Spatone Liquid Iron Spatone Apple with Vitamin C review

from Spatone
RRP  £14.49
Spatone Liquid Iron Spatone Apple with Vitamin C

by Ellie Kirwin-Jones |
Updated on

These convenient, one-a-day sachets are packed with the taste of juicy, ripe apples to make iron supplementation not only easy but tasty too! One sachet of Spatone Liquid Iron Apple can provide you with your recommended daily amount of iron and Vitamin C, well-known for its ability to increase iron absorption. Vitamin C contributes to a healthy immune and nervous system whilst also supporting our energy metabolism, thus reducing tiredness and fatigue.

How did this product make your life easier?

Anna: I really did feel better on the days where I took the supplements and definitely feel that some of my symptoms of low iron levels (breathlessness, tiredness) improved. It was reassuring knowing that I was improving my health in a safe way for my baby. I felt that the supplements were gentle on my tummy and I didn't suffer any of the effects on my digestion (e.g. constipation) that I have heard iron tablets can cause.

Caroline: The Spatone Liquid Iron sachets are brilliant. I have used the Spatone original sachets but these are so much easier as they have the vitamin C in the sachets so I can take them directly without having to mix with orange juice. They are amazing little sachets that make it so easy to remember to take them as they are fuss-free. And quick to take so not to many questions from curious little ones.

Clare: This product is very easy to take, I liked the individual Spatone Liquid Iron sachets which allow you the opportunity to keep a couple of spare sachets in the handbag/changing bag, or when travelling they are convenient to pack and easy to use take when on the go. The Spatone sachets are extremely easy to make, as they are in a single-serve format that you can just open and pour into a glass and no measuring required. The product has a nice apple taste making it very easy to take.

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Would you recommend this to other mums?

Jessica: Yes, I would recommend this product to a friend/fellow mum. I have got along with it well with no side-effects. The packaging and design are fine, it's easy to identify and best of all as mentioned above it tasted good too. Phew! My energy levels have increased and I don't feel lethargic anymore in pregnancy.

Charlotte: I would recommend Spatone Liquid Iron to a fellow mum or friend because of the gentle nature of it. For people who have previously struggled with iron tablets, I would say that this could be a better option for them. This could also help adults who struggle with taking tablets all together, because of the liquid form.

Kate: These would be a good option for mums who are more prone to getting anemic during pregnancy as they are easy to take and don't taste completely vile. They also didn't seem to any of the same unpleasant side effects associated with other iron supplements so it may be a good alternative to mums who feel traditional iron supplements disagree with them. It would be difficult yet to know whether these will help prevent anemia in this pregnancy as I am still awaiting these blood tests. However, it would appear from the information leaflets that these supplements have been proven to be beneficial.

Would you choose this product to win?

Karina: I find taking tablets difficult, I always have and its much less stressful and easy to take Spatone Liquid Iron. The taste of it is a plus bonus as tablets have a horrible texture and taste. It's gentle on your stomach which is great as my stomach is very sensitive and can react with constipation and bloating to different products and none of those symptoms occurred.

Naila: No, although the liquid iron is more palatable, it is the only 5mg of iron which I think is not enough whilst pregnant. It, therefore, requires you to take two sachets. The box only has 14 sachets so it will only last one week. It is therefore not good value for money.

Charlotte: I would say that this product deserves to win, because it is a very well-designed, thought out product with attractive packaging that catches the eye and it really does help mums with the common problem of fatigue etc. It is also a great option for mums with diagnosed iron-deficiency anemia who cannot tolerate other iron therapies.

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What changes would you make to this product?

Anna: Personally, I really didn't like the taste of the apple-flavoured supplement and it made me gag! If I were to buy the supplement again, I would try buying the Original variety and see if mixing it with orange juice made it any more palatable! Having said that, the horrible taste was worth it for the benefits the supplement provided!

Caroline: I don’t think there is anything that I could suggest to make this product better. Sometimes I have come across a sachet that can be hard to open but that might be because of my hands being wet or something, but just use scissors to open the rouge sachet. Otherwise, I am extremely happy with how good the Spatone apple with vitamin C product is and will continue to use it.

Jessica: My only niggle is that it suggests leaving 30-40 minutes between taking Spatone and drinking tea/coffee/food and as I take it in the morning, I don't like to wait for my coffee too long. But understand that all medication and supplements have their recommendations. Otherwise, I would recommend this for an energy boost if you have low iron. It's a great product.

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