Out n About Nipper Sport review

from Out n About
RRP  £395.00
Out n About Nipper Sport

by Emily Gilbert |
Updated on

One of the most popular jogging and all-terrain pushchairs available, version 5 of the Out n About Nipper Sport is lightweight, easy to fold and suitable from six months for jogging.

Running buggies, also known as jogging strollers or jogging prams, have become a popular choice for active parents who want to maintain their fitness routine while including their little ones. These specially designed strollers differ from traditional prams and pushchairs and offer a unique blend of functionality, safety, and convenience, so you can enjoy the benefits of outdoor exercise without compromising the wellbeing of your tot.

Scroll down to find out how mum-of-one Hatty got on when testing the Out n About Nipper Sport.

Expert rating:


  • Sturdy
  • Excellent suspension
  • Comfortable for baby/toddler
  • Smooth across rough terrains
  • Easy to fold and compact when folded


  • Not so easy to manoeuvre round corners
  • Less suitable for use indoors
  • Comfort
  • Safety features
  • Worth the money
  • Ease of use
  • Ease of cleaning
Size:(W) x 103cm (H) x 137cm (L)
Size Folded (wheels on):61.5cm (W) x 61cm (H) x 104cm (L)
Size Folded (wheels off):48cm (W) x 29cm(H) x 90cm (L)
Handle height:83cm - 111cm
Maximum load:22kg
Age suitability:Newborn to 4 years (approx.) 6 months+ for jogging
  • Light, easy to fold, easy to clean
  • 16” air-filled tyres and suspension for bumpy terrain
  • Parent-facing car seat compatible

Testing the Out n About Nipper Sport

"As an active couple living in the Oxfordshire countryside, we found that the OutNAbout Nipper Sport v5 is a sturdy and versatile buggy for off-road adventurous walks across bumpy terrains as well as for smooth jogs with baby in tow. The three large 16” air filled tyres and wheel suspension help to ensure a comfortable ride for baby across a multitude of terrains whilst the easy-to-remove wheels and compact folding allow for it to be neatly stored.

I’m a first-time mum of a one-year-old daughter who has recently moved to Oxfordshire with beautiful countryside on our doorstep. Myself and my husband are keen walkers, who particularly enjoy exploring woodland and I am also a jogger who is slowly getting back up to fitness post-pregnancy. We wanted a jogging and all-terrain buggy that would help us share our love of exercise and the outdoors with our daughter whilst ensuring she was comfortable and happy.

The set up of the OutNAbout Nipper Sport v5 was relatively easy and we managed to get it together in about 45 minutes. It arrived in a very compact box with an instruction booklet. We found the images in the booklet slightly confusing and we did have an issue with the front brake pad constantly touching the wheel on our first set up, the instructions for rectifying this weren’t overly clear. However, we got in touch with Out n About support and they swiftly advised us on how to sort the issue.

We used the OutNAbout Nipper Sport v5 with our daughter on various different outings, including a family holiday to Center Parcs and a 5k run acorss the tarmacked and off-road tracks around Blenheim Palace. Our daughter is very inquisitive and enjoys sitting in our day-to-day pushchair to watch the world (and dogs!) go by so we wanted to ensure the same level of comfort for her whilst also being able to easily and safely go about our exercise activities.

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The OutNAbout Nipper Sport v5 was particularly impressive whilst jogging. We were amazed at the smoothness of the ride both for us and for our daughter - particularly over off-road terrain. Due to my husband's slightly questionable map reading skills, our jog through Blenheim Palace Park took us across long grass terrain. Initially I was apprehensive of this and worried it would be too bumpy for our daughter however due to the impressive wheels and suspension on the buggy, the OutNAbout Nipper Sport v5 took this terrain really well and surprisingly smoothly.

Our daughter smiled and waved as we ran past sheep and ducks, and my husband felt comfortable pushing her at a reasonable pace, the buggy’s 5-point safety harness also helped make us feel that she was secure.

The front wheel brake feature worked very well on steeper terrain and allowed for smooth control of the buggy, this was particularly useful at Center Parcs as we walked over 10,000 steps a day up and down the walkways.

Initially, we were worried the storage area behind the chair would be too small however it is surprisingly spacious, we were able to easily hold both of our jumpers, a water bottle, our daughter’s snacks and water as well as our phones and smaller items. The design of the storage basket meant it wasn’t too bulky and didn’t affect the buggy usage.

We used the buggy in both sunny and rainy conditions, the extendable shade (with UV visor) is extensive - fully covering our daughter’s face and torso but still allowing her to see well (very important for someone who loves to greet the dogs that go past her). The peekaboo window is very useful for keeping an eye on her as well.

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The buggy also easily collapses and folds up well, the wheels can be taken off with very little effort and this allows for it to be compact in the car, something which we usually struggle with in our not-so-spacious boot.

The only change we would make would be to allow for the front wheel to move side to side, we understand why it is fixed in place and this ensures that the chair moves well over different terrain and doesn’t suddenly veer off when jogging, it means that using the chair for more everyday use (which was its main purpose on our family holiday to Center Parcs) was difficult, especially navigating corners indoors as you have to slightly lift the chair and spin it, rather than push round. I know other versions of Out n About buggies allow for front wheel locking which we may have preferred. Having said this, the Nipper Sport is not designed for everyday use and we never intended to use this buggy for this. For its designed purpose, jogging and all-terrain walks, it is ideal."

Final thoughts

"We were overall very pleasantly surprised with the OutNAbout Nipper Sport v5, having never used a buggy designed specifically for jogging and exercise before, we were very impressed at how well the chair adapted itself to our lifestyle and how easy it made undertaking exercise with a toddler in tow.

It is designed to be a sturdy, safe and robust buggy for exercise across any terrain and we do believe it does this very well. It is excellent value for money for anyone who is a keen jogger or who requires an exercise buggy for the beach or all-terrain walks."

Out n About Nipper Sport FAQs

Can you use the Out n About Nipper Sport from birth?

The near-flat seat is suitable from newborn and you can also buy the additional newborn support too. However, you should not use the Nipper Sport for jogging until your baby is six months old.

Can you run with the Nipper Sport?

Thanks to the large tyres and fixed front wheel, the Nipper Sport is great for running and tackling rough terrain although this does mean it's not as suitable for everyday use.

Emily Gilbertis the Features & Reviews Editor for Mother&Baby and has written for the website and previously the magazine for six years. Specialising in product reviews, Emily is the first to know about all the exciting new releases in the parenting industry.

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