Fred & Flo Steady Potty review

from Tesco
RRP  £4.00
Fred & Flo Steady Potty

by motherandbaby |
Updated on

Fred Flo Steady Potty at a glance:

The Fred & Flo Steady Potty has been designed so your child is comfortable and safe during their potty training journey making it one of the best potties for your potty training journey. A colourful range has makes a challenging experience much more fun and exciting. The design is practical too with a high back for comfort, non slip base for safety-lightweight so it is easily portable.

How did this product make your life easier?

Maryam: This is compact and light so I find that it is very portable. I recently took it on holiday as I did not want my daughter to have a break in her potty training. I also take it to nursery when my daughter goes there as my daughter likes the colours and patterns on it and wants something familiar to use at nursery.

Lucy: The potty is pretty basic, with a white background and cute duck and rainbow designs on it but my son absolutely loves it as it is all his. It’s a nice compact size so fits in my downstairs loo and is easy to grab (using a space at the back) to be used quickly or to empty. It has non-slip feet so can be used safely.

Vicki: Well it's a potty so it will eventually make my life extremely easy because I can get rid of nappies! My little boy has only recently become interested in going on the potty and isn't consistent yet but we will get there. I don't think much could be changed with the Fred and Flo potty it looks good, feels sturdy and comfortable for your little one. I think it's really good.

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Would you recommend this to other parents?

Maryam: Ultimately a potty is a potty and they are all designed similarly. However I would recommend buying this over others due to its pretty colours and patterns displayed on it as I find that it makes my daughter more likely to sit on it. She also seems very comfortable on this potty and enjoys sitting on it every time she needs to relieve herself.

Vicki: I would recommend this potty as it's top quality especially for the money! You can spend a fortune on a potty and there is no need. It maybe big (but what potty isn't) but my little boy sits down nicely on it and seems haopy and comfortable. It's simple enough to pour wee out (haven't had anything else done on it yet) and is easy to wipe clean.

Laura: It has a unisex design. It is easy to clean which makes it sanitary and mum-friendly. It is a good height for an average potty training age child. It has an accessible price point and can be bought alongside your regular food shop which makes it easier, rather than having to go to a separate shop or arrange a delivery.

Would you choose this product above all others on the market?

Jenna: I don't think it should necessarily win - there is nothing innovative or particularly different about it but there is a place for this product for good value and practical use. Could have a softer seat and could have a more fun design on the potty - my one had a little duck on it which was cute but nothing super appealing for a toddler to entice to use it.

Eleni: The product is really good value for money. For the price, the quality of the material is good and it is a really simple but sturdy product. The potty feels very safe and I wasn't concerned about it tipping over when my son sat on it or moved around on it . The potty is easy to carry and move around from room to room as it has a handle on the back.

Lucy: I think that the major bonus of this product is it’s a great little potty for the price. As it will only be used for a short time I would definitely choose this potty over others on the market. Another bonus is the unisex design because if I had another child they could use it too regardless of whether they are a boy or a girl.

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What changes would you make to this product?

Maryam: This is a basic potty and I think it serves it purpose well and I would not advise changing anything per se. Obviously it would be great to have a self washing potty, a feature that would let you ‘flush’ the potty or noises that would keep my daughter entertained whilst doing her business would also be great.

Laura: I would make it have a removable central portion which makes cleaning and transporting to dispose of the waste even easier and child may be able to do themselves with supervision. I would maybe add a bit more pattern or colour or designs to make it more attractive to a child who might like pointing this out.

Jenna: I do find that these potties are not the easiest to empty into the toilet, they seem to spill everywhere and wonder if a little not sharp jug type spout would really be a benefit to avoid spillages. Some kind of liner or invention to make out and about disposal of contents easier would also be helpful for out and about use!

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