Orchard Toys Dress Up Nelly review

from Amazon
RRP  £9.50
Orchard Toys Dress Up Nelly review

by Maria Martin |
Updated on

Orchard Toys Dress Up Nelly is a fun and colour matching card game aimed at 2-5 year olds. The card game includes 30 pieces and encourages little ones to match-up Nelly's body parts with wipe clean and chunky cards.

This is a nice way to get interactive with you tot and help them learn their colours at the same time. At a reasonable price, it's fun and affordable, and can be played solo or as a game. The Orchard Toys Dress Up Nelly is also a Mother&Baby Awards 2023 Gold winner.

Expert rating:


  • Colourful
  • Educational
  • Fun to mix and match and not follow the "rules"
  • Wipe clean cards


  • Pieces don't slot together
  • Wood pieces are good, but would be good if they were waterproof
  • Could do with using different animals to mix and match
Age suitability:2-5 year olds
Material:Cardboard, paper
Number of players:1-4
Other:Includes 30 pieces

Testing the Orchard Toys Dress Up Nelly

Our parent testers put the Car Shades product to the test and here is what they thought.

Olivia said: "Me and my child really got on with the product it was a fun and easy game. I also like the fact it made him think. It is an amazing learning game my child, who can now match and pair since using this product. It is something he asks to play with. It teaches him how to think and learn – each time we play he pairs them up quicker! Will definitely be saving this for my other son!"

Nicola said: "As soon as my son saw the box to this product he was excited to see what it was. It's a lovely game and gives the opportunity for child-led play or parent guided. My son enjoyed getting me to shuffle the cards and picking out which colour elephant he was going to build and selecting all the matching pieces for it. The elephants provided lots of talking points between us with regards to how they were dressed and what they were doing."

dress up nelly winner

Julia said: "My boys love the Orchard Toys games and they are always well received. They make great presents too as the price point is right for nursery friends etc. They’re easily stored and can be played for a short or longer period of time, so useful to have at hand. As a brand they’re the best on the market in terms of price point, durability and concept."

Shop this product


Debbie said: "My 3-year-old enjoys playing with this, she likes to line up all the characters heads then match them up to the correct colour outfits and feet, but she also finds it funny to mix and match them. We use them to talk about the different colours/outfits, and it encourages some role playing as well while we talk about what different jobs each character might have."

Lauren said: "My two children absolutely loved the Dress Up Nelly game, I enjoyed it also. It kept us occupied for quite a while and gave us a few giggles when the children mixed up the combinations of body, head and feet to create their own little elephant characters. It was also educational as there is a colour coordination and matching task involved."

Beth said: "We were very excited to receive Dress Up Nelly as we had played numerous Orchard Games previously. Dress up Nelly is a beautiful game and simple in concept. My toddler was excited to look at the different styles of elephant. He especially liked the image of the diver elephant. We spent a while looking at the images and spoke about them and what we thought that the different elephants did. The game is very simple, which was easy for my toddler to grasp. He preferred to play his own game with the cards rather than using the rules."

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