The best-selling pregnancy books you need


by Stephanie Spencer |
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Are you feeling overwhelmed with the amount of information surrounding you as you approach the day your baby arrives? Don't worry! We have loads of pregnancy and birth articles to help you, and we have also chosen some of the best-selling pregnancy books on Amazon.

You don't need to buy all of these books but pick and choose which ones catch your interest and match the style of parenting you'd like to try. With all the digital distractions on our phones these days, from online shopping to social media, it can be hard to think about sitting down and reading a whole book. Why not curl up with a warm drink and settle down for a relaxing half hour or so.

Related: Audiobooks every pregnant woman should listen to

When your tiny baby is only 18 weeks old they begin to hear their first sounds. From then, their hearing will get stronger till they can hear voices. Try reading to your baby so that they can learn the sounds and tones of your voice.

Being pregnant can be a nerve-wracking time. There are so many new challenges and worries, so much to buy and don't even get us started on picking a name. Pregnancy books should alleviate some of these fears with useful tips and tricks from experts and seasoned parenting professionals.

Pregnancy is hard enough. Growing a whole human being is exhausting work. You should read pregnancy books as a source of excitement. Try not to focus too heavily on using it as a textbook guide to life. Unfortunately, like most things in life, knowledge is key but at the end of the day, you will find what works best for you.

We have picked the best-selling pregnancy books which will make you feel just that. So check out our list below:

Our favourite best-selling pregnancy books:

The Positive Birth Book: A New Approach to Pregnancy, Birth and the Early Weeks
Price: $23.95

This is one of the best books about birth. When pregnant, giving birth is your whole focus, so getting all the information you can about it will help you to feel more positive about it. Milli Hill is a writer and mom of three, she started a positive birth movement that is helping women around the UK.

Your Baby Week by Week: The Ultimate Guide to Caring for Your New Baby

Rrp: $33.99

Price: $19.92
Alternative retailers
Target$21.42View offer

This book is perfect for when your baby finally arrives. Your Baby Week By Week covers one week of a baby's development per chapter, and the chapters are divided into sections so that you can quickly and easily skim find the information you're looking for.

Pregnancy for Men: The whole nine months
Price: $17.99

It goes without saying that pregnancy has little impact physically on the father, but it's a massive time for him too - this book will explain how he can get involved and help you during your 9 months.

Hypnobirthing: Practical Ways to Make Your Birth Better
Price: $32.08

Siobhan Miller is mum to three boys and founder of The Positive Birth Company, which aims to make hypnobirthing accessible to all. This is the perfect book if you want to learn about hypnobirthing as Siobhan is a leader in the subject in the UK.

The Day-by-Day Pregnancy Book
Price: $48.99

This book gives you daily tips while you're pregnant. A great way to get snippets of information every day - you could read it while you have breakfast each day, or when you get to bed at night.

Your Baby, Your Birth: Hypnobirthing Skills For Every Birth

Rrp: $20.95

Price: $19.58

Another book about hypnobirthing but this time written by in-demand hypnobirthing coach Hollie de Cruz. which provides you with the skills and tools to make any birth feel safe, calm, connected and empowering. Two of our favourite celebs mums had her help: Fearne Cotton and Giovanna Fletcher.

The New Contented Little Baby Book
Price: $16.18

This book is based on Gina Ford's personal experience of caring for more than 300 babies. This is also one of the bestselling parenting books in the UK. This completely revised edition of The New Contented Little Baby Book contains the most up-to-date advice available to parents. You can find information about preparating for the birth, feeding in the first year, understanding your baby's sleep, establishing a routine and many other topics.


Written for dads, The Expectant Dad's Survival Guide tells you everything you need to know during your partner's pregnancy and the first few weeks of your new life as a dad. This is must-read for all fathers-to-be.

Ina Mayu0026#039;s Guide to Childbirth

Rrp: $23.50

Price: $21.10
Alternative retailers
Target$17.00View offer

Being pregnant can awesome (many mums say they really miss having a bump once baby arrives), but it's time to welcome your newborn; Ina May Gaskin, America's leading midwife, will help you prepare for giving birth. She explains what really happens during labour, how to create a safe and comfortable environment for birth, tips for maximising your chances of an unmedicated labour and birth, and the risks of anaesthesia and caesareans.

What to Expect When Youu0026#039;re Expecting

Rrp: $19.95

Price: $17.90

It's not a new book but it's a consistent best-seller thanks to its no-nonesense approach to everything you need to know - about being pregnant, and what happens when baby arrives. It's very detailed, and can feel a bit like an instruction manual - which you may love or hate.

It's not actually related to the film of the same name, but we'd still recommend watching that too as it's really funny.

The Big Fat Activity Book for Pregnant People
Price: $22.92

Not your average pregnancy book, and a bit different to the rest on our list, but this is great fun and a funny gift for any pregnant friend. The description accurately states: "Part diary, part colouring book, and part brutally honest (and hysterically funny) collection of advice, this is for the new mother who wants to chill out, laugh her face off, and realise with every page that she is not alone."

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Mother & Baby is dedicated to ensuring our information is always valuable and trustworthy, which is why we only use reputable resources such as the NHS, reviewed medical papers, or the advice of a credible doctor, GP, midwife, psychotherapist, gynaecologist or other medical professionals. Where possible, our articles are medically reviewed or contain expert advice. Our writers are all kept up to date on the latest safety advice for all the products we recommend and follow strict reporting guidelines to ensure our content comes from credible sources. Remember to always consult a medical professional if you have any worries. Our articles are not intended to replace professional advice from your GP or midwife.