Munchkin UV Mini Steriliser at a glance:
Kills Bacteria & Viruses FAST! In just 59 seconds, this powerful little steriliser eliminates 99.99% of bacteria, viruses and germs. Simply wipe off any visible dirt or grime from the item, drop into the steriliser, and wait 59 seconds to sanitise.This small device is easy to throw into or attach to a purse or nappy bag, so when you need it, it's right at hand. Perfect for use in the home, but extra handy for public spaces such as daycare, playgrounds, doctor's offices, airports, and more.
Related: How to sterilise a dummy

We spoke to these real parent testers to get their review...
How did this product make your life easier?
Helen: When you are out of the house and the baby has dropped their dummy, being able to sterilise a dummy quickly is invaluable. The product is just about small enough to be easy to take around with you and it's reassuring to have peace of mind that you can quickly sterilise things when you are not at home. What is great is that you can do this in less than a minute wherever you are.
Kelly: This product makes my life easier because when I'm out this device is great to sterilise my babies dummies. It's quick and easy to use. Perfect strap to attach to the baby bag. It doesn't take up too much space either due to it being small and compact. I like that it only takes 59 seconds to kill almost all bacteria and viruses.
Rachel: I like the fact that it is fully portable and will last ages when charged. The design is very modern and the peace of mind it gives to mums is great. You know when the dummy is dropped when out that in seconds it will be fully sterilised and safe for baby. It is compact and easy to use, just leave in the nappy bag and it will be there for you when required. I keep the USB charger inside it so that I can charge with the powerbank if I ever run out of charge (I haven’t had to do this yet as the battery is great).
Would you recommend this product to other parents?
Joanna: On receiving this product I was slightly skeptical, I have a steriliser and would use Milton wipes while out and about if dummy fell on the floor so didn’t really see the need for more to lug around in an already full baby bag. The mini steriliser eliminates over 99% of bacteria and viruses using just UV light so no harsh chemicals, heat, or water needed. The cube shape steriliser has a handy silicone strap to attached to a buggy. I have found that I use this product all the time whether I’m out or just at home and don’t want to use the steriliser for that one favorite dummy, plus the sterilizer is much quicker at 1 minute. The battery seems to last ages, I’ve been using most days and it will last a few weeks.
Helen: If a mum has a baby or even twins who use dummies all the time then I can see a benefit in this product, especially if you are out of the house a lot. It may also be useful in the house if you need to quickly sterilise a dummy, as it is ready in less than a minute and can go straight into your baby's mouth rather than having to wait three minutes for the microwave and then having to wait for the dummy to cool.
Kelly: I would recommend this product to friends and fellow mums because it is a great nifty device. I like that you can use batteries or a USB cable to make it work which is great for when at home or out travelling. It automatically turns off when the lid opens. Also it removes odours without using chemicals.
Would you choose this product above all others on the market?
Rachel: The price tag is reasonable and similar to others out there on the market but I think this one has a cleaner crisper design which would make it more appealing over others out there. The battery lasts ages on this and I have only been required to charge initially although I haven’t had to use this daily. It is a nice to have product and other mums have been impressed when I have used it while in their company. Everyone can’t believe how simple the machine is and the fact you don’t need water.
Kelly: I would choose this product above all others because it's small and convenient for travelling purposes. It is handy as babies drop dummies all the time and this takes only 59 seconds to elimate 99.9% of bacteria. It's simple to use - a light flashes and once completed it stops flashing letting you know your dummy is now sterilised.
Joanna: I'm not sure if there are other mini UV sterilizers on the market, this is the first I've seen but it's now a key everyday product in our lives. The sterilizers handy silicone strap that can be attached to a buggy is also a great feature.
What changes would you make to this product?
Helen: It's price point. It is a fab product but given the price and the fact it is not an essential new parent product I struggle to recommend it. It does not take up too much space in the nappy bag, it is just a product for those parents with enough disposable income that they are not concerned in buying this nice to have product.
Joanna: If I could change one feature about the Munchkin Portable UV Soother & Dummy Steriliser + it would be the way the cube opened. The catch and button on the steriliser can be quite stiff and difficult to open thus needing extra force which occasionally causes the dummy or bottle teat to fall on the floor.
Rachel: I am struggling to find anything that I would change about this. It is lightweight and portable, it is very simple to use and it leaves the product fully sterilised after use. Maybe if there was an option for different colours it might appeal to other mums, although the white is great as it is neutral. The size is great for dummies which is what it is designed for but maybe if there were different sizes or shapes then it could be used for other products such as medicine syringes or spoons etc.