Emma-Jane Maternity’s Next Generation 365 Nursing Bra is comfortable, functional and its seam-free design allows the bra to expand and contract as a mum’s body changes shape. The fabric is soft and stretchy although bustier ladies might find the product not sufficiently supportive and thus better used as a night-time bra. It’s also not great for exercise (the ‘jiggle factor’ is quite high) but it's great for nursing; the cup unclips easily and folds down un-intrusively so as not to interfere with baby’s feed. The bra does not lose shape in the wash although its practical purpose makes it perhaps less attractive than other similar products. It is, however, a good core maternity item – a failsafe, everyday nursing bra – and is fairly priced.
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Product Information
Emma-Jane Maternity Next Generation 365 Nursing Bra
UK 32-38 One cup only. Fits B-F cups
EU 70-85 One cup only. Fits B-F cups