HiPP Kids Toiletries Range review

from Amazon
RRP  £16.50
hipp kids

by Stephanie Spencer |
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HiPP Kids Toiletries Range at a glance:

Our kids toiletries range is free from nasties (allergy-causing fragrances, essential oils and mineral oil) and super fun for little ones. Our range includes a foamy lotion cat, silky cream tortoise, clean & green bubbly bath hippo, soft all-in-one wash seal and our foamy duck handwash and refill. And, because it's from HiPP, all of the bottles are recyclable, and made with 100% green energy.

We spoke to these real parent testers to get their review...

How did this product make your life easier?

Kirstie: It’s a really broad range of products in exciting packaging. I particularly liked the ease of use the moisturiser provided in that it can be kept next to the soap and the kids got used to using both one after the other. This was an easy way to look after their skin in a time that they’re needing to wash and sanitise more frequently.

Sarah-Jane: The products are lovely in design and are fun to use. They are easy to open and use, instructions clear and easy. It is easy to access the products and the lids aren’t fiddly. They are also chunky and sturdy so they don’t knock over as easy as other brands which seem to have thinner bases.

Rachel: The Duck foamy hand wash has really helped to get both children more active in washing their hands. They love having to push the duck head down and wait for the foam to squirt out. The foam is nice and soft on their little hands too, and gives a good wash all over, so I feel confident they have cleaner hands. The fun element of the Duck head works for kids, its fun, bright and engages them in their hygiene. The Seal All in one wash was great for giving the kids a quick all over wash. It was even great on my daughter's longer curly hair. An all in one works easier with two kids as its quicker for bath time routines and keeps their skin nice and soft.

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Would you recommend this to other parents?

Sarah: I would absolutely recommend this range to other mums. The products smell wonderful and the scent does last. I would say that these products are soft and gentle on the skin. The product packaging is well thought out with little animals on, making it fun for my daughter. She loves to play with the turtle tub of cream whilst I am applying it. I would definitely continue to buy this product. My daughter does suffer with eczema and therefore I would not necessarily use the products daily. This is not because I don’t like them or do not feel like they are kind to the skin, but more because we have specific creams/bath products to use on her skin in between. The hand cream pump is a duck and so hand washing is definitely a favourite thing to do/very appealing in this home. The lather it produces feels so soft and silky!

Abigail: I would recommend to fellow mummies and friends as the products are suitable for all ages, made for all skins and also have an appealing look to them. The duck foam hand wash was the most appealing to freya and she wanted to use it multiple times in one go. We also enjoyed the green bubble bath which was a shock to myself and Freya but certainly made a difference to her bath water which she enjoyed.

Katie: I think the products are good value for money and really child friendly. I am mindful about bath products I buy and seek those that will be kindest to my little boy's skin. There was no adverse reaction to any of the products used, which is a huge bonus. The scent of the products is very subtle, which again is a winner for us as I don’t like bathing him in anything with an overpowering scent.

Would you choose this product above all others on the market?

Rebecca: I will definitely be continuing to use these products as my daughter loves them and asks for them - she says she wants to use turtle cream and to wash her hands with the duck! I think anything that encourages little ones to wash their hands should definitely be praised. These Hipp toiletries stand out in that they are different from other toiletries. They have lovely animal designs, smell wonderful, and have something unique about them - for example being very foamy or turning green!

Kirstie: The packaging is what really stands out. It’s fun, bright and interesting. I was concerned about the amount of plastic but pleased to see that the soap came in refills so the dispenser could be used over and over again. This is an issue with the tortoise moisturiser. I did notice the suggestion was that the tub could be used as a toy but I think once you have one there’s not much need for anymore so I probably wouldn’t buy that again as I don’t think that amount of plastic in the packaging is sustainable. I really liked the foam moisturiser for its ease of use and that’s probably something I would definitely consider getting again as it’s the thing we used the most and is probably the best kids moisturiser for after hand washing we’ve had as it’s so light and not greasy.

Sarah-Jane: I would choose most of the range the only one I would consider maybe not doing is the bubble bath, this isn’t because I didn’t like the product, but more because we had to use a lot of it to achieve the same bubbles as some other competitors which would mean I was buying it more often. I love the duck soap dispenser, it’s really fun for children and the refill pouch is a great idea. The moisturising cream is lovely in the turtle. The design of these products really makes them stand out, it’s an lovely range.

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What changes would you make to this product?

Rachel: If I had one change for the product it would be to look at the smell to them, possibly a more floral or fruity smell would go down better. I found the current scent too overpowering. If the smell of these products were to change, I wouldn’t hesitate to buy them for my children.

Sarah: I am not sure I would change anything about the product. The one thing that could be done is refills for all of the different products in the range as I have only seen this for the hand wash. If anything it would be great to see more of a variety, or even a little more colours to the different products.

Abigail: It would be a good idea to offer refills for all the other products.

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