WIN: The Ultimate Sleep Bundle from Glow Dreaming worth £400

Glow perfect sleep

by motherandbaby |
Updated on

Do you struggle to understand why your child keeps waking at night? Is it too hot, too cold, have you dressed them in the wrong tog?! There are so many unknown factors when it comes to night waking, so Glow Dreaming are giving away the Ultimate Sleep Bundle that will help answer those questions for you as well as supporting you to create the perfect atmosphere for a good night’s sleep.

Backed by Science, Engineered for sleep, Glow Dreaming was created because a parent had a desperate need to help their child sleep, and through years of scientific research created a device that finally worked. Since that moment, Glow Dreaming has worked with tens of thousands of families every year, providing them with products that help create the perfect environment for sleep.

Glow dreaming baby
©Glow dreaming

This prize includes the Best-Selling Glow Sleep Easy, a smart device that puts a sleep expert in the palm of your hand. Combining all the features needed to get a good night’s sleep including Red LED Light therapy to boost your little one’s natural levels of melatonin, the sleep hormone, before bed. Pink Noise to prevent unnecessary wakeups, the ultrasonic Humidifier to help promote deeper breathing and ease any congestion coupled with the Glow Dreaming range of essential oils specifically curated to help and support your little one’s sleep. The Glow Sleep Easy can be App controlled from any room in the house and gives you access to the Glow Sleep Genie App, which is accessible and available to hold your hand every step of the sleep journey so you are not alone.

The three oils included are the Glow Lullaby, crafted to foster a serene atmosphere and encourage restful sleep, The Breathe Easy, a blend formulated to assist in clearing nasal passages and easing breathing, and Glow Defence, designed to bolster the immune system, offering gentle yet effective support.

Glow dreaming product
©Glow dreaming

We are also including the Glow Perfect Sleep Sensor to help you create the perfect sleep conditions every night! Temperature and humidity are the two most critical factors you can control in any baby or child’s room, and the Glow Perfect Sleep Sensor allows you to monitor this from anywhere in the house, ensuring conditions are always conducive for a safe and comfortable sleep.

For when you are out and about you will also have the Glow Travel Sleep Easy a mini portable version of the Glow Sleep Easy to support your sleep on the go.

To enter answer the following questions, what coloured light therapy helps encourage the natural production of melatonin?

· Blue

· Red

· Yellow

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