Lollipop Lane Prickles & Twoo Bedding Bale review

from Lollipop Lane
RRP  £87.99
Lollipop Lane Prickles & Twoo Bedding Bale

by motherandbaby |
Updated on

Lollipop Lane Prickles & Twoo Bedding Bale is a beautifully embroidered bedding set that is perfect for little girls, without being too girly. The fabric is soft and little ones are sure to love the owl/hedgehog appliqués.

The fleece blanket is lovely and snugly, and the bales are nice and firm – they hold their shape well although they might be a little too large for some cots, making the panels an awkward fit (pay attention to size when purchasing!). The bedding set does cost more than other similar products but it is amazing quality, which makes it good value for money.

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