Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Feeding Bottles review

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RRP  £19.99
Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Feeding Bottles

by Catriona Watson |
Updated on

At a glance:

Designed in conjunction with breastfeeding experts, the revolutionary closer to nature easi-vent teat mimics the natural flex, movement and softness of a mum's breast, to make switching between breast and bottle easier than ever before. The bottles have been designed to be held in the most natural positions during feeding. They can be held in 3 ways: cradles comfortably in the hand, gripped in the same way as a traditional wide neck bottle or held from the base; making feeding comfortable for everyone.

Featured in our guide to the best bottles for breastfed babies

Expert rating:
  • Ease of use:
  • Assembly:
  • Durability:
  • Cleaning
  • Leakproof:
Material:BPA free plastic
Sterilising:Hot water, steriliser, cold water and sterilisation liquid or tablets and UV light
Teat Options: Soft silicone, breast-like teat feels
Dishwasher Safe: Yes
Microwave Safe: Yes
  • 3 pack
  • The original breast-like bottle
  • Soft silicone, breast-like teat
  • Anti-colic

Would you recommend this to other mums?

Kelly: Even though the bottle wasn’t suited to my baby I would still recommend this product because of the features. I really liked the size of the bottle with the wide neck. It makes it so much easier to clean and you can actually get your hand in and deep enough without the use of a bottle brush. I thought the wide neck of the bottle was another great design point. With some other brands, it is a lot smaller and I have spilt milk powder on it when trying to get it in. I think this product is priced really well.

Adele: I would recommend this product to other mums. The bottles are easy to clean as well as simple and easy to take apart/put together. My baby enjoyed using these bottles and could hold them herself from a very young age because of the shape. They are easy to hold and feel good in your hand while feeding your baby.

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Samantha: I have tried other brands and these are the only ones my children have accepted straight away. They are a fantastic design with the teets shaped to replicate the breast. They are very soft so they are perfect for newborns. The bottle comes with a teet cover which is ideal for when you are travelling or premaking a feed.

How did this product make your life easier?

Emily: These are nice big bottles with indents on each side meaning you can hold them more comfortably and easily. They are good quality and from a well-known trusted brand. This means I was confident in using them with my baby when moving from breastfeeding to bottle feeding.

Cherileigh: I love these bottles. I have used these for all four of my babies and they never disappoint. The style, the colours and the usability are great. The bottles are easy to clean and store. They are not very expensive and I recommend these to every mum I talk to. They are an amazing item and I love them.

Zara: What makes these bottles great is how simple they are to wash and sterilize. They only come in four parts and the bottle itself is a whole unit which makes the process quick.

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Would you choose this product to win?

Kelly: I wouldn’t choose the Tommee Tippee bottles above all other brands because my son did not fully latch onto the teat. This meant they leaked. There are still many things I like about this bottle but unfortunately, the teat didn’t suit him.

Adele: I would choose this product to win. The bottles are so simple and have no fancy contraptions or ways of putting them together. They are just easy to use. The numbers are easy to read and they do not rub off quickly. The bottles are so easy to wash and they stay clean and hygienic. They are easy to assemble which was great because another brand we used was confusing.

Samantha: Tommee Tippee have an excellent reputation and as a parent, you want the very best for your child. Both my children accepted these bottles from the start so I am always confident when buying TT products. You can buy a lot of supporting products too which is great.

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What changes would you make to this product?

Emily: I would consider changing the teats. I think they are too round and not as natural as they intend to be. I have found flatter teats tend to be easier to use and much more likely to be accepted by a baby who is starting to bottle feed. You could also change the colour from black to something more attractive.

Cherileigh: I would like more colours and styles. Something different like a unicorn would be amazing as I like to be different and not have the same as other mums.

Zara: When buying these bottles they all come with a size one teat. I would provide some other sizes which you can purchase with the bottle. They are good value for money until you have to replace bottles and end up teats which you don't need. Other than that, I think these bottles are very good and I wouldn't change them.

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