even before they can actually read the words on the page! "Youngsters love this," says Samantha, "it gives them a chance to show what they can do, which delivers a real boost to their self-esteem." By three years, your tot will be reciting whole chunks of text, but don’t wait to encourage some participation from your mini-me.

With an older toddler, you can be even more creative. For example, a three-year-old will be able to shout "Down" every time the witch in Julia Donaldson’s Room On The Broom needs to pick up something she’s dropped.

The best books for 3 year olds UK:

To help your little one and support them in the early stages of education, choose a variety of books for them to read – from easy rhyming books that they can help repeat the words, to ones with deeper meanings such as love and friendship. Check out our pic of books that are perfect for three-year-old children, and keep in mind that the ones we've chosen to include in this list are also some of the best books for 4 year olds too!

Enjoy 8% off

Best book for 3 year olds about vegetables

best for for 3 year olds Superato Veggies AssembleImage: Amazon

Rrp: $11.00

Price: $8.60

Can the caped superhero potato divert the Evil Pea? Or will he need some help? If you loved "Oi Frog!", "Barry the Fish with Fingers" or "I Need a Wee", you'll love this bestselling picture book by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet. It's hilarious, so get ready to enjoy some anarchy in the supermarket aisles! One customer whose daughter has all the supertato books bought this one to complete her set, saying, "but couldn't find this 1 anywhere in the shops. She is very happy with it and has them all now. "Just like the others this a great book and very funny. She loves doing all the voices for each character coming up with her own. She even loves the cartoon series but the books are her favourite. Brilliant pictures which are large and colourful. I would recommend these books to any little boy or girl who likes a funny story."

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Best books for 3 year olds with dinosaurs

best books for 3 year olds The Dinosaur That Pooped A Planet!Image: Amazon
Price: $9.99

This is a laugh-out-loud rhyming picture book that little ones will love! One reviewer said, "What a great book! Funny story, good quality book - kept 3 year old engaged, they thought it was the funniest thing ever." Danny and Dinosaur are off on a space adventure, but when the Dinosaur gets hungry, he eats everything in sight! Join in on the funny rhymes to find out how Danny and the Dinosaur get back home.

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Best books for 3 years olds with bears

Best books for 3 year olds The Everywhere BearImage: Amazon
Price: $11.50

A lovely book with fun rhymes! Children will love following Bear on his unexpected adventure! It's a great book to introduce children to the idea of school too. One reviewer said, "Text and illustrations are charming and small children can see various situations that they may identify from their own lives."

Best books for 3 year olds for self-discovery

Best booiks for 3 year olds Lana The Llama Who Wants To Be A UnicornImage: Amazon
Price: $8.99

This uplifting story will help develop your child's self-esteem and self-love, as Lana herself goes on a journey of self-discovery. One customer who reviewed their purchase wrote, "Great children's book with a strong moral message! My daughter loved the illustrations and wanted to make her own unicorn horn after reading the book. Would recommend!"

Best books for 3 year olds with monsters

Best book for 3 year olds Bobby and the MonstersImage: Amazon
Price: $10.25

Little ones can sometimes worry at night about monsters under their bed, and when Bobby is worried about sleeping, his mum explains all the fun the bedtime monsters get up to at night, so that he can sleep peacefully. One customer said, "Lots of children need reassurance when going to sleep at night and this story provides a fun way to show children that the 'monsters' are nothing to fear. The illustrations are excellent and the monsters are colourful and not scary. Children will like to look at the pictures after the story is read and enjoy the book by themselves. The illustrations are nicely detailed so parents can talk about the story with their child as well. The story is short but just the right length as a bedtime story and for a young child's attention span."

Best books for 3 year olds about love

Best books for 3 year olds The Wonderful Things You Will BeImage: Amazon

Rrp: $17.99

Price: $11.73
Alternative retailers
Target$11.73View offer
Macy's$17.99View offer

From clever to brave, this book expresses everything you love about your little one, and they'll love snuggling up to hear it! One customer wrote, "I love reading this to my little ones (3 and 5). It’s such a lovely, inspirational story that delivers a lovely message to children. It always gives me the feels every time I read it with them. It has been well loved for the last 4 years and it is still like brand new. It’s a lovely book to share. It is a hardback with a beautiful cover. It would make a lovely gift for a little one."

Best books for 3 year olds with critters

Best books for 3 year olds Little Critter All By MyselfImage: Amazon
Price: $5.99
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Target$5.89View offer

A little monster can dress himself, brush his fur, ride a tricycle, put away his toys, and get ready for bed. Let the little monster show your little one that they can do it too! One reviewer said, "Although he knew how to do most of the things that the little critter does... both my kids enjoy the book... I found that it helped me understand also that even if they did try to do something and it didn't turn out perfect it was ok... he had tried."

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Best books for 3 year olds aboout words

best books for 3 year olds Best Word Book EverImage: Amazon
Price: $12.95

Two bears introduce new and familiar names to your little one by grouping subjects, themes and settings! It's a lovely read to help your little one to put words into context. One customer said, "My parents use to read this book to my sister and I when we were young (3-6yrs old) and they use to call out the names on the page and we had to find it. We learnt very quickly and enjoyed the colourful pages." They bought the book for their own 2 year old son and said, "Boy, did his eyes open up wide! He already knows a fifth of the words before the book, and now he his learning more with it and enjoying all the characters and sketches on each page. So glad it is still in reproduction. Now, my memories are coming back every time we go through a new page and I call out the names of the words for my son. I recommend others to get this book for a great way for toddlers to learn more words."

Best books for 3 year olds about dance

Best books for 3 year olds Everybunny Dance!Image: Amazon

Rrp: $17.99

Price: $14.76

This book is a whimsical celebration of movement that your little one will love! Jump, twirl and dance through the pages. One customer described this book as the "Ideal for an Easter gift for my 3 year old great nephew. Beautiful pictures and heart warming story."



Best book for 3 year olds about underpants

Best books for 3 year olds - PantsImage: Amazon

Pants are very funny and little children ALWAYS giggle whenever pants are mentioned. One customer said, "There was a time in our lives where the only thing that would calm our daughter down was singing this book. I can recite this book in my sleep. Wonderful illustrations. Lovely rhyming fun. This is a brilliant book for toddlers. However, we bought this book when our daughter was about 3 months old. It was the only book she wanted for months. The version we had had a CD attached with the book sung by Lenny Hendry - you can guess what we had to listen to on long journeys! Brilliant. Buy this book for your toddler." Enjoy a giggle as you meet different animals, people and objects wearing pants of every kind.

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Best books for 3 year olds about favourite toys

Best books for 3 year olds DoggerImage: Amazon
Price: $12.99

Share this classic story of Dave and his favourite toy, Dogger, with your little one. Will he get Dogger back after losing him? Customers seems to love the engaging illustrations as well as the heartwarming story and relatable characters in this book. One reviewer wrote; "My favourite book growing up, bought for my nieces baby shower so for my great nephew once he's born. It's a beautifully illustrated and just a gorgeous story, even now it bring a tear to my eye."

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Best books for 3 year olds about listening

Best books for 3 year olds The Rabbit ListenedImage: Amazon
Price: $13.37

When something terrible happens, Taylor doesn't know where to turn, so the animals try to tell Taylor how to process his sadness. But what does the rabbit do different? A beautiful story that shows children the importance of being kind and listening. One customer wrote in their review; "I love this book, its simple language and the different animals. I think it really helps to understand feelings when facing difficulties."

Best books for 3 year olds about a dog

Best books for 3 year olds Where is Pim?Image: Amazon
Price: $37.69

Pom is playing with Pim until suddenly Pim goes missing! Pom and the dog look everywhere. But where is Pim? If you and your little one loved "Spot" then this book will be right up your street. The story is nice and simple, using only a few words so that your child can learn them easily and follow along. There is humour, unique illustrations and lots of heart.

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Best books for 3 year old with a caterpillar

Best books for 3 year olds The Very Hungry Caterpillar [Board Book] Image: Amazon
Price: $21.99
Alternative retailers
Macy's$21.99View offer
Michaels Stores$34.99View offer

You can download this onto your Kindle but it’s just not the same as reading with your toddler and seeing all the holes in the pages. Another absolute classic that deserves its place on every toddler’s bookshelf, and we especially love this board book edition that's perfect for toddlers. One reviewer said, "I remember it being read to me as a child and it's stayed with me all these years. I brought this as a 1st birthday gift. Being a board book is great for children and can manage being thrown around or chewed. It's also a good way to teach children about the life cycle of a caterpillar and also other teaching opportunities such as the names and colours of the different foods."

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Best books for 3 year olds for little hands

Best books for 3 year olds Each Peach Pear PlumImage: Amazon
Price: $12.69

Each Peach Pear Plum is a timeless picture book classic from the best-selling illustrator/author team of Janet and Allan Ahlberg. Each beautifully illustrated page encourages young children to interact with the picture to find the next fairy tale and nursery rhyme character. This board book edition is perfect for little hands. One reviewer said, "Bought this book for our daughter on holiday. It was smaller than I thought, but actually perfect as we were flying. She absolutely loves the story. And it is interactive as they have to spot the characters as you read each page. Brilliant fun book! Would definitely recommend!"

FAQ: Best books for 3 year olds

What are the best books for 4 year olds in the UK?

Often the best children's books for 3 year olds are also great choices for 4 year olds, so feel free to choose from our list above, and we're sure your four year old will enjoy the story and get even more out of reading it with you!

What are the best book series for 3 year olds?

If you're lookihng for the best book sets for 3 year olds, there are many to choose from and really it depends on what your little one is interested in. You could try Julia Donaldson Tales From Acorn Wood Series, which is a collection of 4 Books and comes in a set with the following titles; Fox's Socks, Hide-And-Seek Pig, Rabbit's Nap, and Postman Bear.

What are the best activity books for 4 year olds ?

When looking for activity books that a 3 or 4 year olds would enjoy, sticker books are popular and can be educational. Colouring books are always fun, so go for simple designs with familiar pictures to colour in like cute animals with friendly faces. Other options include books that have flaps to open or buttons to press that set off lights or sounds.

What are the best animal books for 4 year olds?

We're sure that 3 and 4 year olds will love any book about animals, but you could try going for ones that they are already familiar with. For example, if you have a pet cat or dog, then books that feature these animals will be a lot of fun. Alternatively, you can choose themes that match the activities your little one enjoys, like an undersea theme for kids who love bath time. Books about zoo animals are a great way to introduce little one to new exotic animals too. Or why not go for one with insects if they love to play in the garden?

What are the best bedtime books for 4 year olds?

We love books like Bobby and The Monsters for little ones who might be nervous about the dark, because the story teaches them that monsters can be friendly too. But the best bedtime books are necessarily about bedtime, they can just be your child's favourite stories. Often the best bedtime books are the ones most read, because they become familiar, and kids love joining in on the story or looking through the familiar pictures before dropping off to sleep.

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Samantha Ball is the Feature & Reviews Editor for Mother&Baby, having written for the brand since 2018. She's a mum of two aged seven and three, and is currently expecting her third. She loves searching for the best and current trending products for little ones. She loves to bake, but spends most of her free time between football and ballet classes.

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