Zoggs Trainer Swim Seat review

from Amazon
RRP  £21.54
Zoggs Trainer Swim Seat

by Rebecca Lancaster |
Updated on

I am a very keen swimmer, and both my sons (5 years and 9 months) love going to the pool. My husband is not a keen swimmer, and usually refuses to come. This presents something of a dilemma: how can I best look after both my adventurous older swimmer and my baby, who likes nothing more than suddenly faceplanting in the water? I haven't yet found a swim vest that is suitable for a baby under 12 months, and arm bands - while better than nothing - don't prevent him from tipping forwards. The Zoggs Trainer Seat looks like a swimming aid which might fit the bill, so we give it a whirl.

Expert rating:
Price: $26.99


  • Keeps baby's face well out of the water
  • Indispensable if you are looking after more than one child
  • 4 air chambers for extra safety
  • Easy to inflate
  • Comfortable, supportive and fun


  • Weight and age limit means big babies grow out of it quickly but cannot yet use next size up
  • Safety/Buoyancy
  • Durability
  • Comfort
  • Ease of use
  • Value for money
  • Usability
Sizes:0-12 months (up to 11 kg) and 12-24 months (up to 15 kg)
Inflates:Easily with valve
  • Stable secure seat with pillow back
  • Easy inflate valves
  • Easy to pack
  • Dual air chambers with separate safety valves for added safety

Testing the product

It arrives in a small but weighty packet, and unfolded it is reassuringly huge. My 9 month old is a hefty chap, but he would not come close to capsizing it! There are four large, numbered valves, and I manage to blow it up very quickly, despite its size. The material feels very durable and the seams are well-sealed. The fact it has four separate air chambers means that even if one were to become punctured, the seat would not collapse. It's bright orange and green, so can be seen from afar - though I don't plan on letting him get beyond an arm's length.

Into the pool we go. I wedge the seat in the corner and lift James down into it - to his immediate delight. It's easy to slip his legs through the holes and he sits up straight, his face wreathed in smiles. He clearly feels like he is joining in with his big brother Mischa, who boings past us on a pool noodle. Big brother also seems to feel the situation is more equal - on previous occasions, I'd taken James into the pool wearing armbands, and had needed to clutch him to me the whole time, and I think Mischa felt rather left out. James happily spins himself in a circle, legs pumping like crazy. If I did need to step away unexpectedly for a few seconds - for instance if Mischa suddenly got into difficulty - I think James would be OK in the seat. So - my major dilemma is solved. When James starts to look chilly (albeit still happy) after 20 minutes, it's time to come out - taking him out is easy if I wedge the seat in a corner. After use you're simply supposed to rinse the seat in clean water and deflate it.



However, there is one big problem: the fact that the seat has both an age and weight limit. Zoggs sells two Trainer Seats: one for 0-12 months, under 11kg; and the next for 12-24 months, up to 15kg. James is 9 months, but already 10.5kg. The safety instructions on the underside are clear: we can't use this one for much longer due to his weight, but can't move up to the next size for another 3 months. James is a big boy (99th centile for length, 95th for weight) but looking at the centile charts, 10% of babies will already have more than outgrown this by their 1st birthday. I think Zoggs needs to look into whether they can certify the Trainer Seats by weight alone.

Value for money

Both Trainer Seats are £18.00. On one hand, the safety details, comfortable design and the material mean that this is a very fair price. On the other hand, bigger babies would hardly get any use out of the smaller size, given that they can't even start to use it until they can sit up (at approx. 6 months). However, given its durability, it can last multiple babies and once James has outgrown it in a few weeks, I will give it to my sister-in-law, who has twins - she will definitely find it useful!

Final verdict

If you are looking after multiple children in the water simultaneously, the Zoggs Trainer Seat is indispensable. It makes the experience safer and less hectic. If it's just you and baby, the seat is also a fun introduction to water. For a small or medium-sized baby, it is well worth purchasing. However, if you have a larger baby, you might not find it a good investment unless you go swimming frequently or plan to have multiple children. Zoggs: please review whether the age limit is strictly necessary, given you also have a size limit!

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