The best cleaning products to get pen off walls

Best Cleaning Products To Get Pen Off The Wall

by Hannah Carroll |
Updated on

If you have a toddler or a small child, it is only a matter of time before they decide to add a splash of colour to your walls or door frames. While encouraging creativity into the younger generations is a plus–and we're all for it–you certainly don't want your wannabe Banksy to sprawl his artwork everywhere and to spend hours getting pen off your walls.

One idea you could opt for is creating a chalkboard wall in your home or think up some fabulous DIY toddler activities to redirect your tots colourful energy, although we can't promise that you won't be scrubbing red felt tip pen ink off of the walls at some point.

The good news is you don't have to head straight to your local paint store just yet, because we have found the best cleaning products to get pen off walls. From adhesives to wall erasers we've put together some of the top products for you to browse below.

Best ways to discourage your darlings from drawing on the walls

Making use of outdoor chalks can be a really clever way to ensure your indoor space stays clean. Allocating a space where your child can enjoy drawing on the wall is also a great comprise. Why not let them use outdoor chalks on the bricks and paving stones outside–this will brighten up your outdoor space/garden, but can wash away with water or rain. Perfect.

Best chalks for outdoors

Washable pens and crayons

Some pens and crayons are easier than others to get off clothes and walls. Try to choose a product that it is washable: these tend to come off much easier.

Find alternative outlets for your little one to be creative

Try to find other activities that will allow your little one to show their creative flair. Why not look to see if there are any local messy play groups or art mornings at your nearest library.

Explain to them

You may feel like you have told your child a million times to only drawer on paper. It can leave you feeling very annoyed and frustrated but try to remain calm. Explain once again that we only draw on paper to your child. Calmly express your disappointment so that they can understand the effect of their actions in a healthy nurturing environment.

The best cleaning products to get pen off of walls

Best cleaning product to get pen off walls
Goo Gone Mac-GG12 Original Surface Safe Liquid Remover

Rrp: $7.90

Price: $6.99
Alternative retailers
Blain Farm & Fleet$5.99View offer
Ace Hardware$6.59View offer
Newegg$70.66View offer
Newegg$70.66View offer

For really tough pen marks - it might be best to go straight to an adhesive. This product should always be kept away from children and only used by a responsible adult. The product may also remove or discolour paint, so it is best to try it on a very small area first.

Review: "I had some industrial strength stickers on my toilet lids that I could not for the life of me remove either by a) using cleaners or b) carefully scraping, even with a razor edge. Goo gone wiped these unsightly sticker stains off in 1 second of use. VERY IMPRESSIVE. It also worked at loosening some spilt paint marks and a marker pen on a white surface."

No harsh chemicals added

The Magic Eraser Sponge has been hailed by parents for its cleaning abilities. This eraser states that it is two times stronger than other bleach sprays. You do not need to add any other cleaning products, just a bit of water, and you are ready to go. We love that this item can be used all over the house.

Review: "For years I have heard about the Magic Eraser. From friends and family, even co-workers. Not sure what took me so long to try it out, but when I did, all I can say is ''WOW''!!! I had embedded stains from makeup and who knows what on the bathroom Corian sink which I scrubbed with baking soda, even soft scrub with bleach, and the stains didn't come all the way out. ONE TRY with the Magic Eraser and BAM! Stains gone. Then I decided to try it on the black toaster oven, where I accidentally left a loaf of bread and the plastic melted into the top. I washed it, rubbed it and used everything I could think of, but that thin layer of plastic wouldn't budge. In comes the Magic Eraser and it came off right away. No kidding. The name says it all because this stuff is truly magic!"

Loved by cleaning influencer Mrs Hinch

The Pink Stuff has become a household name after cleaning guru Mrs Hinch stated it was one of her must-have cleaning products. The Pink Stuff is really great at cutting through grease and tough stains but will still be gentle on surfaces. It can be used everywhere from the oven to the living room walls.

Review: "I fancied treating myself so chose a branded set. ( I don’t get out much) I didn’t expect it to be much better than own brands on its standard, but it’s so much better. The cream cleaner was smooth on application so glided across my sheen walls which were filthy and took off with one wipe, pen, finger marks, smears, and scuff marks. I was surprised at the results.
The paste works well as there is less scrubbing than cheaper brands and the spray cuts through grease effectively. Well worth it."

Best sponge multi-pack
Scrub Daddy Colors
Price: $15.76
Alternative retailers
Ace Hardware$12.99View offer

Scrub Daddy's foam is firm in cold water for tough scrubbing and soft in warm water for light cleaning. This set comes with three smiling Scrub Daddys, so they can be used in different rooms, avoiding cross-contamination.

Mum reviewer, Hannah James said, " was really impressed with the Scrub Daddy. I cant use it in every room in my house. It's especially great that they are different colours so I can allocate them to each room. My two-year-old has a terrible habit of drawing on the walls and I found these to be the only scrubber that didn't scratch the walls. They are a complete lifesaver."

Recommended by mums
Mr. Clean 43515 Original Erase and Renew Magic Eraser, Pack of 2
Price: $6.22
Alternative retailers
Overstock$16.30View offer

This cleaning eraser is one of the most popular products on forums for cleaning off the pen. 

Review: "Just love it. Have been using these for years. Works great on walls. Had some marks on the white walls of the new house after moving in. They all came off perfectly. Highly recommend."

Best all purpose degreaser
Price: $9.99

Like The Pink Stuff, Elbow Grease is another product that Mrs Hinch swears by. It can be used as a replacement for an everyday multi-purpose cleaner. It is great for removing stains from not only walls, but on clothes, vehicles and even the carpet. 

Review: "I have been using this for years, it gets dried on Staines off clothes I mean all stains, like grease, ketchup, fruit juice, child paint. It’s my go-to stain remover when washing my children’s school uniforms. Their white polos can get so filthy in one day and full of stains so I just spray this and then Chuck them in the washing machine at a low temperature and guaranteed every time the stains are good and the polos are white and bright. I also use this to clean the cooker and the kitchen tiles where grease sticks. I have used this to clean trainers and stained surfaces with children’s marker pens. I have also used it on the outside windowsill where dirt builds up. It is an all-purpose stain, grease, and dirt removing cleaner which smells amazing. I use it all over the house inside and out. I have it on a repeat order as I can never have enough of it I use it that much."

Top tips to get pen off your wall

  1. Timing is key. With pen ink - you need to act as quickly as possible to have the best results.

2. At first, try to dab the stain with a damp cloth. Be careful: if you scrub too hard, you may take off the paint.

3. If none of the products we have suggested has worked. Try a mixture of baking soda and water on the stain. This mixture should be a ratio of two parts water and one part baking soda. Remember to do this in a small area first as gently as possible.

4. Some people swear by toothpaste. As strange as it sounds, white toothpaste can help make the stains disappear.

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