Beaba Up & Down High Chair review

from Amazon
RRP  £199.99

by Ellie Kirwin-Jones |
Updated on

The Up & Down high chair is practical, suitable for all heights whether you're eating from a breakfast bar or your dining table. What's great about the Up & Down chair is that your little one child will always be sat in an optimum position! With 6 adjustable height levels, mealtimes have never been so easy.

How did this product make your life easier?

Katrina: I really like the fact the beaba high chair has the 6 different levels to adjust the height. Many high chairs I have used previously do have the option to adjust the height, but none go as high as this. It is a great thing to have if you have a breakfast bar or a high table you want to sit at with your baby. It is also a great height if you want to stand and feed your baby. One thing which I did find difficult was adjusting the height, I found you had to push in the buttons either side at the side time and get each side a perfectly equal height as it wouldn’t clip in other wise and be wonky. This may get easier over time, it may have just been a case of getting the correct technique and being a bit stiff as it is new.

Faye: This product really helped me, as I have had a recent knee injury, this highchair allowed me to sit in more comfortable places due to its adjustable height. It meant I could feed my baby with us both being comfortable. My baby felt safe and secure in this highchair. I was able to adjust it easily to fit at my table too.

Aurelie: This product has been quite useful. it is very stable, so I can step away to wash something when my little one is still on the chair. It is very easy to clean so I didn't have much trouble cleaning when I am giving my baby some finger foods. The height is adjustable so I can use it on two different tables.

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Would you recommend this to other mums?

Hannah: I would recommend this to mums with modern/Scandinavian tastes who needed a highchair that could be set at different levels, for example, if they had a breakfast bar. The original highchair sent tic us had an essential part missing, but this was replaced. It’s easy to wipe down and not many little places that food can get stuck so it was good in terms of hygiene. As with most highchairs, the harness will take some more cleaning.

Beth: I would recommend this product to friends and fellow mums but maybe no as their main highchair only due to comfort for the child. That aside it is very durable, easily put together or taken down, if you wanted to transport it you could quite easily, it is a stylish chair but also easily wiped down and clean. The chair does have a tray but due to the height, you could use this by a breakfast bar also. My only other criticism is I don't think this chair would be suitable for a larger baby or toddler as the seat is quite small.

Beverley: It was an easy chair to have around. It was easy to move and therefore I could see it being useful for using at different table heights. It was hygienic as there didn't seem to be many little places for food to get stuck in like some chairs and it was easy to wipe clean in any case. It would be better if the padded seat came with it as standard and not an extra to pay for. The removable tray is also a good idea.

Would you choose this product to win?

Kaytie: No I wouldn’t personally choose this product because it doesn’t fold away. The chair I have fold down so that it can be slipped away between the end of my table and the wall when not in use. The up and down chair also doesn’t have anywhere to clip the tray onto when it’s not in use which is another feature my other chair does have. It also wasn’t the easiest to install and took longer than we thought.

Katrina: The main thing I really like about the beaba high chair is the design. It is very eye catching and modern looking with the white, grey and wooden effect which looks lovely in a modern house setting. I also really like the fact the high chair goes to 6 different heights, I have never used a high chair which goes this high so this is a bonus if you have a breakfast bar or high table you want to sit at with your baby with. Personally I would not buy this high chair as I don’t think it is worth the money. You can buy other really nice looking chairs for a lot cheaper and I don’t like that it doesn’t fold away to store as I don’t have a lot of spare space to keep the chair out all of the time. Also, the removable chair cushion is lovely but I found it quite difficult to keep taking off to wash, something easier fitting would be better. Therefore for all of the above reasons I personally don’t think this high chair should win.

Beth: As mentioned above I do like this high chair but possibly not for the main chair. I would use it as a backup chair say at the Grandparents' houses etc. My reasons for this are it doesn't feel overly comfortable for the child especially when they are sat for extended meal times and I think your baby would very quickly outgrow this chair.

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What changes would you make to this product?

Beverley: I would have liked the footrest to have been wider as my daughter was kicking at the end of the foot bars and I worried she would injure herself. Maybe a footplate rather than a bar would be more user-friendly? Also, I would have liked the padding to have come as standard. Overall it is a nice chair but not one I would personally choose just because the design is too modern for my taste.

Hannah: It would be nice to see more wood and less plastic, then I would definitely consider buying it. The harness gets grubby but I don’t really see a way around this and most other highchairs are the same - but sometimes darker colours are move forgiving (but perhaps less hygienic?!). I think as my daughter gets older she may not want to sit in it anymore.

Faye: There is only one thing I would change and it is a minor detail. I would make the straps more secure only by adding a loop to feed the loose bit through and this is purely because my baby kept trying to grab and suck them. You can imagine that this with a mouthful of food was not great to keep clean. I love this product though.

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