No, we're not talking about cake in the shape of a nappy - we're talking a cake, made from nappies! And while cakes are always welcome, there's no denying that nappies are going to be much more useful in the coming months for the new arrival!
Whether you're wanting to make a nappy cake for your bestie who will soon be giving birth, or you fancy having a go and making one for yourself, we've put together everything you need to know on how to make a nappy cake.
How to make a nappy cake
Step 1: Buy some nappies with a fun design
It's ideal if the nappies are the right size for a newborn baby, but if you can also get some nappies with fun designs or colours that's even better for the overall end result.
Step 2: Start rolling up your nappies
Start rolling the nappies from the open end (the bit that fastens around baby's waist), and secure the roll with a rubber band to stop it unrolling. Repeat this seven more times so you have a single rolled nappy in the middle, and seven rolled nappies surrounding it. Secure this all together with one big rubber band to form a circle shape - this will make the top layer of your tiered nappy cake.
Step 3: Make the bottom two layers
For the middle layer, you'll need to create the same as you created for the top tier, with another layer of rolled nappies around the outside (approximately 15 nappies), all secured by a large rubber band.
Again for the bottom layer, repeat this step with another layer of rolled nappies (approximately 30 nappies) to make it the widest layer.
Step 4: Attach the layers together
Carefully insert two wooden dowels into the base layer on either side so they're both sticking out the top. Make sure the dowels are inserted in between the nappies rather than through the nappies. Place the next two layers on the cake, supported by the dowels until your cake looks tiered.
Step 5: Add a base
Like a real cake, you'll want nappy cake to sit upon a base. You can cut a large circle out of thick cardboard and cover with wrapping paper to make it look presentable.
Step 6: Decorating your cake
Cover up the rubber bands by tying some pretty ribbon around your cake layers. You can add fake or real flowers onto each tier, or you can make your own flowers with tissue paper. In between your flowers, you could add travel sized baby products like baby oil, baby body wash and talc.
If you're transporting your cake, the last thing you'll want is for it to collapse in the car, so it's a good idea to wrap your nappy cake up in cellophane or netting to protect it and make it easier for you to carry to your next baby shower.
Nappy cake inspiration
Nappy cake ideas

Pink and blue nappy cake
This makes the perfect centre piece for any gender reveal party with its pink and blue decorations.

Sheep nappy cake
The addition of a cuddly toy on top is a must in our opinion, and what better than a little cuddly sheep!

Nappy cake with products
They've really gone to town on the baby products on this nappy cake. You'll find all the toiletries a new baby could need as well as a cute nightlight, baby cutlery as well as dummies.

Pretty pink nappy cake
At a glance, it's easy to mistake this nappy cake for a real cake - the decoration is just so beautiful!

Castle nappy cake
We love the idea of a nappy cake inspired by a castle with individual turrets and some bunting for baby's name (if you know it)!