Tot on the Pot review

from Amazon
RRP  £73.47

by Catriona Watson |
Updated on

At a glance:

Tot on the Pot is a play-based Potty Training solution that simplifies the process for parents and makes it super fun for kids. It aims to inform with step-by-step instructions and a fun, whimsical narrative for your toddler. You teach your toddler to use the potty through pretend play and reward them with surprise activities that celebrate your toddler's success.

Tot on the PotAmazon
Price: $47.95

Would you recommend this to other mums?

Jennifer: The book was a family favourite. It is hilarious for mummy and daddy and educational for my son. The cards also helped him, not only with his speech but also his understanding of his body and toilets. I liked the way we could take it away with us but it's also easy to store away and get out when we need it.

Samantha: The lifespan of the product is not particularly long once you have achieved the initial goal. However, the doll and the potty have quickly become another toy for my daughter to play with and she enjoys posting the cards and some of the activities. I found that some of the activities were not developmentally appropriate for my child but this would depend on what age you decided to toilet train your child. I found the books the most useful part of this product as the parent's guide is helpful and comprehensive.

Billie: I would really recommend this product if your thinking about potty training or even if your struggling. This is the one thing you need to buy. It’s easy to store and to take out with you, it’s colourful design is good and I liked that you could choose between the dolls which my son enjoyed. It also comes with fun games for them to play.

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How did this product make your life easier?

Chelsea: Tot on the pot has made it easier for my child. Now they ask to go to the toilet instead of thinking that using the toilet is a punishment. Since using tot on the pot it has made toilet training easier and quicker for both me and my child and now they enjoy using the toilet and seeing which activity we get to do as a reward.

Donna: I loved this product. My daughter took to the doll straight away and we must have the read the story 100 times over. The book was very easy for her to understand and was really well illustrated, colourful and held her attention. Using the doll the show her how to pull her pants up and down was brilliant as before she would either pee in them and now she has learned how to pull them down and up. The cards are great and add a bit of fun they are almost like a reward system but without using sweets and treats.

Helen: Tot on the pot has really helped my boy become confident and happy to use the potty. The parent book is chocked full of excellent advice, tips and ideas to help and encourage a toddler to train. My son loved the storybook and we would often read it while he was trying to go to the toilet as he was really nervous at first.

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Would you choose this product to win?

Lisa: I would choose this product as it has had a positive impact on both twins. My little girl is fully trained and my little boy understands the process and loves the doll but still hasn’t quite got there because he isn’t ready just yet. The customer service of this company was fabulous as well.

Hannah: I wouldn’t choose this product as I think it needs a few tweaks. Some of the phrases are slightly American and not appropriate for Briths audiences. I think the concept of this product is brilliant as it introduces fun activities while learning a new skill. I was disappointed to see that it didn’t come with a potty for the child. I thought this would have been a good addition. However, I appreciate this would be an additional cost. I think its brilliant you can choose which gender doll and what skin colour it has.

Elizabeth: I think this is a fabulous product in the potty training range as it's so different. Tot was a new little friend and as toddlers love mimicking, it meant a lot more time sat on the potty. The activity cards were a huge hit in my house. Whilst the usual stickers are fun, they are common and not a 'treat' whereas the activity cards gave something new and exciting to aim for each time. I'd maybe consider having different coloured cards with different daytime/night time activities.

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What changes would you make to this product?

Laurynas: I wouldn’t change anything. The product is absolutely fantastic and there is very useful information in parents guide.

Jennifer: I would add a potty or toilet seat. You could give people the choice to add one or the other.

Samantha: Overall we thought it was a nice product to try when starting out with potty training. The books were useful and my daughter enjoyed role-playing with it. The activities that came with it are nice but some do not work that well in practice as they can be quite time consuming. We also found a few of the activities were not age appropriate and it may be better if some of them were simplified. We also experienced some confusion over the toy potty, where my child actually went to the toilet on the toy potty before I could stop her.

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