Bumprider Connect2 review

from Bumprider
RRP  £335.97
Bumprider Connect2

by Maria Martin |
Updated on

Bumprider Connect2 at a glance:

Bumprider Connect, choose when you want to go single or double.With high load capacity (25kg/55lbs)together with optional sidebag and sidepack this ultra compact stroller can carry more stuff then a big pram can do. The fully reclining backrest together with the optional carrycot or hardshell prambody makes this carriage suitable from newborn and up to 4 years of age. As the first stroller on the planet, Bumprider Connect is equipped with a pateneded Flight mode system to shut off the small magnet field during flights.

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How did this product make your life easier?

Vanisha: This product was very useful for me and my twins! It gave me the ability to change and switch between 2 single strollers and a double easily thus making travelling alone/with someone easier. It also is fairly compact and does not take up a lot of space in the car or on public transport so travelling with it is easier than other double or single strollers.

Katie: This product makes it easier due to its small design it can be folded with ease once you get use it it also is very compact when it’s in a single stroller mode also if you have twins or children of different ages If you have more then one of the strollers you can connect the two strollers with the ease of magnets also it once folded don’t take much room to store it also comes with its own storage bag if you want to store in its bag due to mucky wheels or to keep it looking new and fresh you can also purchase a side bag that connects to the side with magnets for more space to put things also can purchase a side basket to connect on the side to put your child’s things in I’ve used this in both modes and find it so easy to connect has a double on my own I did find it difficult at first but once knew how it’s was easy the only thing I would say it doesn’t come with a rain cover this has to be brought separate and it’s quite expensive for a rain cover the straps to strap child in are very easy to use.

Miranda: This stroller is a well thought out innovative design that in particular situations would make life caring for young twins considerably easier. The design was stylish with useful storage add-ons (eg changing bag/storage) and it folds down to a very compact size. The ability to split the prams obviously effectively halves the weight compared to a double pram which can be difficult to lift in and out of cars etc.

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Would you recommend this to other parents?

Sarah: I would recommend this to a mum who regularly travels (particularly on planes) or requires a pushchair that does not take up too much room when folded. Thinking of mum's of two young siblings or twins, it does provide more flexibility to move between two singles or a double pram. Although it does not have as much padding in the seats as some other prams, for a lightweight pushchair, it does provide a comfortable seat which fully reclines to allow the child to sit more upright or lay back when napping. Once I had folded it a few times, it was a fairly quick and simple process. The weight of the pushchair also made it easier to pull along the beach without taking our twins out, something which made life a lot easier! The ability to lock the front wheels also made the pushchair easier to push along different terrains.

Jessica: I would recommend the bumprider connect2 to a friend, fellow mum or family member as it is a neat compact pushchair with family longevity. To start if you have one child, this is compact, light and easy to use. If you then have another child, you just add the other buggy and then when your first child grows old just drop back to one. All without the cost of changing from a single buggy and double buggy and back again. Or if like me you are a twin mum this gives you flexibility for out and about.

Katie: I would recommend this to a friend because 1 the fold ability because it easy to fold and it folds up compact 2 because of how easy it going from a single to a double or double to a single 3 the comfort of the pushing the stroller it’s so comfortable to push over various terrain ie payment stones not so good on long grass it pushes so smooth I’ve not tried this on public transport but have been using it in the car boot and can fit 2 in the car with space for shopping as other things 3 the design I love the design of this the way it unfolds with 2 clicks and the way the stroller looks the fabric feels very well made and the leatherette handle and bumper bar are very comfortable and also very well made the only down side to the stroller is the basket is very small but the fact you can purchase Accessories makes up for that also the rain cover not being included is a bit disappointing has to purchase this for 2 strollers is expensive this may put people of from purchasing the stroller

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Would you choose this product above all others on the market?

Miranda: I have not seen anything else on the market that is able to perform as both a single and double pram. The single pram on its own is excellent quality and compact both in use as well as folded down. The fact that it can be converted into a double will be very appealing to those with multiple pregnancies as well as those with young children close in age.

Jessica: I am still undecided if I would Chose this product over another pushchair on the market. This is a fantastic pushchair which has lots of neat and innovative features. I love the fact it can be a single or a double buggy, I love the additional accessory bags that you can purchase to go with it, I love the layflat ability and I love the seating position when my children are sat up. However I am really struggling with the width of the buggy as it has proven to be too wide at points which when I am on my own is a problem. This means that I wouldn’t be able to just have this buggy - I would need a narrower double as well.

Natasha: Yes I would, I think the price is reasonable for a single definitely and for a double it seems a little pricey but for the ease of use and solves alot of issues ive had with traditional twin prams i think its worth the price. The stand out feature is the ability to fold so small and disconnect the prams or add more together. The design is also modern and quality with lots of design options to change and add about the pram. Making the pram individual to the user. Easy to clean, indtructions were simple to follow and it comes with great accessories.

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What changes would you make to this product?

Jessica: There are a small handful of things that I would like to change about this buggy to further increase it’s usefulness to me as a mum. Firstly, it doesn’t come with the raincovers - these are an additional cost and to me I would want everything I need in one package. Secondly, when folding this buggy we often manage to lock the front wheels as the mechanism is easy to knock which is just annoying. Thirdly it would be good to have the option of switching to off-road wheels. The final and biggest thing I would like to change would be the width of the buggy, even if it could be made 2inches narrower there is the potential that this would be the only buggy that we would need.

Katie: The only thing I would change about this product is that they include the rain cover with the product and also once it connected has a double the handle bars feel quite flimsy and also the users manual only has pictures to help you it dose not explain how you connect the strollers together but once you know how it’s so easy to do and perhaps once you take the magnets caps of they could include a little bag you can put these in to keep them safe I’ve kept mine of has I tend to use it has a double has it’s easier for me to use has both my children like to hold hands also it’s quite tricky to reach the handle underneath to fold or to use to connect the strollers together and it’s quite difficult to adjust the straps and detach the the shoulder straps but once you know how it’s easy but the only thing that would make this product better and easier is to include the rain cover has where I live we get quite a bit of rain so that’s the only thing that I would change overall it’s a really good thought out product.

Vanisha: Better instructions with the product on how to use it. The pictures are not great and you cannot make out what to do. The connecting of the 2 Pushchairs appeared easy but in fact was very complicated and we couldn’t get it right immediately. I was glad we tested it prior To Needing it. If I was alone I would struggle to attach them

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