Hold on tight! Here comes the Ergobaby Metro 3 Compact Stroller

Metro 3 Compact Stroller and folded away image on pink background

by Keya Modessa |
Updated on

As a busy parent, who has time for complicated? This new third generation stroller from Ergobaby has taken all the best features from the older versions (Metro+ Compact and Metro Deluxe) and given it a little glow over, and we're totally here for that. This updated stroller was announced alongside the Ergobaby Omni Deluxe baby carrier.

So, what can you expect from the new and improved Ergobaby Metro 3 stroller? Well like its predecessor, this one features one-handed strolling and folding, but comes with a 4-wheel suspension - basically it glides! It's lighter than the Metro Deluxe model (7.8kg) coming in at 7.6kg and for those who like to travel, it's carry-on approved so no need to fork out for another lighter model making it the ideal piece of hand luggage. Oh, and the new super smart mechanism means it folds almost automatically at the touch of a button! Handy when you're juggling a wriggly little one.


Ergobaby Metro 3 Compact Stroller

ergobaby Metro 3 Compact Stroller
Price: $339.90


  • From birth to 4 years
  • Flat rest incline
  • Cabin baggage-approved
  • Car seat compatible with Cybex, Nuna, Maxi-cosi, Avionaut, Britax, Besafe
  • One-handed strolling and folding
  • Extendale handlebar
  • Ergomonic cushioned seat 


  • Not as light as the original Metro+ stroller
Dimensions:Height 109 cm x W 44 cm x Depth x 89cm
Weight limit:22kg
Material:Polyurethane Rubber
Folded dimensions:H 56cm x W44cm x D 23cm
Age:Newborn to 4 years
Adjustable Handlebar40 to 42.9 ins (101 to 108 cm)
  • Effortless Storage: Easy and compact fold for convenient transportation and storage.
  • Featherlight Design: Lightweight construction for easy maneuverability.
  • Ultimate Comfort: Near-flat recline for comfortable naps on the go.
  • Supportive Seating: Ergonomic cushioned seat for optimal comfort.
  • Adjustable Comfort: Extendable handlebar to suit various heights.
  • Newborn Ready: Includes a newborn nest for safe and comfortable use from birth.
  • System Ready: Car seat compatible for seamless transitions.
  • Simple Handling: One-handed push for effortless navigation.

If all of this wasn't good enough, the Metro 3 compact stroller also reclines to an almost flat position. Another option for pushing your newborn around in the Metro 3 is a car seat, which you can attach using separate adapters. Not only are these easier to attach to the Metro 3 compared to the previous model, they are also compatible with even more car seat brands and the stroller, and can be folded in with the adapters. Every little bit helps!

Other key features

Extendable sun canopy - guarantees that your little one is protected from the sun and comes with a viewing window. Included in the box is a wind and rain cover to keep your little love dry in even the heaviest downpours.

Ergonomic seat - it's plus and supports healthy positioning for your baby.

ErgoPromise Lifetime Guarantee - If there are any material or manufacturing defects, you’re covered for life with the Metro 3.

Storage - the stroller comes with spacious under-basket and pocket on seat back.

Adjustable, ergonomic handlebar - helps to reduces shoulder and wrist strain for parent's comfort.

Largest seat space - larger than any that have come before it, giving more room to your tot.

Ergobaby Stroller Metro FAQs

What is the age-weight range of the Stroller?

It's from birth up to 22 kg, or 4 years, whichever comes first.

What updates have been made to the new Metro 3 stroller?

The Metro 3 has a larger seat space, 4-wheel suspension, it's smooth-running and equipped with a super-smooth CushionRide™.

Keya Modessa, is our Senior Digital Writer and brings over a decade of experience from the digital realm to Mother&Baby. As a mother of two, Keya understands the joys and challenges of modern parenthood and uses her own experience, to give practical advice. Keya has worked across national publications including glossy women's mags, Food and Travel, and more recently as digital lead for Muddy Stilettos.

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