Paloma Faith reveals 8 must-have baby buys


by Lily Anderson |
Updated on

We're a big fan of celebrity recommendations when it comes to baby products - if only so we can be nosy about what the stars are buying for their tots! So, when new mum-of-two Paloma Faith revealed her best baby buys, we just had to share them with you too.

Paloma has also been shouting about using her favourites with her latest very new arrival on Instagram, on milestone moments such as baby's first bathtime!

Check out Paloma Faith's best baby buys:


From on-trend leopard print to discreet breast pumps and cosy swaddle blankets, here are Paloma's recommended baby products.

Paloma said, "First of all, this appeals to my taste because I love leopard print. It’s a great place to put your baby when you have another child and they can entertain themselves safely."

The singer went onto add, "If you’re anything like me and suffer from anxiety, then knowing your child can’t roll over in the early days is a blessing."

Cuddledry Towel
Price: $38.99

Paloma also reveals, "I felt safer and less likely to drop the baby when using this and also it was a really good post bath bonding experience."

Dr Brownu2019s Natural Flow Bottles

Rrp: $20.05

Price: $18.19

As well as adding, "I was exclusively breast feeding before and this was the only bottle my child would take after she was so used to breast feeding."

She then goes on to talk about the Cosatto Prams by Paloma Faith, "Not only are they practical and robust (a bit like buying a Range Rover for your baby) but they look good too." We love them Paloma!

It's clear Paloma loves this brand as she states, "These are both ethically sound and enviable. If I could fit in them, I would wear them myself."

Elvie Breast Pump

Rrp: $299.99

Price: $200.00
Alternative retailers
Target$269.49View offer
goop$199.00View offer
Best Buy$299.99View offer

Last, but not least, Paloma says, "One of the most discreet breast pumps on the market. If you’re working and pumping at the same time, you just put it in your bra and walk around like nothing is happening."

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