Tommee Tippee No Touch Forehead Thermometer review

from Tommee Tippee
RRP  £50.00
Tommee Tippee

by Catriona Watson |
Updated on

At a glance:

You can now keep an accurate eye on your baby’s health with the Tommee Tippee Digital No Touch Forehead Thermometer: the calm and comfortable way to measure your baby’s temperature. It is perfect for reading the temperature of a sleeping child. This thermometer is quick, accurate and really easy to use. Just hold the scanner up to 4cm away from the centre of the forehead, press the start button and the temperature will show on the LCD display panel within two seconds.


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Would you recommend this to other mums?

Johanne: I would recommend this product as it is very easy to use. It is super simple and when your baby is unwell and distressed, that is what you need as a mum. The display is nice and clear and the check back feature is extremely helpful. Even though it's £49.99 I would say this is a worthwhile purchase as it is going to come in handy for years, unlike most baby purchases we make.

Fiona: This is a stress-free option for when you need to take your child's temperature. When your child is ill it can be a very stressful time. You have to work out what is wrong with them, attend doctors appointments or administer medicine which is always a drama. To take away the stress from one element of the scenario is great. It is very easy to use. It's great that you can store a history of temperature readings too and monitor how things are improving.

Thokozani: The accuracy and efficiency of the thermometer ensure that my daughter’s temperature is provided quickly. With traditional contact thermometers, if the child moves in anyway, it could distort the reading of the thermometer. If the Digital forehead no-touch thermometer records a very high temperature, the Fever indication system alerts you the user, by letting off three short beeps, followed by one long beep to warn of potential fever.

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How did this product make your life easier?

Samantha: Having a 14-month-old son means it can be challenging to take his temperature. The no-touch thermometer makes it easier as it records the temperature really fast. You don’t have to sit with a thermometer in the armpit with an upset and uncomfortable child. It enables you to take the temperature regularly without upsetting the little one and also records the last ones so you can compare it to previous readings.

Nicola: This product is exactly what I need as a mum when one of my children is ill. In a time of uncertainty and illness this product is perfect. Quick and easy to use the reassurance of a healthy temperature, or worse case confirmation of fever is efficiently confirmed. I am particularly impressed by the product giving consistent readings, without the need for skin contact, alleviating the need to disturb my children when they are asleep.

Louise: The product is a great idea. It looks and feels good to use. However, the instructions aren't easy to understand and I struggled to use the item even after reading them over and over. An error message came up on the screen a lot and when I did manage to get a reading I wasn’t sure how accurate it was.

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Would you choose this product to win?

Rebecca: Although I like most of the elements to this product, I feel the price tag is high. I can see that the technology used is superior but I think I would personally wait for a sale or look for a cheaper alternative. I do like how this product looks and feels when using it. I have another similar product and although it's not as nice to handle it was a quarter of the price.

Nakeyta: Some of the readings have been perfectly correct but quite a few of the readings were way off which is a shame for such a nice product. I often compare it with the Tommee Tippee under arm thermometer and get completely different readings. I feel the inaccurate readings flaw the item which is a shame as it is a nicely designed thermometer. If this could be somehow fixed then the product would be absolutely amazing.

Johanne: I like the look of this product. It is smooth, sleek and a really nice design. My sister-in-law has an own brand thermometer and I much prefer this Tommee Tippee thermometer. The temperature check-back feature is extremely helpful as you don't always think to take a note of the temperatures as you go along.

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What changes would you make to this product?

Fiona: The price is steep for a product I would consider to be used infrequently. I have a baby and a three-year-old who get ill every two-three months on average. A carry case/pouch would be a good addition. As it is expensive I would like to keep it protected but also don't want to have to carry it in a bulky box.

Thokozani: The only thing I would change about the thermometer is the size of it. The design could be slightly smaller and more discreet. However, I am unsure how this would work logistically. I am satisfied with the functionality of the product but the size makes it not easy to store away. The packaging it came in was also exceptionally big and wasteful in my opinion.

Samantha: If I could change one thing about the thermometer I’d change the size. It is bulkier than thermometers I’ve used previously meaning storage and transportation is a little more difficult. I found the grip uncomfortable when using it in one hand whilst contending with a wriggly toddler. A narrower device would work better for me.

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