UPPAbaby Cruz V2 review

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RRP  £739.99
UPPAbaby Cruz V2 Review

by Stephanie Spencer |
Updated on

The UPPAbaby Cruz V2 pushchair continues to offer parents a compact without compromise stroller solution with a whole new design and upgraded level of strolling performance. New dual-action rear suspension paired with front suspension ensures a softer ride and a downsized fold makes the Cruz V2 even easier to carry and tuck into tight spaces or boots. Bigger wheels create a smoother ride over tough terrain and the toddler seat can now accommodate children six months up to 22kg. A higher back, longer leg rest, and a deeper footrest provide added comfort for growing children.

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Premium: Looks sleek and streamlined with premium finishing touches like 100 per cent leather accents.

Extendable hood: UPF 50+ protection hood extends out to protect them from the sun.

Adaptable: Can be adapted from birth with a carrycot, and MESA i-SIZE Infant Car Seat attaches directly to stroller without adapters.

Different colours: There are nine different colour combinations to choose from.

Lightweight and easy to manoeuvre: Our testers found that it was easy to manoeuvre.

Adjustable seat: The seat can be adjusted to a rear or front-facing position as well as having a multi-position recline.

Adjustable straps: Easy to fit comfortable on the little one.

One-handed: The seat can be adjusted with one hand.

Lockable wheels: Makes steering easier.

Stands while folded: Can be stood up compactly.

One-step fold: Can be folded down with one step.

No scuff brake: Doesn't scuff your shoes as you step on the brake.

Easy and compact fold: Our testers reported that it was easily folded and stored due to its compact size.

• Adjustable handlebar: Height of the handlebar can be adjusted to make it comfortable for different heights.

Large back wheels: Better for off-road experiences, with an all wheel suspension, it makes for a smoother ride.

Large shopping basket: Can store up to 13.6 kg of weight in the shopping basket.


Expensive: The main thing to note about the Cruz V2 is that it's an expensive piece of equipment. A lot of our Mother&Baby testers said despite loving the pram, £700 was too much for them to pay.

Better for taller parents: For some, the handlebar sat quite high despite being adjustable, and our Mother & Baby testers said it may be considered more comfortable for taller parents.

Could be more padded: Some testers believed this pushchair could have more padding to make the pushchair even more comfortable for baby.

Could include accessories: Considering the price, some testers said they would have been inclined to pay for the product if it came with added accessories to make it better value for money.


John Lewis: The Cruz V2 has a 4.6 out of 5 star rating on John Lewis from 5 reviews. One reviewer said: "Brilliant pram - we would highly recommend. Great suspension, handling and it feels so strong and sturdy. The basket size is fantastic! We preferred the Cruz over the vista as it's slightly more compact and narrower than other prams that we looked at. As it's slightly narrower, we can wheel the pram through the house no problem, which is great when baby falls asleep on a walk!"


Considering the price of the Cruz V2, it is definitely on the higher end of the market. Retailing at £739.99, how does it measure up to competitors? Read our full review of other pushchairs here.

Micralite GetGo: Won Gold in the M&B Awards 2022 for Best Pushchair, costs £295. Despite having fairly similar features like foldability, a large shopping basket, great off-road manoeuvrability and travel system adaptability, the Cruz V2 costs £444.99 more than the Micralite GetGo.

EVERYDAY 3-in-1 Pushchair: Won Gold in the M&B Awards 2022 for Best Travel System, costs £499. There is a difference of £240.99 between the EVERYDAY 3-in-1 Pushchair and the Cruz V2. Not only can the EVERYDAY 3-in-1 take more weight than the Cruz V2, it also comes with accessories and a lie-flat carrycot included.

Key Features and Specifications of the UPPAbaby Cruz V2

Dimensions? 95.3 L × 57.8 W × 101.6 H cm

Weight? 11.6 kg

Age suitability? Suitable from 6 months to 22 kg

• Suitable from birth with carrycot

• Full-size reversible toddler seat

• Five-point, no-rethread harness

• Extendable canopy with UPF 50+ protection, zip out fabric and mesh panels

• Vented peekaboo window

• One-handed, multi-position recline

• Adjustable handlebar

• Extra-large, easy-access basket with 13,6 kg weight limit

• All-wheel suspension

• Front wheel locks with visual indicators

• MESA i-SIZE Infant Car Seat attaches directly to stroller without adapters

• One-step fold, stands when folded

• 100 per cent full-grain leather accents

Testing the UPPAbaby Cruz V2

At Mother & Baby, we were assisted with help from our Mother & Baby Testers to review the UPPAbaby Cruz V2. During the testing process, we were testing for its overall performance, usability and build. Here's what our testers had to say about the Cruz V2.

Mother&Baby Tester, Jennifer, said: "This product feels very lightweight and is easy to manoeuvre. My son is walking so has been perfect out on our walks when I’ve decided to let him walk for a little while as I can easily keep my child on his reign and push this stroller around at the same time. The brake system is a very clever design and much better than the pushchair I have, putting the brake on and off is much easier and I’m not scuffing any of my shoes. The handle is very comfortable also which is great for long walks."

Mother&Baby Tester, Debbie, said: "Extended sun canopy means no need for umbrella or sunglasses for baby. Can peek at your baby easily to check on them. Looks great, and sure looks expensive! Ride along board can be added for an older sibling. Love the variety of colour choices. The folding mechanism is one easy step. The suspension absorbs some of the bumps when on rocky terrain!"

Mother&Baby Tester, Emma, said: "It feels and looks really smart for a travel system. The suspension on the wheels makes it lovely to push around and keeps baby comfortable. Easily adjustable straps are brilliant and make it really easy to switch between children of different ages. Lots of room in the seat and adjustable hood height means you could use this pushchair when baby is much bigger."

How does the UPPAbaby Cruz V2 compare to other versions?

As well as testing the UPPAbaby Cruz V2, we at Mother & Baby have taken a look at other existing models from UPPAbaby to see how they compare to this model of pushchair.

UPPAbaby Cruz

What's the difference between UPPAbaby Cruz and Cruz V2? Well, the Cruz V2 has been adapted to include bigger wheels for better suspension, manoeuvring and off-road ability. With an improved compact fold, the Cruz V2 folds up smaller than before, despite including a larger shopping basket and larger extendable hood.

UPPAbaby Vista V2

And what's the difference between the Cruz V2 and Vista V2? While the overall design appears very similar, the Vista V2 can be adapted into a double pushchair with a simple mechanism on the chassis. This is the main element that sets it apart from the Cruz V2.

How does the UPPAbaby Cruz V2 compare to rival products?

Finally, our testers helped us to weigh up the comparisons between the UPPAbaby Cruz V2 and other competitors on the market. Here's what our testers had to say about whether the Cruz V2 stood up to other rival products.

Mother&Baby Tester, Hannah, said: "It is a winner in my eyes. I am not aware of any other product on the current market that offers everything it does. The features that really make this product stand out for me are: The absolutely huge basket space - big enough for a large change bag and several shopping bags. The big wheels which mean it can handle the roughest terrain. Not forgetting the lockable wheels that make steering even easier. The weight and compact size are fab for a pushchair with bigger wheels and a large basket. The design is really different to others and very sleek. The lovely variety of colours is so appealing. I love the dusky blue colour the best, but it's a hard choice. The extra large hood was super useful on sunny days. Covered my child perfectly, but thanks to the mesh panels it also let in plenty of air so it didn't get too hot. I imagine the large hood would do a fab job in wetter weather too. The fold was relatively simple which is very handy when you are a new mum."

Mother&Baby Tester, Helen, said: "I would choose this product over others due to the quality and ability for it to deal with taller parents. I didn’t realise how much uncomfortable it is pushing a chair whose handlebar isn’t at the correct height. The quality of the build of the pushchair is apparent all over the product from the leather details, to being able to recline one-handed and the feel of the fabric."

Mother&Baby Tester, Kelly, said: "I would choose this product above all others on the market as it does offer lots of great features for a full-sized pushchair such as it has a small compact size and large seat. I like that this pushchair is also available in a variety of colours and if necessary you can purchase a separate carrycot for newborns."

Final thoughts

The UPPAbaby Cruz V2 appeared to impress with our Mother&Baby testers, however, the price point was a large factor in their suggestions as to what should be changed about this pushchair. Retailing at £739.99 and not including any other accessories that may bump the price up, it's a large price to pay for a pushchair. Despite this, the Cruz V2 performed well across our testers, and that's why we've awarded it a 4.5 out of 5 star rating.


How to fold the UPPAbaby Cruz V2?

Here, UPPAbaby have demonstrated how fold and unfold the Cruz V2 in a few easy steps. First: step on the brake, then: fold the hood down, after this: push the handle in while holding down the button on the handle, finally: using the mechanisms on the side of the handles, pull it toward you and the pram will fold.


Travel system travel system is a buggy with a detachable car seat. The car seat can be easily secured or detached from your buggy to make it as easy as possible for you to move baby from the car to the buggy.

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