Hauck Lightweight Sport Pushchair Review

from Amazon
RRP  £59.00
Hauck Lightweight Sport Pushchair

by Laura Healy |
Updated on

At only 5.9 kg, the Hauck Sport is very light - perfect for trips away from home and on travels, while the swivelling and lockable front wheels allow for an easy steering. This lightweight stroller has an easy and compact fold that will fit in most car boots, so getting where you need to be is simple with very little hassle.

Expert rating:


  • Affordable
  • Easy to fold
  • Extremely lightweight


  • Wheels could be improved
Dimensions:75 x 45 x 100 cm
Suitable for ages:From birth
Orientation:Forward facing
Folded size:81 x 45 x 24 cm
  • Swivelling and lockable front wheels
  • Multi-adjustable backrest
  • Adjustable footrest
  • Large storage basket
  • 5-point harness and front bar
  • Canopy for protection

Testing the Hauck Lightweight Sport Pushchair

It is suitable for older babies and toddlers. We have a one-year-old and three-year-old, even though the stroller is compact it gives them enough space and accommodate them easily and feel comfortable. As our youngest is a one-year-old, we can say that it's suitable for his age and size, not sure about a newborn.

Hauck Lightweight Sport Pushchair outside

The stroller is very light, easy to push around and can be lifted with one hand when folded. Ideal and helpful for travelling especially when using public transport like bus and train. It holds down to a compact size, ideal for storage and travel. As it is less than 6kg, it's easy to carry around when traveling. It is very easy to fold without struggle, with a simple trigger mechanism. Very handy especially when on the bus when you'll need to fold the stroller when there isn’t enough space. We normally keep it near the front door, it's easily stored and doesn't get in the way of people in the house.

It is easy to manoeuvre thanks to swivel front wheels, lightweight and big wheels to handle uneven surfaces, compared to our previous stroller. Although it would be nice if the wheels had rubber surfaces for better grip. The brakes are effective and easy to engage, locking and unlocking using the foot. It feels stable and secure even though the design is very compact and light.

Hauck Lightweight Sport Pushchair with the rain cover on outside

It handles well on most terrains. We use it for school run and walk around the town, used on grassy surfaces and pathways; even better, a rain cover is included which is perfect with the current weather condition – wet, windy, cold and keeps my child dry and comfortable. It offers good comfort with adjustable backrest and footrest. It is also padded nicely. Generally, feels durable for its price point.

The storage basket is spacious and useful for carrying essentials. It is very useful when we do our shopping around town, it can fit quite a few items. The design is simple and functional. We also love the pop of colour blue of the hood. The fabric is easy to wipe clean. And as the main body of the stroller is black, it doesn't stain easily.

Hauck Lightweight Sport Pushchair parts as they come in the box

Final verdict


Is there anything else I should know about the Hauck Lightweight Sport Pushchair?

  • It is not suitable for jogging or skating.

  • There is a maximum weight of 18 kg (seat unit 15 kg plus basket of 3 kg) and/or 36 months.

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