Phillips Avent Comfort Manual Breast Pump review

from Amazon
RRP  £46.99
philips manual breast pump

by Stephanie Spencer |
Updated on

When finding the best breast pump you want one that is easy to use and comfortable. In that this manual breast pump from Phillips Avent delivers, the collection container even doubles as a feeding bottle to make life easier for busy mums. The teat is designed to help make bottle feeding more natural for your baby and you, with an innovative petal design for natural latch-on, making it easy for you to combine breast and bottle feeding.

Cleaning is easy, thanks to the small number of separate parts, all dishwasher-proof. Plus the Comfort manual breast pump can be used in combination with other feeding products in the Philips AVENT range, including the Classic bottles and milk storage containers.


  • Includes pump and bottle
  • dishwasher safe for easy cleaning
  • compact design for pumping on the go


  • Does squeak a bit
  • Unique design allows you to sit in a more comfortable expressing position 
  • Soft massage cushion with warm feel gently stimulates natural let down and milk flow 
  • Includes Philips Avent Natural bottle and teat for natural latch on, making it easier to combine breast and bottle feeding 
  • Compact design for ease of use, storage and transport 
  • Small number of parts for intuitive assembly and easy cleaning

Key features

Testing the Phillips Avent Comfort Manual Breast Pump

Review: "Fantastic pump and the only one I've found to work for me as it both covers and massages my entire nipple area as opposed to the entire breast surrounded by a hard plastic unforgiving breast pump. Surprisingly enough I found it worked much better for me without the nipple massager, I prefer the focus being on the nipples rather than some breast pumps trying to overcompensate by surrounding the entire breast.

"Also I've got to say that this pump is by far one of the best for reducing the amount of milk escaping from the sides (every drop matters to me). I no longer find myself bent over a pump with aching hands, I can actually sit further back without worrying all of my hard work is wasted on milk determined to flow every which way but inside the pump. It's so comfortable I can actually feed on one side and pump on the other without worrying that I'll have to use both hands to control the pump and maintain a sufficient level of controlled suction.

"Another great point is that it comes apart like a dream and cleans just as easy, I don't have any fiddly parts that require any extra brain power to navigate. I still breastfeed without the bottle but I do need to pump in order to freeze and store milk for mixing into babies food when weaning."

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