Babymoov Dream Belt Pregnancy Sleep Aid review

from Babymoov
RRP  £39.95
Babymoov Dream Belt Pregnancy Sleep Aid

by Emily Gilbert |
Updated on

At a glance:

The Dream Belt Pregnancy Sleep Aid works like a dream! A unique and innovative product that attaches to you at night, to avoid your pregnancy pillow falling out of bed. All of our panel of mum testers reported that their sleep had improved thanks to the support between their back and the bed. This pillow was also recommended by one of our mums and is mentioned in our best pregnancy pillows article.

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What they say:

“This new and innovative pregnancy belt has been co-created with mums and midwives to improve comfort during sleep. It provides an ideal position while sleeping and support the baby bump. The two shape memory foam reinforcements fill the gap between the hips and mattress while sleeping in side position.”

Tested by mum Rachel Melton for the Mother & Baby awards 2018:

Would you recommend this to other mums?

I love how easy this Pregnancy Sleep Aid Belt is to use. The padding is in the perfect place to support your bump and fills in the gap between your bump and the bed. You don't even know you are wearing it, the padding isn't on the front so it allows you to still feel and see baby moving. The cushion is the perfect size to fit between your legs during the night. It becomes part of your normal night time routine, you don't even think about it.

How did this product make your life easier?

It makes sleeping more comfortable as the band gives your bump that added bit of support.  The padding is in the right place, perfectly between your bump and the bed. I've tried pillows between my legs as a support but they were big and clumpy. The cushion that comes with the belt is the perfect size to fit between your legs and it's also great as a back support when I'm sitting on the sofa.

Would you choose this product to win?

Yes, I've never seen a product like this on the market. Sleep can be quite difficult when you are pregnant, especially in the third trimester. The belt allows you to get comfortable whilst giving you support and the cushion is so versatile, it can be used for your back and to support your feet if they become swollen!

What changes would you make to this product?

I would like the area of padding to be a little bit bigger, I find myself twisting the belt so it's slightly off centre to give me better support. The brand label is also at the front and top of the belt which is annoying because it's scratchy and catches my arms when I sleep. I've tried to turn the belt round so it's not in that position but it has to be worn in a specific way.

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Tested by mum Meekay Hobbs for the Mother & Baby awards 2018:

Would you recommend this to other mums?

Yes, especially because the instructions are very easy to follow, so it’s not hard to figure out how to wear it. The belt is adjustable, so you just need to tailor it to the size of your bump. The Dream Belt comes in a small box, is super compact and it’s very easy to just pop into your suitcase or straight in the car if you’re going away. It doesn’t take up much storage space either.

How did this product make your life easier?

The Dream Belt was an absolute life saver! Being heavily pregnant, I was struggling to find a comfortable sleeping position. As soon as I started to use this belt, it made sleeping more comfortable for me, as it not only supports the baby bump but it also allows me to rest my bump on the belt, re-distributing the weight when I’m lying down. The material is super soft, and the memory foam part can also act as a protective cushion, wrapping round the bump perfectly. I love sleeping on my side, so this was just perfect.

Would you choose this product to win?

This belt definitely deserves to win, or at least an award. I wish I had discovered this belt with my first pregnancy as it has made life so much easier for me when it came to sleeping. It’s nice and stretchy, adjustable and the memory foam cushion provides so much comfort and support on the bump. Not only that, it’s so compact you can just take it anywhere with you.

What changes would you make to this product?

I think the only thing I would like to change is the colour, as there isn’t any colour choice at all, other than grey. Not everybody likes grey, I think there should be at least two choices of colour. But apart from that, no there isn’t much I would like to change about this belt, it’s given me 100% comfort whilst sleeping with a huge baby bump and the material is nice and soft – I love it!

Tested by mum Nikita Harrison for the Mother & Baby awards 2018:

Would you recommend this to other mums?

Yes, the design folds well, and is very compact compared to others available on the market. It is definitely a unique product and it makes turning over in bed much easier when heavily pregnant and supports you when moving about and sitting up. I would highly recommend this product. It supports mum in all the right places and helps you to sleep in the correct position, rather than on your back or front.

How did this product make your life easier?

My life was easier because this product helped me sleep when heavily pregnant! Something I'm sure most mums want and need. The wrap-like nature of the product meant it was perfect for supporting my bump, back and hips, especially as I was suffering with hip pain due to SPD. The pillow also helped when home from hospital for the first few nights as a support. It is easy to transport and folds very compact. If I had known about this product earlier in my pregnancy, I would have used it for nearly the whole nine months.

Would you choose this product to win?

Looking at pregnancy pillows on the market, this design is very unique. It is certainly effective and compact compared to others. Price wise, it is about average price for a support pillow. This was my fourth pregnancy and I've tried a selection of different pillows on the market, in my experience I would highly recommend this to other expectant mums. I do think this should win a Mother & Baby award!

What changes would you make to this product?

The product is very innovative. The only thing that could be a negative is that in the summer months, when the weather’s warm, it may be sweaty to wear in bed. Aside from that, I can't see a single way of improving this product’s design. Potentially from an aesthetics point of view, a different pattern or variety of colours, although I found the colour to be quite pleasing and practical.

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Tested by mum Samantha Creedon-Gray for the Mother & Baby awards 2018:

Would you recommend this to other mums?

I would definitely recommend this support belt if any pregnant woman is having trouble sleeping. Early on, I struggled with my stomach aching on my side and using this completely relieved me of that pain. Also - it is very easy to wash which is great!

How did this product make your life easier?

I was a little sceptical when I first removed this from the packaging as I was expecting something sturdier. However, I was completely surprised by how much it worked and how much I needed it. It offers amazing support for my stomach, reducing stomach pains and means I get a better night’s sleep.

Would you choose this product to win?

I do think this is unique as I'm not familiar with any other belts that are this padded and comfortable. Other support belts can dig in to your hips while you're sleeping and the body pillows are too cumbersome, but this is easy to use, comfortable and has improved my sleep.

What changes would you make to this product?

I don't think there is anything I would change. At the moment I still have plenty of room to grow into it, as I do find that is slips during the night. I have found that as the weather has become warmer it has increased my body temperature during the night, however that is to do with me and not a complaint about the belt.

Tested by mum Natalie Kemble the Mother & Baby awards 2018:

Would you recommend this to other mums?

The stretchy material of this Dream Belt allows plenty of space for my bump and allows me to move about during sleep with ease. The pattern and finish of the product are also exceptional. I use the pillow to elevate my legs during the night and it provides soft support to my slightly swollen ankles.

How did this product make your life easier?

I am currently 28 weeks pregnant and have been using the product two weeks. I can say that as a mum to be, I was previously experiencing aches and pains whilst sleeping, however, this belt has made my sleeping experience so much better. The padded support around my waist and hips allows me to lie on each side with comfort and the stretchy materiel doesn’t make you feel constricted with movement.

Would you choose this product to win?

There are so many pregnancy pillows available on the market, however this product is attached to you rather than you having to hold it close to yourself for support. I have found with other products that, during my sleep, I have thrown them out of bed, so I would definitely choose this over another product.

What changes would you make to this product?

I would maybe decrease the depth of the pillow itself as it is quite chunky to have in-between my legs. I tend to rest my legs on the top of it instead. I was also plus sized before getting pregnant and although this belt is adjustable - maybe different sizes could be an option?

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