Kendamil Organic Toddler Milk at a glance:
Kendamil is the most natural, traceable and sustainable organic infant formula in the world. We proudly manufacture the only British-made Stage-3 toddler formula using 100% organic milk from local farms throughout the Lake District, with zero GMOs, antibiotics or pesticides. Our full-cream formulation contains the highest level of natural milk-fats in the industry and includes DHA and natural MFGM, as identified within breast-milk. We proudly use zero palm oils, meaning better calcium absorption for your toddler and protecting our rainforests, while our plant-based Omega-3 guarantees zero fish oils, protecting our oceans. Kendamil is certified organic by the British Soil Association.
How did this product make your life easier?
Poppy: This is a really great product! It's nice to be able to give your children an organic, UK manufactured product that is EU and soil association organic certified - it takes some of the stress out of bottle feeding! Equally impressed that this milk is soya free - not many powdered toddler milks are, and my older daughter is soya free.
Jasmine: Unfortunately my daughter didn’t take to the formula at all I tried it a number of times but she wouldn’t drink it at all. Now I know she liked the taste when she was younger and we had the stage 1 milk. She seems to only want cows milk on cereal and won’t drink milk on its own at all. The product is quick and easy to make up especially using a prep machine. The packaging is easy to open and the scoop easy and practical to use.
Sobia: This product has made my life as a mum easier because my child who is on full fat milk but some days when I am out, its easier to give him formula, he can't taste the difference between the two milks which is great. I also dont spend ages looking for the scoop in the milk because the way it is designed it has a place for the scoop- making life so much easier!
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Would you recommend this to other parents?
Jasmine: I would recommend this product as it’s an ethical product as it contains no palm oil. It is a product manufactured in the uk and I feel now more than ever to support our economy we should support UK businesses this cuts down the carbon footprint as well. It’s a natural product with a creamy taste and the texture is also good.
Krystina: I would recommend this product as it’s organic which is always best, there’s not to much plastic on the packaging as the container part is tin. The milk feels a lot more fluffy and light compared to other brand. My little boy loves the flavour a lot more on this milk as well, he drinks every last drop.
Jessica: I would potentially recommend this product to my fellow mums. I think it probably doesn't offer a whole lot more than just using normal cows milk, however I can see in certain situations it would be beneficial. For example it would be very easy to take on holidays as it only requires hot water and no refrigeration like cows milk.
Would you choose this product above all others on the market?
Alice: The packaging goes a log way and I also liked that the scoop just fits nicely back in and you don't have to try and hook it anywhere. Also the fact the lid pops closed and is sealed means that it status fresher for longer and I feel that this is more hygienic. I think it is quite competitive it terms of other similar products out there.
Shannon: I don’t think I personally would choose this product over other brands on the market. And the main reason for that is the price point. The brand of formula I use for my little one is almost half the price of this one and it does the same job. After all, there’s only so much that can differ in the formula itself, I think sometimes you’re paying for the brand and their reputation rather than the product itself.
Victoria: Yes absolutely. Kendamil have been to date very open about the ingredients used in their baby and weaning products. Kendamil is a brand that I trust and a brand with integrity. Yes they sell follow on mills, but some babies take longer to wean and this product offers an alternative to parents that can be carried around in your bag without worry about spoiling.
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What changes would you make to this product?
Tiffany: I would change the lid. Maybe a separate lid that can be removed completely as sometimes the attached lid gets in the way when you’re trying to scrape the scoop and it’s is not easy to turn out of the way. Also the scoop is quite wide and was a little tricky to tip into my bottles without making a mess.
Hannah: If I could change one thing about this product would be the time it takes to prep the milk. After boiling the kettle, you are encouraged to leave the boiling water to cool for 20-30 minutes. This means that you have to already anticipate when your child is going to be thirsty before they want their milk.
Jessica: I would love a travel sized version of this. As discussed I think it would be really useful when on holiday, particularly if you were going camping or abroad and didn't have easy access to a fridge or microwave for storing and heating cows milk. This can easily be made up wherever there is a kettle and I would buy a travel sized version to take camping or on overnight hotel stays