Milton launch new Sterilising Starter Kit in store at Boots!

by Samantha Ball |
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Renowned in the industry for their multi-award-winning baby sterilising products, Milton have launched a new starter containing three of their award-winning essential products.

The must-have Milton Sterilising Starter Kit comes with the baby bottle cleaner, sterilising tablets and a cold water sterilising unit.

Available to buy in stores at Boots, the Kit will be available to buy from the end of February 2025, but you can still purchase the individual products.

Milton Baby Bottle CleanerImage by Milton at Boots

Designed to remove milk residue to ensure thorough cleaning of feeding equipment, the 100% plant-based cleaner is dermatologically tested and formulated for sensitive skin, making it kind to hands even after washing up.

Milk often creates a white film on feeding equipment which can be difficult to remove, so all equipment must be pre-cleaned to be sterilised effectively.

Milton Sterilising TabletsImage by Milton

Ideal for taking on the go or using at home, the Sterilising Tablets are clinically proven to kill 99.9% of germs and are effective in 15 minutes.

Milton Steriliser UnitImage by Milton on Boots

Often used by health professionals on maternity wards, the Cold Water Sterilising unit uses the sterilising tablets or fluid, has a five-litre capacity, and can hold up to six standard bottles. It's also ideal for sterilising breastfeeding equipment, weaning products and small plastic toys, soothers or teething rings.

The lid helps to protect the solution for up to 24 hours and has a submerger to keep all items in the solution.

Marketing Director at Milton, Laure Le Bourhis, said: "For decades the Milton method has been the go-to choice for maternity wards, and we're thrilled to introduce our new starter kit to simplify sterilising for new parents,"

"This method requires no heat or electricity - just three simple steps and three essential products to keep babies safe from harmful germs." She adds, "Our recent research with expectant parents revealed confusion about sterilisation - why it's necessary and which methods are best. Our new kit addresses these concerns, providing a clear and convenient solution."

Samantha Ball is a Features & Reviews Editor for Mother&Baby, having written for the brand since 2018. She's a mum of two aged seven and three, and is currently expecting her third. She loves searching for the best and current trending products for little ones. She loves to bake, but spends most of her free time between football and ballet classes.

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