Vitabiotics Pregnacare Plus review

from Vitabiotics
RRP  £12.95

by motherandbaby |
Updated on

Tested by Liz Sypko for the M&B Awards 2016:

Why would you recommend this product to a friend/fellow mum?

The vitamins are really handy as they come in an easy-to-use packet with the days of the week on them so if you forget you will know.  The vitamins contain all the nutritional value you will need during pregnancy and helps skin and hair glow.

How does this product make your life easier as a mum?

It makes life easier as it has all the vitamins and minerals you required to help have a healthy pregnancy and having the days of the week on each tablet helps you keep up to date and if you forget you can check the days.

If you could change one thing about this product what would it be?

The product is quite expensive when buying them for 9 months. Other than that the product is fantastic!

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Tested by Shannon Fearn for the M&B Awards 2016:

Why would you recommend this product to a friend/fellow mum?

The tablets are recommended by midwives and have been recommended by other friends too. They give most of the nutrients that you need for you and baby during pregnancy. They left me feeling energised and even after giving birth, they are still brilliant at providing appropriate nutrients for breastfeeding and recovering from labour.

How does this product make your life easier as a mum?

I have peace of mind knowing that I am getting all of the nutrients needed from these tablets, particularly when suffering from morning sickness and not being able to eat much. I knew I was getting the vitamins I was lacking from food.

If you could change one thing about this product what would it be?

The tablets are quite big to swallow, so if anyone struggles to take tablets then they may struggle to take these, particularly in the first trimester when experiencing nausea/morning sickness. They are also quite pricey!

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Tested by Sarah Murray for the M&B Awards 2016:

Why would you recommend this product to a friend/fellow mum?

Using these vitamin tablets are a great way to ensure that you are getting all the essential vitamins you need for your baby. They are really easy to swallow, which can be a problem with other vitamins.

How does this product make your life easier as a mum?

A quick easy way to ensure that you are giving your baby all they need.

If you could change one thing about this product what would it be?


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Mother & Baby is dedicated to ensuring our information is always valuable and trustworthy, which is why we only use reputable resources such as the NHS, reviewed medical papers, or the advice of a credible doctor, GP, midwife, psychotherapist, gynaecologist or other medical professionals. Where possible, our articles are medically reviewed or contain expert advice. Our writers are all kept up to date on the latest safety advice for all the products we recommend and follow strict reporting guidelines to ensure our content comes from credible sources. Remember to always consult a medical professional if you have any worries. Our articles are not intended to replace professional advice from your GP or midwife.