Bodyotics Deluxe Kegel Weighted Exercise Balls Review

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RRP  £45.90
Bodyotics Deluxe Kegel Weighted Exercise Balls

by Samantha Ball |
Updated on

When I was pregnant with my first child I made sure I was doing my pelvic floor exercises as often as I could throughout the whole pregnancy, and because I was a young mum I didn’t want to be worried about running around with the fear I might accidentally pee myself. However as I didn’t find out I was pregnant with my second child until halfway through the pregnancy, I really did slack on those pelvic floor exercises and to this day I regret not being as strict!

I was really hoping the Bodyotics Deluxe Kegel Weighted Exercise Balls could bring back some confidence in my day-to-day life, and I wouldn’t feel as self conscious chasing my two year old and seven year old around a play area!

Expert rating:
Mother&Baby/Samatha Ball
Price: $45.90


  • They come with a storage bag to keep them all neatly together
  • There’s a free e-Book to help support with the pelvic floor training
  • They are comfortable and easy to use


  • It’s hard to get confirmation you’re using them correctly even with slow progress
  • Effectiveness:
  • Comfort:
  • Ease of use:
  • Ease of cleaning:
  • Durability:
Exercise time:15 minutes per day
  • 6 weights from beginner to expert
  • Free pelvic floor training program
  • Hypoallergenic and medically approved silicone

Testing the product

I was really impressed with the packaging it arrived in and the storage bag it came with as well for keeping all the weights in one place. There is no clear indication of which of the weights you’re supposed to start with at first glance, but this is made clear in the instructions.

The different weight strengths are also colour-coded, so the lightest pink is the lightest weight, and the darkest is the heaviest. This does help when you know the code, and you know what you can work up toward during the pelvic floor training.

I was a bit uncomfortable using them at first as it does take some getting used to and arguably these are not as straightforward as electric pelvic floor trainers. I started with the lightest weight first to see where my pelvic strength was at, so it is a bit of trial and error with the kegal balls at first.

Bodyotics Deluxe Kegel Weighted Exercise Balls in box with storage pouch
©Mother&Baby/Samatha Ball

You only have to use them for 15 minutes a day which I think is a reasonable starting point. One perk of these is you can go about daily activity at home while training your pelvic floor, however I didn’t feel comfortable doing that and would set 15 minutes aside watching TV in the evening to work on my pelvic floor.

The kegal weights are easy to insert and remove, and are also easy to clean. You do have to give them a wash before using to make them easier to use and ensure they are clean, as even with the storage bag I would notice little speckles of dust.

Final verdict

I would recommend using the Bodyotics Deluxe Kegel Weighted Exercise Balls, I’ve told myself since giving birth two years ago I’ll work on my pelvic floor but I never do! These give you a bit more motivation to work towards, and they aren’t too expensive if you don’t commit to using them every day or every other day.

Samantha Ball is a Features & Reviews Editor for Mother&Baby, having written for the brand since 2018. She's a mum of two aged seven and three, and is currently expecting her third. She loves searching for the best and current trending products for little ones. She loves to bake, but spends most of her free time between football and ballet classes.

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