The best baby nail scissors for a safe cut every time

baby nail scissors

by Stephanie Spencer |
Updated on

As cute as their little hands and fingers may be, take this as a warning those little nails can be crazily sharp.

While they may look tiny and delicate, they can be mighty sharp and can potentially cause scratches to both yourself and your little one.

Cutting your baby’s nails for the first time can be scary, but there’s no need to worry we’re here to lend a helping hand. Take a read of some of our top tips:

How to cut your baby's nails

• Your baby will pick up if you feel stressed, so try to stay calm. Equally, wait till they seem calm or are even asleep before trying to cut their nails.

• If your little one has jagged nails rather than long ones, instead of scissors, use an emery board to gently file away the edges.

• Take one of your baby's fingers and hold it firmly.

• Press your baby's finger pad away from the nail as you trim and hold it there. This will help you to avoid potentially catching the skin.

• Put the clippers under the nail and press down slowly until the nail is cut. Or alternatively, use scissors.

• If you accidentally cut your baby's finger by mistake, stay calm and don't panic. Simply apply pressure with a cotton ball or tissue until the bleeding stops.

• If you don't manage to do all your baby's nails at once, don't worry! Just try to finish the job later.

Purchasing specific baby nail scissors and nail care accessories is the best option to ensure you make it through your little one’s nail trim with ease. Designed with top safety in mind, these nail scissors help ensure an enjoyable experience for both you and your baby.

Check out our pick of the best baby nail scissors and accessories, to breeze through your baby’s first manicure.

The best baby nail scissors

If you’re getting ready for your new arrival then this starter kit has a lot of the essentials you’ll need, including baby nail scissors! Organised in one handy pouch, you’ll be super prepared to welcome your newborn.

Includes nine baby essentials: Digital oral thermometer, baby brush, baby comb, baby nail scissors, baby nail clippers, two emery boards, toothbrush, and nasal aspirator.

Thousands of great reviews say this is a new arrival essential: “I bought this for my new grandson, well a little add on gift for his parents I suppose. It has all those little important things you need with a new baby and I love the fact that they are all there in a lovely little case.”

The best baby nail scissors

Rrp: $9.99

Price: $8.04

Designed to be the perfect shape and size for baby’s nails, these nail scissors from Tommee Tippee are suitable to use from birth. With rounded ends for safety, and easy-to-use handles for your comfort, trimming your little one’s nails will be a breeze.

One very happy customer said: “Really easy to use on your newborn’s tiny finger nails without worrying about hurting their delicate fingers. I found these a lot better than the nail clippers. I have never been let down by a Tommee Tippee product in 5 years - I would buy these again.”

Trusted by parents for baby essentials, these baby nail scissors from chicco are no different, providing an easy grip for a comfortable trim – features blades with rounded ends for safety and peace of mind.

Verified customer review: “Safe to use and the only way I can trim my baby’s nails. Worth it!”

With over one thousand five-star reviews, these baby nail scissors offer great safety for small hands. It makes nail care easy for little ones and cuts gently and precisely, with rounded tips and non-slip handles.

The best nails scissors for babies according to this review: “By far the best baby nail scissors I've tested. Here, the nails are cut and not squeezed off or just removed. The scissors cut super well and by rounding the front you don't need to be afraid of injury. The protective cap allows the scissors to stay sharp for a long time.”

A great set of baby grooming essentials for your little one’s first years. This set makes a great gift with its super adorable holding case, practical and pretty!

Includes: Cute case, baby nail clippers, scissors, nail file, and tweezers.

Ideal set for baby nail care: “Brilliant set for baby nail care. It comes in a nice teddy box and includes all you need for your little one nail care. I love this set it also looks lovely on the shelf and it is safe to use for babies.”

If nail scissors still seem all too daunting, there’s no need to worry as a great set of nail files can do the trick! The Thumble™ by Baby Nails is a wearable baby nail file that's been designed as a revolutionary safe alternative to baby nail clippers. Designed to be worn by parents, the hands-free design easily pops onto your thumb, allowing you to feed, cuddle, or even read to your baby whilst filing their nails to keep them happy and relaxed during an activity that usually causes them to struggle and wriggle around.

Five-star mum review: “This is a great product. I saw it on Mrs Hinch’s Story! So easy to use, super soft so I was totally comfortable using this on his delicate nails. Really happy with my purchase of the thumble!”

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Mother & Baby is dedicated to ensuring our information is always valuable and trustworthy, which is why we only use reputable resources such as the NHS, reviewed medical papers, or the advice of a credible doctor, GP, midwife, psychotherapist, gynaecologist or other medical professionals. Where possible, our articles are medically reviewed or contain expert advice. Our writers are all kept up to date on the latest safety advice for all the products we recommend and follow strict reporting guidelines to ensure our content comes from credible sources. Remember to always consult a medical professional if you have any worries. Our articles are not intended to replace professional advice from your GP or midwife.