Pampers Sensitive Wipes

from Pampers
RRP  £21.99
Pampers Sensitive Wipes

by motherandbaby |
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A real benefit to these wipes is the clip to close the pack rather than just a peel-back plastic tab that is so common. Parents really can trust Pampers.

The wipes are strong and do a good job, and are at the top end of the market – although you might want to wait until they are on offer to buy.

They are soft and gentle on your baby’s skin, suitable for regular use, although the price point is higher than the competitors’.

Tested by mum Emma Ward for the M&B Awards 2017:

Would you recommend Pampers Sensitive Wipes to other mums?

I would recommend Pampers Sensitive Wipes to a friend/fellow mum because these wipes are very soft, although I didn't find that they were particularly better for my baby’s skin compared to other brands I have used. The other reason I would recommend them is because I really like the packaging. The proper plastic lid is really useful.

How did this product make your life easier?

This product made my life easier as a mum as they are used instead of cotton wool and water, so they are very convenient. I also found that removing just one wipe at a time from the pack was very easy. Some other brands I have used I find that when you pull one wipe out, about three come out and you need to use two hands to prevent that from happening but this wasn't the case with these.

What changes would you make to this product?

I had to ask my husband this question as I couldn't think of anything. He said that if you perhaps made a smaller travel pack version as well for popping in the pushchair or in a bag as the pack is quite large to carry around. All around I think that the product is really good, and there is little that you could improve on.

Tested by mum Gemma Bashford for the M&B Awards 2017:

Would you recommend Pampers Sensitive Wipes to other mums?

Pampers Sensitive Wipes are the best baby wipes I have used yet; I will recommend them to other mums especially after completing the PH test. The wipes are thick with a soft texture on my baby's bum, the wipes have not ripped when removing from packing like other brands. I love the packing it comes in with a resealable plastic lid. Most importantly these wipes have been kind on my baby’s skin without any skin reactions while using these.

How did this product make your life easier?

Pampers Sensitive Wipes easily remove poo from my baby's bottom. I major thing I love is that the wipes do not get stuck together like one continuous wipe, making it so much easier to remove wipes with one hand while trying to change my baby's bottom. This makes it quicker and I use fewer wipes, saving myself money on using to many wipes in one nappy change.

Would you choose this product to win?

The low PH levels are kind on baby's skin, also the package is high quality and as well as the product itself.

What changes would you make to this product?

The one thing I would change about Pampers Sensitive Wipes is the price, compared to some other brands of wipe are more expensive. Although the price of these wipes can vary quite a lot in different stores. But after seeing the results from the PH test provided I will be changing to Pampers Sensitive Wipes.

Tested by mum Eva Simon for the M&B Awards 2017:

Would you recommend Pampers Sensitive Wipes to other mums?

I would definitely recommend Pampers Sensitive Wipes to any of my friend or family. The package has a closable top which helps to keep the wipes moist at all times. With wipes in general it often happens that you only want to pull out one and three comes out, but with this one, only one comes out at a time. The material is very thick, it does not tear. I love the little animals on the pack, my little one always points at them and tells me what they are.

How did this product make your life easier?

It is very easy to open and close the plastic top of the wipes. I love that only one comes out at a time so i do not need to tuck the unwanted extra wipes back to the pack. It cleans perfectly, i find it very easy to clean my baby's bottom. I do not need to worry about my daughter's skin because it is parfum free.

Would you choose this product to win?

I think this product should definitely win! It is just so easy to use, easy to open and close the lid on the top of the pack, only one wipe comes out at a time. It is great for sensitive skin because it does not have parfum in it but it has a gentle nice smell. I also love the design of the pack with all the animals.

What changes would you make to this product?

In my opinion this is a great product, very useful and of great quality. It is hard to find a thing that I would change about this product. If I had to say anything maybe i would say that looking at the ingredients there are a lot of things that I am not sure what they are. Maybe if they could explain and ensure us that there is nothing harmful about this product that would be great!

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Pampers Sensitive Wipes

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