One of the most popular Christmas traditions, other than visiting Father Christmas, is the Elf on the Shelf, but coming up with 24 days of elf-activities isn't always easy. Luckily, here at Mother&Baby we've found and created an incredible 91 easy Elf on the Shelf ideas for you. With all those suggestions in one place, there's plenty of ideas for Elf on the Shelf to choose from this year. In fact, that's so many ideas, you can bookmark this page and come back to it for the next three Christmases!
Love them or hate them, the mischievous Elf has become a family favourite and is a great way to encourage better behaviour throughout the festive period. Your designated family Elf turns up every morning and reports to Father Christmas about what your child has been up to in the evening.
It sounds easy enough, but if you're new to the Elf on the Shelf, you've got to create 24 different scenes for your little one to discover every morning. It can seem like a lot and you might run out of ideas.
So whether you're looking for ideas involving Elf on the Shelf props or just items that you can use from around your home, we've created the ultimate list of easy Elf on the Shelf ideas for you to use, inspired and tried by parents, including our own Mother&Baby writers.
Easy Elf on the Shelf ideas
1. Special Delivery Arrival

If you're looking for arrival Elf on the Shelf ideas, how about this easy one. Wrap an empty box in Christmas wrapping paper then break a hole into it. Add in your Elf, with a note on the front that says "special delivery". It makes a great arrival idea from the Elf!
Credit: Elf on the Shelf.
2. Melted snowman

The melted snowman is always a winner with children. Add some water to a bowl or ramakin, then add a few stones, little twigs and cut a small bit of carrot to recreate this look.
Credit: Kristin Collins on Pinterest.
3. Snowflake toilet roll

All you need is some toilet roll and scissors for this one. Simply unravel a bit of the toilet roll, fold it over and cut out patterns. You can keep it simple by cutting triangles and semi circles.
4. Snowman toilet roll

You can use stickers or a pen to add the snowman features, but for this, simply put your Elf through the middle of the toilet rolls to create a stacked snowman effect.
5. Eyes on you

Write on a piece of paper or cardboard "We're keeping our eyes on you..." (Or 'I'm' if you only have one Elf in your house), and lay out as many googly eyes as you like. You can even stick them to different objects throughout your house.
Credit: Kainspired on Pinterest.
6. Elf zipline

Using some string or even wool, attach it someone through your house, from your light to your Christmas tree or a curtain rail, and hook your Elfs arm over (you could use a candy cane or coat hanger too).
Credit: @funnyelfideas on Instagram.
7. Clingfilmed school shoes

If you're looking for naughty elf on the shelf ideas, this is a cute and easy option. Even if your little one isn't at school yet, you can clingfilm their favourite pair and pose your Elf either mid-wrapping their shoes, or completely wrapped. This also works with foil and wrapping paper.
8. Don't feed the dinosaurs

Set up your child's toy dinosaurs on the floor, then using some bread or even some biscuits, sprinkle it around in front of them. Write a sign that says "do not feed the dinosaurs" and position your Elf to look like he's feeding them!
9. Toilet paper tree star

Another simple idea is to wrap toilet paper around your tree and replace the star on top with the toilet paper roll. Make sure you only put your lights on in the morning before your child finds the Elf, and don't leave them on over night with the toilet roll wrapped around.
10. Tucked into bread

Super simple and you can use as many slices as bread as you like!
Credit: Elf on the Shelf.
11. Hanging paperchain light

You can buy a cheap pack of paperchain sets from the shop, or cut strips of paper yourself to make the chain links. Then tie the end around your lamp in your main living space, and hang your Elf off the other end.
12. Breakfast thief

One of the most simple Elf on the Shelf ideas, all you have to do is get your child's breakfast ready in the morning, and have the cheeky Elf positioned so that they look like they're eating it!
13. A wrapped lunch

If your child has a packed lunch for school, pack it as normal then just wrap in Christmas wrapping paper!
Credit: Elf on the Shelf.
14. Movie night

Using any snacks you have in the house, set your Elf up pretending to eat them, with either the TV on their favourite film or on a tablet. You might just need get up before your little one so you can switch the film on!
15. Cereal face replace

This should work for most cereal boxes and if not you can get a little bit more creative with where you cut out the hole for your Elf's head! Spill a bit of their favourite cereal on the side too.
16. Caught the Elf

Tape your Elf to the wall using plasters or sticky tape and surround them with toys such as army figures, police cars or superheroes.
Credit: Daddy by Day.
17. Money thief

If your child has a money bank or a purse, have the Elf rummaging through for money. You can add a few coins yourself, or even have the Elf borrowing money from your purse!
18. Egg-cellent faces

This has to be one of the funniest Elf on the Shelf ideas... Get your Elf to draw silly faces on your eggs! You can either leave the carton open or keep them in fridge with a note on the outside.
Credit: Unknown on Pinterest.
19. Toasting marshmallows

Light a candle and sit your Elf at the side with marshmallows on a stick. Add a stack of biscuits to one side of him and it will look like he's making s'mores!
20. Clear out

One that's not only easy to do but good for actually checking under the sofa, or down the back of it! If not, just pop a few coins and small toys with your Elf looking under the sofa cushions. As simple Elf on the Shelf ideas go, this one has to be one of the simplest. And who knows what you might actually find while you're checking!
21. Snowman nose rejection

Easy to do, grate part of a carrot and draw on a face! As last minute Elf on the Shelf ideas go, this one is super simple.
Credit: Unknown on Pinterest
22. Hook a duck

Pop some rubber ducks into the bath, and have Elf holding some rope to pretend they're playing hook a duck!
23. Frozen Elf

If your little one loves Frozen and has an Elsa doll, put the Elf in a freezable container and add water. Freeze him over night, then in the morning empty the block onto a plate with Elsa stood next to the block of ice!
Credit: Studio DIY.
24. Shoe-shoe train

Line up your child's shoes and sit a few of their teddies or dolls in, with the Elf at the front.
Credit: The Traveling Red on Wordpress.
25. Frying eggs

Add some Haribo eggs to the frying pan or your child's toy kitchen pans, and pretend the Elf is frying eggs.
26. Elf's secret message

You can create your own secret message and it's easy to make on a word document (or hand draw). It's a great activity to keep children entertained as they find the hidden message.
Credit: Spot of Tea Designs.
27. Elf drop cookies

Yes, this Elf on the Shelf idea requires you bake beforehand, but as a bonus, you'll have cookies to eat while you're setting up the Elf!
Credit: Unknown on Pinterest.
28. Toilet tape

This easy Elf on the Shelf idea just needs you to run out of toilet roll and not replace it - let's be honest, that's probably something that happens regularly in most households across the country! Add a piece of tape to the holder, pop your Elf in, and you're done.
Credit: Mums Grapevine.
29. Elf photo swap

Take a photo, print it out and replace a photo of your kid with the Elf photo. They'll be suitably confused in the morning to find they're missing from the frame!
Credit: Elf on the Shelf.
30. How to floss

For last minute Elf on the Shelf ideas, you can do this one when you're brushing your teeth before bed! Just grab your Elf, wrap them in dental floss and write out a quick note. Easy, effective, and fun.
Credit: Mums Grapevine.
31. Drive in movie

We love this Drive-in Movie idea. It could be a fun way to let your kids know they're having a movie night too, so stock up on popcorn and cosy up.
Credit: Elf on the Shelf.
32. Wrap up!

This is one of the more unique Elf on the Shelf ideas, but is super easy to do. Just get a tortilla wrap, and roll. Cut a bit out for the face and write a note, and you're done!
Credit: our_little_bubble on Instagram.
33. Fruit faces

Another super easy Elf on the Shelf idea, for this one you just need a pen. What could be simpler?
Credit: simplifycreateinspire on Instagram.
34. Empty chocolate wrappers

Now we're not saying you actually have to eat all the chocolates, but it is Christmas.... So indulge and leave the wrappers out - the Elf gets the blame and you get off scot-free. It's a win win!
Credit: Me and B Make Tea.
35. Milk gone bad

This Elf on the Shelf idea is another funny one that's easy to do - just a pen and a few bits of toilet roll and you're all set.
Credit: Jenna Harkins on Pinterest.
36. Hot dogs for sale

Those naughty Elves have been at it again... find some dog themed toys, stick them in a bun, write a sign and head to bed.
Credit: Your Girl Knows on Pinterest.
37. Magic eggs part one

Two nights of ideas in one - for the first night you just have to leave out the eggs. Simple.
Credit: Andrea Smith on Pinterest.
38. Magic eggs part two

Night two... break the eggs and replace the insides with Kinder Surprise (top tip, save the insides of the eggs and plan to do No.27 - Elf Drop Cookies - the night after so you can use the eggs in the cookies!)
Credit: Andrea Smith on Pinterest.
39. Elf angels

This might take a little clearing up but it's worth it for the cuteness this easy Elf on the Shelf idea delivers.
Credit: Life With My Littles on Pinterest.
40. Toothpaste flavoured oreos

Grab a bag of Oreos and replace some of the creamy middles with toothpaste. And as a bonus, you get to eat the cream.
Credit: Andrea Smith on Pinterest.
41. Sponge cake

There's no shortage of funny Elf on the Shelf ideas out there but this one ticks the boxes of both fun and simple so it gets our vote.
Credit: Parties Made Personal on Pinterest.
42. Elf activity jar

This is the Elf on the Shelf idea that will keep on giving over the Christmas holidays. Every time you hear that cry 'I'm bored', direct your kids to the bowl of ideas their Elf has helpfully come up with!
Credit: Elf on the Shelf on Pinterest.
43. Elf lemonade

It's a little more icky than the others, but there's no denying that kids will find this idea amusing. Let's just hope they don't get their own ideas...
Credit: Discover on Pinterest.
44. Ironing crisps

If only the Elf could tackle the real ironing pile while they're at it...
Credit: Kay Salt on Facebook.
45. Spider Elf

This Elf on the Shelf idea will go down a treat with any Spiderman fans!
Credit: Discover on Pinterest.
46. Stuck in the blinds

We can imagine the laughter this will cause when the kids wake up and spot their Elf has got itself into a spot of bother!
Credit: Just Simply Mom on Pinterest.
47. Cotton ball Elf-man

Do you want to build a snowman? Elf certainly did. This is a fun and easy Elf on the Shelf idea that you can do while you're watching TV in the evening.
Credit: Liv Social on Pinterest.
48. Elf in a slinky

If you're on your way up to bed and remember you've forgotten the Elf, this last minute Elf on the Shelf idea will take minutes. Grab a slinky, stick the Elf in and pop it down, then continue on your way to bed.
Credit: Frugal Coupon Living on Pinterest.
49. Red noses

That cheeky Elf has been at the photos again!
Credit: Elf on the Shelf on Pinterest.
50. Find the candy canes

This is an Elf on the Shelf idea to keep your little ones occupied for days - hide the candy canes around the house and let them try to figure out where. Just try to remember where you've hidden them - you don't want to find stick candy canes down the back of the radiator, years later!
Credit: Kainspired on Pinterest.
51. Chocolate Elf

Another one where you get to benefit - eat the head off a chocolate Santa and pop the Elf inside. Super simple, but super effective.
Credit: Unknown on Pinterest.
52. Banana bread

This brilliant play on words will have your kids chortling as they figure out what it means!
Credit: Discover on Pinterest.
53. Elf Jenga

If you've got two Elves, let them have a game of Jenga with some KitKat bars - your kids could join in too. After all, chocolate for breakfast is completely acceptable at Christmas.
Credit: Kainspired on Pinterest.
54. Don't feed the crocs

If you've got a few pairs of Crocs lying around, we love this idea of turning them into actual crocodiles.
Credit: Selena Sanchez on Pinterest.
55. Elf delivery

Another of our favourite arrival Elf on the Shelf ideas, this one just needs a box, though for adding cuteness, why not also fill it with some of your kid's favourite sweets or little toys?
Credit: Jennifer Moloney on Pinterest.
56. Making brown E's

Another fun play on words that will get the kids' brains working!
Credit: Unknown on Pinterest.
57. I will be a good Elf

If it's getting close to Christmas and your Elf has been a naughty boy (and you're running out of Elf-energy) just grab a pen and paper and write out a few lines...
Credit: Brighter Craft on Pinterest.
58. Elf makes breakfast

We suspect this Elf on the Shelf idea will go down very well with the kids if they get to eat sprinkles and frosting for breakfast!
Credit: Lynette McCloud on Pinterest.
59. Elf sleepover

Dig out all those odd socks you've got and set up a sleepover for the Elf with some little friends. The kids will love the idea of their Barbies, dolls or toys becoming friends with the Elf!
Credit: We Have Kids on Pinterest.
60. Washing machine ride

It's a rollercoaster! Elf and co are on a ride, and they're having lots of fun!
Credit: christinelundinhomes on Instagram.
61. Tic tac bow

Gather the Elves or their friends together for a big game of noughts and crosses/tic tac toe.
Credit: Mommy Glitter on Instagram.
62. Hiding in a cup

Another one of the quick Elf on the Shelf ideas, this one will take seconds.
Credit: I Heart Naptime.
63. Christmas Elf-angel

It might take the kids a while to find their Elf if it's on top of the Christmas tree but it's a fun option, especially if it's getting close to the big day!
Credit: elfontheshelfmadeeasy on Instagram.
64. Rejected Santa cookies

If you've got a dog, this is a funny idea - let Elf 'test' the cookies for Santa.
Credit: Unknown on Pinterest.
65. Broken Elf leg

Poor Elf has fallen off the Christmas tree - wrap him up and let the kids take care of him for a while.
Credit: Mums Grapevine on Pinterest.
66. Gingerbread house

No need to make and assemble a gingerbread house - just grab the spice and some bread and you're done.
Credit: Parties Made Personal on Pinterest.
67. Space Elf

Elf is heading into space. Little space enthusiasts will love the idea of their Elf heading off on a NASA space mission. Bonus points if you leave them a space book to look through and learn all about the Solar System!
68. Movie night showcase

Elf is starring in his own film - complete with spaghetti, maple syrup and M&Ms for breakfast!
Credit: Paging Fun Mums on Pinterest.
69. Christmas-pox

Poo Elf has come down with chickenpox - hopefully they'll be better by tomorrow and ready to get up to more mischief!
Credit: Discover on Pinterest.
70. Chocolate orange trick

Another fun Elf on the Shelf idea - this one can be spread over two nights if you want or have the magic ready for when they get home from school. Simply leave out some fairy dust (AKA sugar) and watch their faces light up as the oranges transform while they're away into chocolate oranges.
Credit: Sally Kelly on Pinterest.
71. Getting toasty

Easy Elf on the Shelf ideas don't come much easier than this - toast some bread, make some holes and pop your Elf in.
Credit: Unknown on Pinterest.
72. Special delivery

This arrival Elf on the Shelf idea is a simple way of introducing your child to the Elf on the 1st December. Just write a little note in your best fake handwriting.
Credit: Just Simply Mom on Pinterest.
73. Target practise

That naughty Elf has been practising its shot with tomato ketchup!
Credit: Frugal Coupon Living on Pinterest.
74. Cheese crackers

Get the Christmas crackers out and see if your kids can figure out the play on words here.
Credit: Discover on Pinterest.
75. Egg-cellent jokes

You might need to save your Cracker jokes from last year for this one - write out some eggs-ellent jokes, draw some faces and crack some eggs.
Credit: Harman Awal on Pinterest.
76. Grinchmas treats

If your kids are leaning more towards naughty than nice this year, bring out the Grinch masks and let them know that they're being watched!
Credit: Mums Grapevine on Pinterest.
77. Elf igloo

Elf has built an igloo. It's an easy and fun idea that won't take any time at all.
78. Elf pancakes

Elf has been baking again! We're sure all kids will enjoy waking up to find that their favourite Elf has made their favourite breakfast.
Credit: I Heart Naptime.
79. Merry crisp-mas

A snack wall and an Elf - what more could a child want?!
Credit: Tisha Pinckney on Pinterest.
80. Elfie selfie

If it's getting close to Elf-departure day, why not take one last 'selfie' with the Elf and your little one as they're sleeping.
Credit: We Have Kids on Pinterest.
81. Sant-o-meter

This is one of the best Elf on the Shelf ideas for making sure your children are behaving in the run up to Christmas. You could even bring it out a couple of times over the month, just to chart their behaviour and remind them that Father Christmas is watching.
Credit: Sweet Nikki Babes on Pinterest.
82. Pee'd my Elf

This funny Elf on the Shelf idea has the bonus of getting your kids reading, and we think they'll like what they see!
Credit: Bored Panda on Pinterest.
83. Do you wanna build a snowman?

A little easy craft for a morning, if you can stop them eating the marshmallows before building the snowman!
Credit: Discover on Pinterest.
84. Landing strip

This arrival Elf on the Shelf idea can be timed with getting your Christmas lights out of storage (and untangled!)
Credit: Giggles Galore on Pinterest.
85. I'm an Elf - Get me out of here!

If your family are fans of I'm a Celebrity... they'll love this sweetie snake pit trial.
Credit: We Have Kids on Pinterest.
86. Elf twister

This would be even better with two elves who can get themselves all tangled up playing a game of Twister.
Credit: Savannah on Pinterest.
87. Elf crisp and coin making

If only it was really this easy to make crisps!
Credit: Hania Emilia Kubas on Pinterest.
88. Find the hidden treasure

Elf has hidden a treat or two under the cups - how long will it take your child to find it? You could even turn it into a memory game and get them to turn over a cup at a time, taking it in turns.
Credit: Elf on the Shelf on Pinterest.
89. Santa sauce portrait

Who knew the Elves were such artists?
Credit: Discover on Pinterest.
90. Orange juice

If Elf is feeling a little thirsty, perhaps he's raiding the fruit bowl for some juice?
Credit: Maria Salvatico on Pinterest.
91. See you next year

If it's time for Elf to head back to the North Pole, why not mark their departure in talc or icing sugar and send them on their way, until next year...
Credit: The Nerds Wife on Pinterest.
What is Elf on a Shelf?
Elf on the Shelf is supposed to keep an eye on your family and make sure everyone is behaving in the run up to Christmas, reporting their findings back to Father Christmas. They then return every night, and cause a little chaos or mischief for your kids to find in the morning.
When does Elf on the Shelf start?
Officially, the Elf is supposed to start their job on December 1st, so you need to make sure you have your Elf ready the night before, for your child to discover in the morning. You can buy an Elf in various places, including John Lewis, Elf on the Shelf and The Range. They then make an appearance every morning until the 24th when they head back to the North Pole to help deliver presents. It can be quite a commitment but with these 91 ideas, you'll never be stuck for options.
Samantha Ball is a Product & Lifestyle Writer for Mother&Baby and freelanced for the website for two years before joining the team full time. She's a mum of two and loves browsing for the best products and cute outfits.