The Modibodi Breastfeeding Cami combines is made from luxe bamboo, so you can nurse baby with confidence, comfort – and no leaks. The innovative patent-pending leakproof cup absorbs milk to keep you cool, comfy and dry
and completely replaces the need for disposable breast pads. The moulded wire-free cup offers great shape and support, but is still comfy enough to sleep in.
We spoke to these real parent testers to get their review...
How did this product make your life easier?
Daisy: So I have never been interested in breastfeeding tops, I have breastfed for a combined time of just over 4 years and have never owned one, but when I say this is a lifesaver I mean it! I've only had it 2 days but already it has made things so much faster! It's one layer, not two or three! Also really handy to wear under a baggy top/dress and still serves its purpose great!
Jen: I absolutely love this leak-proof cami. It’s so comfortable to wear and completely works. It also means you don’t need to buy disposable breast pads which bunch up in your bra. The cami absorbs a lot of milk so no need to keep changing it. I would go so far to say it is revolutionary. Great for the planet too. I’ve recommended it to all my mum friends and also I recommend it as a great baby shower gift. It also makes breastfeeding really easy with the one hand clips and looks great with any outfit; jeans/leggings etc. I also wear it in bed as it’s so comfy to wear and non-restrictive.
Ashley: I would say this breastfeeding cami makes life easier as a mum on the go, as you don’t have to wear a bra, it is so much easier to just unclip one clip on the strap of the top, and you are ready to breastfeed. There is no faffing about with a top and then a second set of clips from the bra. I loved the freedom of only having to wear a top without a bra underneath. Baby and I are both still a fan of enjoying a contact nap and having fewer layers helps to keep us both cool, which definitely helps make life better as we don't need to rely on the fan quite so much to cool us down either. I would say another reason why It is also easier, is that you don’t have to think about the logistics of breast pads and removing them before a feed (and where to put them if you're feeding in public!) or popping them back in place after baby has fed. You know that any leakages when baby pulls off unexpectedly and milk sprays everywhere, will just be soaked up and not lead to any embarrassing wet patches!
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Would you recommend this to other parents?
Hannah: I would definitely recommend this product to a friend/fellow mum, as it looks great, keeps its shape and is very supportive. The material feels really high quality and it washes brilliantly. I feel it really makes breastfeeding easier while still looking stylish and using the adjustable straps really provides the support needed.
Jen: I’d completely recommend this top as there is no need to wear nursing pads which can be uncomfortable, bad for the environment and can ‘bunch’ which looks unsightly. They can also be expensive and sometimes you can still leak whilst wearing a pad if the pad moves etc. As pads are expensive this top can pay for itself.
Ruth: It is fantastic value for money as it saves the cost of buying bras and tank tops as it's all in one. It has a fantastic level of support and I can't believe how comfortable it is to wear. The fabric of this cami is such fantastic quality and it is super soft and comfortable. It is overall easy to use and should be a must-have for breastfeeding mums.
Would you choose this product above all others on the market?
Beverley: I would definitely choose this product over other breastfeeding tops because of the comfortable material. I also like the fact that it is environmentally friendly and I do not need to buy extra breast pads. I think this product should win because it has a nice design and it is comfortable and environmentally friendly too.
Jen: I really don’t think there is another product on the market like this. It’s really amazing. Such a simple yet effective product which has been brilliantly designed. I wish this had been available when I had my first child too as I struggled with leaky boobs like so many other mums. It avoids having to try all the different breast pads out there which are an unflattering shape, cost a lot and are bad for the environment.
Daisy: When shopping for nursing bras I have come across a few breastfeeding tops but non have compared to the quality of this one, I think in a line up the quality would overpower the rest! The big thing for me is the price though, £40 seems a lot of money but I guess if you are looking for a bra and top the price combined may work out cheaper!
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What changes would you make to this product?
Ashley: Overall I would say this breastfeeding cami is pretty good, however, one minor thing that would make this product potentially better, is if it was easier to get on. As it is quite tight due to the supportive nature of the 'bra strap' type strap across the back, it can be quite hard to get it over your head. I think it would be better if you could loosen it somehow to be able to pull the top on and off a bit quicker/easier. I think if there was a clip or something similar on the back strap which you could unfasten to pull the top over your head, and then that would be fastened once the top was actually on to tighten it again, this would be beneficial. Another minor change (although not a deal breaker), is that I quite often forget that you have to hold the inner strap (that goes down over the breast/toward the armpit) to be able to unclip the clip, rather than the strap that goes up towards the shoulder. It is still fairly easy to undo, but it did tend to mean I ended up using both hands to unclip.
Beverley: If there was one thing I could change about this product I would make sure that it was available in different colours so that it would match more of my wardrobe. I would also like it to be longer in the body too so that it covers more of my body. Its current length sometimes shows parts of my body that I don’t like.
Ruth: This has been the hardest question yet to answer as I am finding it hard to think of anything I would change. I think I would like to see it advertised more as until I received this product to test I truly hadn't heard of it and I am now 19 months into my breastfeeding journey. I would like to see more of this product in high street shops.