Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Perfect Prep Machine

from Tommee Tippee
RRP  £112.99

by motherandbaby |
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2015 – Shortlisted for Bottle Feeding Product Award!

The Tommee Tippee Closer To Nature Perfect Prep Machine is an amazing time saver when it comes to prepping bottles – especially for night time feeds. The product is easy to use and makes bottles in less than two minutes, and the filter does not need to be replaced – just cleaned.

It’s compact and inconspicuous in a kitchen but it does have a few technical glitches; the temperature light, which comes on erratically, being the most common issue. The product’s plastic finish is nice but is not likely to have the same longevity as a metal finish (for example) yet upping the quality of the material would surely increase the cost of an already pricey product.

The Prep Machine is great for any baby using a bottle but is recommended for parents of newborns, who will probably get the most use out of the product.  It might not be something that you would buy for yourself but as a gift, it would be appreciated.

2014 – Bottle Feeding Product Award!

The Perfect Prep Machine by Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature is a brilliant time saver for busy mums (especially if there are twins involved!). There’s no need to boil the kettle, heat the milk, measure quantities – the Prep Machine does it all for you! It’s especially great for emergency bottle prepping – when baby is crying or wakes unexpectedly and is super-duper hungry.

The product does sometimes overheat, which temporarily ceases the machine, and it does not offer a millilitre measurement option - a slight inconvenience. It is also expensive. But for the amount of time you’ll ultimately save, the Prep machine is sure to be a worthwhile investment for many mums and dads.

2014 – Shortlisted for 'Innovation of the Year' Award!

Tommee Tippee’s Closer To Nature Perfect Prep Machine makes life with a baby so much easier! It’s particularly brilliant for bleary-eyed midnight feeds and, importantly, is easy to use; simply turn the dial to the desired number of ounces then press the button twice and hey presto... bottle ready to serve!

The filter (£8.99) will have to be replaced every three months, which is an ongoing cost and although the Prep Machine is stylish, it has a large footprint in a smaller kitchen. It’s also pricey but so worth the convenience!

Product Information

  • 1 x Perfect Prep machine

  • 1 x 150ml Filter

  • 1 x 150ml Closer To Nature bottle

  • 1 x Milk storage pot

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