Baby Brezza Steriliser Dryer Advanced review

from Cheeky Rascals
RRP  £129.99
baby Brezza Steriliser advanced

by Stephanie Spencer |
Updated on

A steriliser for bottles is an essential for any new arrival, and the Baby Brezza Steriliser Dryer Advanced offers the most advanced way to sterilise and dry bottles and pump parts using natural steam, killing 99.9% of germs in the process. With 4 clear functions available on the LCD screen, the clever device also includes an automatic timer to keep things simple.

The modular system can be used in 4 different ways to work with all bottle designs/brands, the easy to use Steriliser Dryer has a large capacity, holding 8 bottles and 2 pump parts, so is ideal for regular use in busy households. Additionally, the innovation boasts a 33% faster drying time using 95% germ-free air, thanks to its replaceable HEPA filter, with the bonus of items staying sterile for 24 hours when left unopened.

baby brezza steriliser advancedBaby Brezza


  • Dryer cycle takes only 30 minutes
  • Can be used to store products and keep them sterile
  • Large capacity


  • Replacement filters must be purchased separately
Dimensions24 x 32 x 40 cm
Weight2.87 kg
  • Holds 8 bottles and 2 full pump part sets and accessories
  • LCD control panel to choose from 4 functions (Steriliser & Dryer, Steriliser Only, Dryer Only or Storage System)
  • Natural steam effectively sterilises, then automatically dries 33% faster with air that’s 95% germ-free due to the replaceable HEPA filter
  • Products remain sterilised inside for up to 24 hours

Testing the Baby Brezza Steriliser Dryer Advanced

We put the Baby Brezza Steriliser Dryer Advanced to the test with new parents Jordan and Tamsin, here's how they got on...

This steriliser and dryer is a fairly straightforward and efficient machine that for us, as first-time parents, has turned out to be just what we needed. It's modular, with two different compartments (one of which splits into two) and has really useful additional features, like the hollow tubes that stand upright in one of the compartments which you can sit baby bottles on.

Once you've simply poured in some water into the base until it reaches the necessary level, you pop the parts back on top, loaded with whatever it is you are sterilising, and then by pressing one of the four really clear buttons, you can set the machine to either sterilise, dry, or sterilise and dry.

baby Brezza Steriliser
©Baby Brezza

The Baby Brezza looks clean and smart and fits subtly into our kitchen so that we can always have it within reach without feeling the need to keep packing it away. It's easily cleaned, it's quick to set up and adapt to whatever you need it for and it's straightforward enough to be done on one of those 3am trips to the kitchen in the dark (though you do have to be careful to make sure the lids are correctly located).

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The reason we loved this Baby Brezza is because it manages to combine simplicity with being thorough and flexible. The different settings allow it to sort of grow with you and your family's needs. Whether we were sterilising a couple of nipple shields, or a load of bottles, dummies and pump parts, the Baby Brezza was quickly and easily setup, and we knew that within 10 minutes the cycle would be complete and everything was good to go (unless we set it for a 'sterilise and dry' cycle, in which case it would need an additional 30 minutes). And the cherry on the top was that we could leave whatever we had sterilised in the machine for 24 hours, knowing that it would stay safe and sterile for our baby.

Final thoughts

Overall, we trust the Baby Brezza, we like the way it looks and find its flexibility to our needs so helpful at a time in life where there is already so much to think and worry about - it was lovely to have the cleanliness of our equipment taken off of our list of concerns!


What temperature does the water reach during sterilisation?

The Baby Brezza Steriliser Dryer Advanced boils water to produce steam (100C) to naturally sterilise your baby products, then dries contents with hot air (55C).

What type of water is recommended for use?

The brand recommend using distilled water to avoid any mineral scale build-up. However, you can also use tap water or spring water, but more frequent cleaning of the heating plate will be required.

How often does the water need to be changed?

Because the Baby Brezza Steriliser Dryer Advanced dries contents with each cycle, you will need to add 120ml of water before each use.

How do I keep my Baby Brezza Steriliser Dryer Advanced clean?

Before placing items in the appliance for sterilisation it is important that all bottles, pump parts and accessories must be empty, clean & fully rinsed before use in this steriliser dryer. Simply use a soft damp cloth to clean the base and control console, and clean the lid, accessory rack in hot soapy water. The use of abrasives or solvents for cleaning is not recommended as they may damage the appliance and the surface of the heating plate. If you are struggling to clean the heating plate it may need to be descaled.

How do I descale my Baby Brezza Steriliser Dryer Advanced?

It is recommended to do a very simple weekly descale of the heating plate. This is because mineral residue within tap water, particularly in hard water areas, may deposit on the heating plate after the sterilisation cycle. To avoid scale build up, simply wipe the surfaces with a soft moist cloth after each operation. If you can see mineral deposits, these can be removed with descaling solution or by leaving 60ml/2oz white vinegar on the heating plate for approximately 30 minutes. The plate should then be rinsed and wiped with a clean, dry cloth.

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