Nibbling Nib Cube review

from Nibbling
RRP  £18.00
nib cube

by Stephanie Spencer |
Updated on

Nibbling Nib Cube at a glance:

Nibbling's pink and grey beech wood baby toy is perfect for tiny creatives. Crafted from hardwearing food-grade silicone, it has both natural and untreated wood details for variation. The extra-tactile design is perfect for exploring senses and doubles as a teething toy, and the design is free from BPA, phthalates and heavy metals.

We spoke to these real parent testers to get their review...

How did this product make your life easier?

Carlene: This makes my life easier as a mum because this teething toy is a lovely size and easy for my baby’s small hands to hold and then put in his mouth to teeth on. It is in lovely colours and made of natural wood beads and bps silicone too. It has a beautiful texture to it that are soft on baby’s gums too.

Alexandra: My child is 11 months and developed a habit of biting everything and everyone. This product has really been my saving grace and he loves it. If he has the urge to bite, I give him the teether and he has really taken to it well. We have tried numerous teething items and nothing seems to work, this product however seems to do the job and he is fascinated by the beads and design.

Elizabeth: I would recommend the nib cube to a fellow mum, as it comes in nice muted colours, and is the sort of thing that wouldn’t look out of place at a high-end restaurant. It is the sort of thing that would keep babies busy for a while, and help develop fine motor skills. The silicone beads are great for chewing on, and the wooden beads give a nice natural feel to the product. The variety of colours on offer are great.

Would you recommend this to other parents?

April: It is exceptionally easy to use as it is just out of the box and in use, it is light weight as well as substantial enough to not worry about it breaking. I was concerned about beads coming off but after seeing our little one use it I have no such concerns. It is easy to wash and the design is aesthetically pleasing.

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Tiffany: Lovely bulky, flexible design that is perfect for babies small hands. They can fiddle with it for ages and it’s got a lovely soft, rubbery texture. Lots of nooks but if you give it a quick wash everyday, you can keep on top of it. The colours are nice and natural and really suit the brand. A few different colour ways too which is always nice.

Krisztina: Nib Cube has an adorable design, and I loved the variety of colours it comes in. Also very positive that it's completely eco-friendly combining silicone and wood. It's easy to transport and not lose during travelling because it can be attached to the straps in the pushchairs or just use the cotton bag it came in to put it away. Easy to clean and keep clean.

Would you choose this product above all others on the market?

Karina: I do like the product a lot, it is very similar to teething beads and made out of the same material. The cube does make it interesting for babies and there are easy ways to hold it. It’s better than a plastic toy and it’s very durable and can last a long time. If you buy it for the beginning of teething it will last throughout.

Carlene: I would recommend this nib teething toy above the rest on the market because this teething toy is a lovely size and easy for my baby’s small hands to hold and then put in his mouth to teeth on. It is in lovely colours and made of natural wood beads and bps silicone too. It has a beautiful texture to it that's soft on baby’s gums too. It also works as a sensory toy too.

Alexandra: This is a really good quality product and I definitely think the product should be a winner just because they have taken everything into consideration when making the product and design. The only thing that would maybe put me off as a mother is the cost. I would generally try cheaper products first to find a solution for my child’s teething problems, however if like me you're in desperate need of something to do the trick and have run out of options this product definitely does as intended. Plus the design is fantastic so baby can hold the product himself.

What changes would you make to this product?

Elizabeth: I would say it’s not as easy to clean as many other teethers, as there is string holding the beads in place, and I would worry that it the string could harbour bacteria without being obviously visible. If some of the beads were textured, that would help with extra sensory experience, and gum relief.

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April: I would say the price point for a teether, particularly if you have not tried one of this type before, is high in comparison to other options that are available. However, I appreciate that due to the silicone and wooden beads this is not always possible but this would be my one negative to consider.

Amy: If I could change one thing about this product it would be to replace the large beech wood spacer beads with ones made from food safe silicone. This is because I worry about how well I can keep the unpainted wood clean and hygienic, which for me is a high priority when it comes to teethers for my baby.

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